

Hey everyone, I’m not really #newhere. On this pod, I've set my profile tags to say I’m interested in #freeenergy, #freepress, #freeroaming, #freesofftware, and #freespeech.

I've a notion that eventually I'll arrange my various pod accounts to be like my #portance idea, where one will be lowest traffic highest importance, through to most trivial verbose churning, and all gradations between. (Seems like I'll get around to that, sooner than creating a prototype of my portance idea for others to try somewhere/anywhere)

(Not sure I will keep using diaspora-fr, if it keeps refusing to show me my avatar... Is it just me and my blockers blocking some site it hosts images on, or can you see it? Do I look grey on white background, or do I look like a tux with a gnu head and a yellow vest sat on my usual drop from infinity avatar?)


I have a dream, where one day we'll be able to mark how important a post is, and others can mark it down or up, personally, or for everybody, like a personal filter, and a social responsibility (dont cry wolf / dont say it's more important than it is), without each stepping on the others toes (both as individuals and as systems of denoting importance).

then we could conveniently manage our personal posts accounts and our public service announcements/debates and adverts etc all from one account.

but I lack the programming aptitude to readily put together a working example.

(was going to post this here: https://dnext.societas.online/posts/6f419870c33a013bca9e723c915ba918 but I keep getting error 422 for some reason.)

my " #portance " idea.
#dont #crywolf #dontcrywolf
#programming #comms