

Hey everyone, I’m not really #newhere. On this pod, I've set my profile tags to say I’m interested in #freeenergy, #freepress, #freeroaming, #freesofftware, and #freespeech.

I've a notion that eventually I'll arrange my various pod accounts to be like my #portance idea, where one will be lowest traffic highest importance, through to most trivial verbose churning, and all gradations between. (Seems like I'll get around to that, sooner than creating a prototype of my portance idea for others to try somewhere/anywhere)

(Not sure I will keep using diaspora-fr, if it keeps refusing to show me my avatar... Is it just me and my blockers blocking some site it hosts images on, or can you see it? Do I look grey on white background, or do I look like a tux with a gnu head and a yellow vest sat on my usual drop from infinity avatar?)