

June 15: It's the end of the Internet Explorer era | ZDNet

Microsoft is ending support for IE 11 on June 15, as planned. Here's which versions will no longer get security updates and what Microsoft says will happen next.

Of course, no one in the Fediverse would use IE. But it's a happy ending to an era that lasted far too long.

#technology #tech #Windows #Microsoft #internet #browsers #IE #InternetExplorer



#Microsoft reminds us that #Internet #Explorer is being killed off on June 15

source: https://www.techspot.com/news/93860-microsoft-reminds-us-internet-explorer-killed-off-june.html

Microsoft is once again warning the few organizations and people who still use Internet Explorer that the #browser is going away permanently in a few months. However, the ancient #software will live on as an #IE Mode in #Edge — for a while, at least.

The Internet ;) Time to party ...

enter image description here

#news #future #update #gone


Parts de marché des #navigateurs #web (avril 2021)

#Chrome #Google 65,1 %
#Safari #Apple 16,3 %
#Firefox #Mozilla 3,8 %
#Edge + #IE 5,4 %
#Opera 1,8 %
#Samsung internet 2,7 %
Autres 4,9 %

#FF etc, c'est peanut face à Google.

je ne le crois pas, d'ailleurs, qu'il y ait si peu de monde sur FF par exemple...
Et plus de 80 % rien qu'à 2 #GAFAM ...

#navigateur #navigation #connexion #réseau #Internet #privée #anonyme #adresseIP #IP #serveurs #Numérique