

#vaccinescam #jabs #inside
Growth formation of the material from the Comirnaty Pfizer injectable after subjecting it to certain conditions (using a reptile incubator). After 336 hours of exposure to 37 degrees Celsius (simulating human body temperature) and constant stimulation of UV LIGHT.

″ÍNCUBUS” PROJECT - Seventh evaluation (336 hours of exposure) | La Quinta Columna


"if a government is shown to be criminal, then it is absolutely essential that the people of that country find a way to expose that criminality"

have just seen this title suggesting NZ data whistleblower had his house raided. https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/New-Zealand-Whistleblower-Raided-By-Police!:0
coulda swore i already posted his reveal video to diaspora somewhere...
and looking for it, saw also this one with the interviewer https://odysee.com/@ZeeZ:1/MOARSiegeByCops:9
here's a link that looks like it: https://odysee.com/@AbeScott:b/M.O.A.R-(Mother-Of-All-Revelations):29

#MOAR #NZ #excessdeaths #jabs #covid19 #murder #tyranny #health #socialresponsibility #data #abescott #whistleblowers #whistleblowersrights #humanrights #betterlatethannever #truthtelling #wakeup #wecanstillmendthis


#stayhealthy #resilience #stopviruses #regrow #recover
if immune system like muscle needs stressed, then why not expose?
think immune system is a muscle and you need exposure to bacteria, to viruses,
you need exposure, because you can never run away from them.
#donthide #getoutofthebubble #immunesystem #workout

#health #iwillbewell #mendwards
#sugar #antibiotics #purel #hidefromthesun #masks #jabs #thecurrentthing #obey


^ Delta-8 and -9-THCO Classified as Schedule I Drugs | Kiplinger
"The products are technically unregulated, have been blamed for one death, and have triggered over 104 adverse event reports to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

#hottake :3 so the events from prohibition, cause them to act, to do more prohibition, rather than repeal the restrictions that caused the chemical workarounds (echoes of methanol a bit?).... contrast to how many deaths and adverse reactions from the jabs... are people seeing the abusive hypocrisy and inconsistency in their abusive bullshit yet?

#prohibition #hypocrisy #iregulation #deaths #fda
#cannabis #thcd8o #thcd9o #hemp #health
#jabs #investing