

Hey everyone, I’m not really #newhere. On this pod, I've set my profile tags to say I’m interested in #freeenergy, #freepress, #freeroaming, #freesofftware, and #freespeech.

I've a notion that eventually I'll arrange my various pod accounts to be like my #portance idea, where one will be lowest traffic highest importance, through to most trivial verbose churning, and all gradations between. (Seems like I'll get around to that, sooner than creating a prototype of my portance idea for others to try somewhere/anywhere)

(Not sure I will keep using diaspora-fr, if it keeps refusing to show me my avatar... Is it just me and my blockers blocking some site it hosts images on, or can you see it? Do I look grey on white background, or do I look like a tux with a gnu head and a yellow vest sat on my usual drop from infinity avatar?)


reposting public from old limited post:

#mikecruppert #collapse


wait… no one yet posted this or any mikecruppert on diaspora public? rectified. ;D

peeps dont know mike c ruppert? wtf? kids these days… lol. next they’ll be saying the collapsing of the twin towers on #911 was done by iraqi islamic terrorists, and building seven just fell because ahem oh, look at that {insert distraction/kardashian/brexit/trump/}, business as usual.

n what hope would there be. “we can leave a little bit, but you cant destroy business”, be very afraid tour continues, n all the while we have the means to escape all this. hemp’s denied us, for the profits and monopolistic power of the big oil cabal, and other capitulate industries. free energy, likewise. n oh so much suppressed and sat on. but yeah… even just the basics… mike c ruppert’s usually pretty good, afaict… not too much shill-alarm tin-foil-itch. ;) i’ll try not to pass comment on cops n humility. lol.

you’ll probably want to fall down a #nikolatesla rabbit hole after this doom-fest video of mike c ruppert’s “Collapse” though. maybe eventually you’ll end up like me, pissed off having discovered some of what’s been denied us for 80 years, and how we could have had clean energy inter-stelar spaceships each, easier than we have cars today, since the 1950s… ooh that burns every day. that the problems are intentionally held in place, all unnecessary, enslaving all, murdering all, terrorising all, needlessly. cant get there from here.


so much #abundantenergy #radiantenergy #oscilationenergy #environmentalenergy #solarenergy #quantumjitterenergy #casimireffect #freeenergy #emancipationtechnology #angerandresentmentdobuildup #witness #copvcia #fromthewilderness

n even those at the top of this domination hierarchy and/or those snared in the interlocking network, can be better off, once we lift the suppression of the emancipation technologies.