Hackaday (unofficial) July 26, 2023 6:00am Beautifully Rebuilding a VR Headset To Add AR Features #virtualreality #3dprinted #3dscanning #ar #augmentedreality #custom #handtracking #quest #stereolabs #ultraleap #vr #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Beautifully Rebuilding A VR Headset To Add AR Features [PyottDesign] recently wrapped up a personal project to create himself a custom AR/VR headset that could function as an AR (augmented reality) platform, and make it easier to develop new applicatio…
Hackaday (unofficial) December 23, 2021 5:00pm OpenCV Knows Where Your Hand Is #videohacks #handtracking #opencv #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 OpenCV Knows Where Your Hand Is We have to say, [Murtaza]’s example game in his latest video isn’t very exciting. However, the OpenCV technique he uses to track a hand and determine its distance from a single camera i…
Hackaday (unofficial) August 15, 2021 12:00am 3D Printed Smart Glasses Put Linux in Your Face #thehackadayprize #wearablehacks #2021hackadayprize #augmentedreality #handtracking #headmounteddisplay #pizerow #wearable #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 3D Printed Smart Glasses Put Linux In Your Face Unimpressed by DIY wearables powered by dinky microcontrollers, [Teemu Laurila] has been working on a 3D printed head-mounted computer that puts a full-fledged Linux desktop in your field of view. …