

Opte ich eigentlich ganz out aus der #ePA, oder nur der datengestützten Erkennung individueller Gesundheitsrisiken? Anders gefragt: Ist an der Idee eigentlich etwas dran und sie nur schice umgesetzt, schüttete ich also mit dem kompletten Opt-out eventuell das Kind mit dem Bade aus?



Asking the hive mind (not for a friend but in this case specifically for me): What's the least bad music streaming service one can possibly choose? Spotify and Amazon are out, for ... reasons. Which seems to leave Tidal, Deezer, YouTube Music there to choose from. So far, also discussing with some musician contacts in my environment, there's a tendency towards Tidal but I'm still unsure. Recommendations / thoughts on that?
(General idea is that I will still buy music on bandcamp for things I want to keep around, but I repeatedly find myself mostly searching for "old" music I'd like to listen right now, and running infrastructure by myself to keep my CD / tape archive stored in a digital way and available around is something I neither want nor need, at the moment...)


#followerpower Where does one want to keep albums of photos online these days if self-hosting is not desirable or not an option? I've been with Flickr and am generally convenient with buying for such a service, but Flickr's too expensive by providing additional benefits I don't really need. Any alternative recommendations for that? (Pixelfed or most of the Fediverse tools don't so far seem an option here because of being more focussed on single pictures rather than collections / galleries, but maybe I am missing something here...) #followerpower


#nextcloud crowd: Anyone out there has any idea how to use Notes on Android all along with versioning? I then and now end up by accident wiping notes on my mobile device, and even though my Nextcloud _does_ seem to keep previous versions of notes internally, I haven't yet found a meaningful way to make that work with the Android app or Quillpad. Is that even possible at all?
#followerpower #nextcloud


Hi Schwarmintelligenz, ich bräuchte mal euer geballtes Fachwissen.

Folgendes ist gegeben:
- Domain ist bei Anbieter A
- VPS ist bei selben Anbieter A gemietet und die Domain zeigt auf diesen VPS

Folgendes "Problem" soll gelöst werden: Auf dem VPS soll kein Mailserver installiert werden, trotzdem sollen aber für bzw. über die Domain Mails verschickt werden. Zum Bleistift für Registrierungsmails im Forum, Mails bei vorliegenden Antworten u.s.w.

Mein erster Gedanke war, für die Mails und der Domain mailbox.org verwenden. Allerdings funktioniert so ja nur der Empfang, allerdings kein Versand, da ja kein nutzbarer SMTP für die Domain verfügbar ist.
Zweiter Gedanke ist, bei demselben Anbieter ein kleines Webhosting Paket, das Mails beinhaltet, mieten und darüber dann die Mails verschicken.

Habt ihr andere/bessere Ideen oder Gedanken? Immer raus damit. 😉

#schwarminteligenz #followerpower #fragdasfediverse #fragdiefediverse #mail #vps #domain #webhosting @askFedi_de group


Needed: An external, fast, reasonably rugged SSD for carrying around 1..2TBs worth of data - like images, music, random code. Linux on all machines this one should be connected to. Any recommendations on what to get (or stay away from)? Boosts welcome.
(And yes, I also am considering using some sort of cloud storage for this but I don't really trust these for various purposes - feel free though to convince me otherwise. Both Google/S3/Azure and self-hosting aren't options I'd like to really consider here.)


#followerpower ... and sort of a try to start a hopefully not-too-meta discussion: What are the hive minds thoughts on making the #Fediverse more attractive to particular groups of interest? Point right now: With the rise(?) of Bluesky and the demise of Twitter, I see quite a bunch of bubbles I used to participate in make their way over there, either directly from X or by having a "temporary deviation" across mostly Mastodon. Few of them stayed. Already by now, with this being a closed invite-only platform, there are some feeds (art, photography, writings, lyrics, architecture) over there that are more populated with posts and thoughts dealing with said topics than I manage to find on Friendica or Mastodon, and now I'm a bit unsure. Somehow, there was hope the #Fediverse could be the "more human" network for actual humans, but it seems that for (quite?) some folks, it doesn't scratch the actual itches they have, or it doesn't work out in this way or the other. So, wondering: Does it need more "awareness" for what particular crowds need to feel home here? Do "we" need to be more open in understanding why and what for people are using "social media" or "social networks"? Or will it be just okay to accept people having accounts on a plethora of different systems for different purposes? (Personally, I really enjoyed the idea of having a lot of my former Twitter/X crowd around here, and seeing them vanish from my timelines again, being in need to interact with another network again feels like a step back but not sure - maybe that's only me?)
Thoughts appreciated. #followerpower


Frage an die deutschstämmige Schwarmintelligenz im Foto-Bereich: Kennt wer eine gute Werkstatt, die auch ältere Gerätschaften (konkret hier eine Canon PowerShot G11, die durch den Hersteller nicht mehr gepflegt wird) reparieren können? Mutmaßlich ist entweder Sensor, Blende oder Objektiv dahin, aber eigentlich mag ich die nicht final entsorgen, dafür gefällt mir das Teil zu gut. Danke für Ideen oder Boosts. 😁


Erst Pseudo-Diebstahl, dann Einbruch

Venenum schreibt auf Mastodon:

Bei Bekannten wurden vor dem Haus die Fahrräder geklaut,am nächsten Tag standen sie wieder da mit einer Entschuldigung und ein paar Eintrittskarten für ein Konzert. Sie waren bei dem Konzert, als sie nach dem Konzert nach Hause kamen, war das Haus leer geräumt. Krasser Trick
Raum Berlin
Scheint ne neue Masche zu sein.
Bitte Teilen
#betrueger #einbrecher #kriminalitat #einbruch #trickbetrug #followerpower