

Diese kleinen #Pilze wachsen auf einem Stöckchen, was am Boden unter der Hecke ver­mo­dert. Es sind #Tiegelteuerlinge, deren 1cm große tiegelförmige Fruchtkörper (zB. ähnlich der Form eines Hochofen-Schmelztiegel) seltsame weiße Eier enthalten, die sichtbar werden, wenn die Deckelhaut einbricht (Bild 2). Die kleinen "Eier" wirken auf Vögel wie Samenkörner & werden von ihnen gefressen. In Wahrheit sind es Sporenpakete der #Pilze, die über den Vogelkot ausgeschieden & verbreitet werden. Kein Wunder, dass die #Teuerlinge weltweit auftreten 🍄 #fungi


yellow stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus), so called bc it stains yellow with contact/bruising/cutting/beating with a hickory rod and calling it names as you chase it around the village (not recommended - spores). They are exceptionally good at looking similar to more well-mannered mushrooms, which they are not! sneaky.
the pink gills turn brown with age
nibbled on by creatures not human
grows in association with anything. it has no moral standards.
spore print: dark brownish purple which may sound attractive but it isnt; the colour of the dried-mud remnant of Nature's watercolour set from Toyland
smells like phenol. (again, not attractive. yet people eat them, every year)
kills people.
they hate us. dont eat them.
#mushrooms #toxic-edibles #agaricus-gone-bad #cuntuvathing #mycology #fungus #funghi #fungi #photo #happysnaps #myphoto #mywork


Cap: light to dark orange, some have a small conical top, Ribs are present and the cap is hygrophanous, From about 5mm - 20mm in diameter.
Gills: brownish orange.
Stem: Fragile, light to dark orange, and slightly enlarged at base. (about 2-5mm wide.
Spore print color: White to off-white.
Bruising: Doesnt seem to change colour with bruising or contact.
Environment: Seems to like a grassy home, growing in association with Eucys
Location: SouthWest Victoria

#autumn #mushies #smol #funghi #fungi #laccaria


Research Grants: call for applications
Both the inaugural Fungimap Research Grants and the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grants are now open for applications.
The Fungimap Research Grant is open to citizen scientists and those building the capacity of fungi citizen science in Australia, while the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grant is open to people associated with an Australasian research organisation.

#mycology #research #mushie-money #money #citizen-science #fungi #funghi #oz