

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udp6CKIHBtI "companies", "we all have to agree", fuck off fascist. vile cryptofascist fauxbenevolence. "companies", no, technologies, that the user has control over. someone show that lady, and her audience, richard stallman's ted talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag1AKIl_2GM

n_n was my reflexive reaction.

#theroadtohellispavedwithgoodintentions #easytobeanangelinheaven #flyintheointment #elephantintheroom #freesoftware #hottake #fuckofffascist
either the software controls the user or the user controls the software. and if the software controls the user, who controls the software, ... "the companies".
... in the inevitable consolitating effect [(of capitalism, [(in which (worth pointing out) the capita of that is people, and it's treating people as resources, just like slavery, but more steps, more dynamic for the slavers and less duty and burden for the slavers, putting more burden on the slaves)])], that's monopoly, plutarchy, corporatism, fascism. #OBEY #TheCorporation. no. fuck off, fascist.
can free, can emancipate, can liberate, can escape the ilegitimate hierarchies void of merit and full of harm, to instead naturally flourish in creative free abundance.
#keepthefaif #stayfree #getfree #emancipate #emancipationtechnologies

and remember, dont trade #freedom for #security, or you get #neither, when you could have #both. especially dont trade them for #convenience, getting #deskilling and deepening #dependence on abuser who can control you under duress of threats of taking away essential support. (... speaking from experience, a very real warning.).


^ Delta-8 and -9-THCO Classified as Schedule I Drugs | Kiplinger
"The products are technically unregulated, have been blamed for one death, and have triggered over 104 adverse event reports to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

#hottake :3 so the events from prohibition, cause them to act, to do more prohibition, rather than repeal the restrictions that caused the chemical workarounds (echoes of methanol a bit?).... contrast to how many deaths and adverse reactions from the jabs... are people seeing the abusive hypocrisy and inconsistency in their abusive bullshit yet?

#prohibition #hypocrisy #iregulation #deaths #fda
#cannabis #thcd8o #thcd9o #hemp #health
#jabs #investing



#klima #gesellschaft #auftandlastgen #fff #xr #hottake


Link-dump of Afghanistan-related Web-links

#fz_thinkingOutLoud #fz_currentEvents / #August2021 #Taliban #Afghanistan #WesternExport #WesternDemocracy #Geopolitics #hotTake #opinion