Huomenna paikalle? ✊ Vaikka ei olis kuumia bändejä.
Senaatintorilla kokoontuminen klo 17:30.
Me emme vaikene!
Rasisminvastaiseen suurmielenosoitukseen sunnuntaina, olethan tulossa?
Senaatintori -> Töölö, kello 13 - 19
Rasistit ja fasistit ulos hallituksesta
Never been on top of Pirunkallio rock before. Always wanted to when passing by. When returning from Haltiala I took a different smaller path this time which ended on the base of the rock, which meant either going up or going back. Of course I went up, mostly carrying the bike up and down. Nice view!
Any #MtG players in #Helsinki / #Espoo / #Vantaa here? Trying to get some games going, we have a WhatsApp group to coordinate setting up some games. Ping me if you want to join the group! Group is mainly English speaking people with little to a lot of experience in the game.
Poor photo of my current decks. Can you guess their themes?
Brent Toderian
This is REALLY important.
“In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”
Let that sink in. It costs less than accepting homelessness.
#Finland #Helsinki #homeless #cities #homes
Speaking of #cycling, I had my first near miss with a #car today 😨
I came down a hill on a road where bikes don't have a dedicated cycling lane, ending up into a roundabout. Seeing the roundabout clear for me to enter I did so. I noticed a car coming up towards the next entry of the roundabout at some speed, but it was clear I would be the first to enter.
Unfortunately the car driver clearly either didn't think that was my right to do so or didn't care or was focused on something else than driving. Just as I was passing the point where they enter the roundabout I realized they were not slowing down, with very little possibilities. The car owner slammed on their breaks quite heavily, thus narrowly avoiding hitting me.
My reaction was to pull over to the side of the roundabout. The car happily just drove away without seemingly a second thought. I proceeded to thank them for not running me over with the international finger (yes, mature, I know, but just getting almost run over I wasn't thinking straight). I do hope the driver realized what had almost happened and it makes them pay more attention to the operation of their metal machine of death in the future.
I've cycled a lot, pretty much all of it in the city. Though in #Helsinki we generally have lots of cycling lanes, you still need to mix with the killing machines at times. I count myself lucky this is my first situation where I think it could have been bad.
Around lake Bodom. All Children of Bodom fans should visit Bodom at least once, it's a rule.
Actual route around lake Bodom was pretty boring tbh. Lots of farms, cars and hills, with the lake pretty much hidden all the time behind private properties.
67km, my new daily record, yay!
Bought a second hand SJ6 Legend actioncam and mounted it on my mountain bike. Unfortunately with 4K video and stabilization enabled the battery failed under 1/3 of my ride. I guess a lower resolution or a new battery. No sound as the mic picked up a crazy amount of distortion from the bike. Hopefully that can be tuned somehow.
Helsinki sure is full of construction works currently, feels like half the city is being re-built.
Ps. Yeah, I need to get myself a #PeerTube account. Any good instances people would recommend that are open for signups or any good instances that are not but would have me? I wouldn't post a lot. I looked at a few public lists already and couldn't choose one.
Kun nyt palveluja päästiin kehumaan, niin kehutaan Velobiaa. Oon monessä hyvässä pyöräliikkeessä käynyt pyörää huollattamassa pkseudulla, mutta toistaiseksi Velobia on kyllä vetänyt pisteet kotiin ammattitaidolla ja pyörälle osoittamallaan huomiolla. Erinomainen lopputulos, ei ole pyörä ollut näin mukava ajaa pitkään aikaan.
Sain kyllä vähän noottiakin. Suolaus oli vetänyt keskiön ruvelle, joka meni vaihtoon. Sitä olisi voinut ehkäistä pesemällä pyörää joskus. Mutta kun oon ollut vähän laiska ja tykkään kuitenkin vetää sohjoisilla talvikaduilla. Nootti siis ihan aiheesta, jospa sitä oppisi :)
Velobia kävi hetken kiinni konkurssin vuoksi, mutta avautui juuri uudestaan vanhojen työntekijöiden hoivissa. Suosittelen tukemaan paikallisia pyöräliikkeitä ennenkuin käy kuten ruokakaupoille, tarjolla on vain isoja bulkkiliikkeitä kuten XXL yms..
Infected Rain - Orphan Soul
While this song has a positive theme to it, a promise of a better life, not being tied to the past, the video still brings tears to my eyes.
Awesome live band, was happy to see them in #Helsinki last year, and already got tickets for their re-visit in June 🤘
Pour un camarade actuellement en #Finlande, nous cherchons des contacts et lieux #anarchistes dans la région d'#Helsinki, commentaire ou DM.
For a comrade currently in #Finland, we are looking for #anarchist contacts and places in the #Helsinki area, comment or DM.
Visum: Russen raus aus Europa? | DW | 10.08.2022
Erhalten russische Staatsbürger demnächst keine Schengen-Visa mehr? Während das in der EU immer lauter gefordert wird, nutzen Tausende russische Touristen Finnland als Transitland in den Westen. Aus Riga Juri Rescheto.#Tourismus #Visa #Russen #Russland #Finnland #Helsinki #StPetersburg #Lappeenranta
Visum: Russen raus aus Europa? | DW | 10.08.2022
Russen raus aus Europa? | DW | 10.08.2022
Kriegen russische Staatsbürger demnächst keine Schengen-Visa mehr? Während das in der EU immer lauter gefordert wird, nutzen tausende russische Touristen Finnland als Transitland in den Westen. Aus Riga Juri Rescheto.#Tourismus #Visa #Russen #Russland #Finnland #Helsinki #StPetersburg #Lappeenranta
Russen raus aus Europa? | DW | 10.08.2022
Neljännen koronarokotteen ajanvaraus alkoi yli 18-vuotiaille riskiryhmäläisille | Paikalliset | Helsingin Uutiset
Hot tip riskiryhmäläisille, nyt ois turvaa tarjolla Helsingissäkin väistämättömään syksyn koronakeissien räjähtämiseen.
Did my longest bike ride yesterday by quite a bit - 66,6km (yes, I went around the block one last time to get that number). Was a super awesome day, perfect sunshine and practically almost no wind <3
Some more photos at https://www.strava.com/activities/7373499264 for those interested some pretty summer scenery of Helsinki.
Stupid Strava crashed, so manual input, apparently it's not a good idea to upload a ton of photos while saving the activity -> need to do save first, then add photos in the future.
Also, having a good backpack makes so much difference. I recently invested in an Osprey Radial to replace my falling-apart cheapy Targus, both designed for laptops. With laptop and other random gear, my back used to start hurting a bit within 15km. With the Osprey, no such issues, it supports itself perfectly.