

Running Covert Propaganda Against Americans Is Illegal. Trump Tried It Anyway. - The whistleblower stopped a covert psychological operation against the American public dead in its tracks

written in 2019, but with more revelations coming to light (e.g. Giuliani's shakedown phone call, etc.), still relevant

Asha Rangappa
Oct 7, 2019
5 min read

Each new revelation in the money-for-dirt scandal involving the White House and Ukraine appears to add another nail in the impeachment coffin. So far, however, the list of impeachable offenses has focused on whether President Donald Trump’s actions amounted to an illegal solicitation of foreign election interference, or more simply, a broader abuse of his power to secure a personal benefit.

While both of these are important (and impeachable), it’s critical that we not overlook the bigger purpose behind the president’s actions: The White House was attempting to employ an illegal, covert propaganda operation against the American public.

#politics #AshaRangappa #propaganda #Ukraine #trump #impeachment #whistleblower #Zelenski #BlackOps


Senate Acquits Trump In Impeachment Trial — Again

The U.S. Senate on Saturday acquitted former President Donald Trump on an impeachment charge of inciting an insurrection.

The acquittal comes more than a month after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol as lawmakers were counting the electoral results that certified Trump's loss. Five people died in the riot, including a police officer. Two other officers later killed themselves.

A majority of senators voted to convict Trump — 57 to 43, including seven Republicans. But two-thirds, or 67 votes, was needed to convict. It was the second time Trump was acquitted in an impeachment trial.

The seven GOP senators who voted to convict Trump on Saturday were: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Trump is the first president in U.S. history to be impeached by the House twice, and the first to be tried for impeachment after leaving office.

The verdict closes the book on this Trump presidency, though the Senate, by not convicting and barring him from holding public office in the future, left open the possibility that Trump, a 74-year-old Republican, could run again for president.

Seven GOP senators were patriots and voted to convict. Another ten were required. Moscow Mitch McConnell voted to acquit. He and the other 42 GOP senators voting to acquit are traitors to the United States and its Constitution.


#impeachment #uspol #politics #djt #TwiceImpeached #GOPTreason #Jan6Coup #Insurrection #RichardBurr #BillCassidy #SusanCollins #LisaMurkowski #MittRomney #BenSasse #PatToomey #treason


Senator Patrick Leahy, the longest-serving Democrat, will preside over Trump’s impeachment trial

Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Senate president pro tempore, is expected to preside over former President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment trial when it formally begins on Tuesday, assuming a role filled last year by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., aides and other officials said on Monday.

The Constitution states that the chief justice of the United States presides over any impeachment trial of the president or vice president. But it does not explicitly give guidance on who should oversee the proceeding for others, including former presidents, and it appeared that Chief Justice Roberts was uninterested in reprising a time consuming role that would insert him and the Supreme Court directly into the fractious political fight over Mr. Trump.

Mr. Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, recently reclaimed the mantle of president pro tempore — the position reserved for the longest-serving member of the majority party — when Democrats took control of the Senate. Mr. Leahy, 80, has been in office since 1974.

I've been sufficiently news-lite that though I'd caught news of Senator Leahy (D-VT) being hospitalised, and a brief mention that he was "presiding" over the impeachment, I'd missed the fact SCOTUS CJ Roberts has refused to preside as mandated by the Constitution.

That itself is unprecedented.

And could well throw a wrench into the works, though there is no appeal for impeachment either: "The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments", so if the SCOTUS CJ refuses to serve the role mandated by his office, the SCOTUS itself cannot hear appeal on procedural, or any other, grounds.

Justice Roberts has declined comment, and I'm unaware of any statement, though the Times links a 2020 article at the conclusion of the first impeachment of the recently unelected President.

Given the current state of the seditious GOP, I anticipate shenanigans regardless.

And given today's symbolic vote with 45 of 50 GOP Senators opposing the impeachment, the needed 17 loyeal constitutionalists appear to be lacking.

#impeachment #politics #PatrickLeahy #JohnRoberts #USConstitution #TwiceImpeached #DJT #unprecedented



The House voted Wednesday to impeach President Trump an unprecedented second time, on a charge of “inciting violence” against the U.S. government. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) left open the possibility of voting to convict at a trial, which would occur after Trump leaves office next week.

During debate on the House floor, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Trump “bears responsibility” for last week’s violent takeover of the Capitol but argued against impeachment so close to the end of his term. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called Trump “a clear and present danger” and said “he must go.” ...


NPR: A majority of the House have voted to impeach Donald John Trump for the second time

Ten Republicans have joined with all Democrats who've yet voted. Voting continues, but the outcome is certain.

#uspol #impeachment #TwiceImpeached #djt #Jan6Coup #politics #NPR


McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking. The House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country.

At the same time, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the minority leader and one of Mr. Trump’s most steadfast allies in Congress, has asked other Republicans whether he should call on Mr. Trump to resign in the aftermath of the riot at the Capitol last week, according to three Republican officials briefed on the conversations. ...


#impeachment #Jan6Coup #MitchMcConnell #djt #TwiceImpeached


Following the January 6 Coup incited by the President, my most immediate concern is that the US is effectively leaderless

This at a time leadership is desperately needed.

Cabinet and other Administration officials are resigning or acting independently. Numerous agencies are operating under acting heads and other senior positions, many installed since the election, including DoJ and DoD.

The Vice President ordered deployment of the National Guard, and the Military complied, despite the office being entirely outside military command. The order and response, though the right ones, were entirely outside legal authority.

Military allegiances appear in at least part divided, though generally alligned with Nation and Constitution, rather than the Person of the President.

Law enforcement allegiances are much more dubious, and general uncertainty widespread.

Numerous members of the Legislature, though not leadership, remain seditiously alligned with the Person, rather than Office, of the President.

Integrity of the Secret Service is openly questioned.

Trust and integrity of the Executive branch are in question.

The current President of the United States is the country's greatest national security risk, a fact openly acknowledged.

Should further external or internal threats emerge the nation is in immediate peril. Capability to assess and act in the Nation's are disrupted.

A 25th amendment removal, even if followed by a post-term impeachment, would address that lack. Failure to remove a clear and present danger, or obstruction of same, are themselves abdication of responsibility aiding the insurrection, itself impeachable.

#Jan6Coup #sedition #fascism #trumpism #trumpists #25thAmendment #impeachment #NationalSecurity #MikePence


Pence opposes removing Trump under 25th Amendment: reports

Vice President Pence opposed calls to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office following Wednesday’s a mob of Trump supporters' attacks on the Capitol, according to multiple reports.

Business Insider first reported that Pence would not back the move, citing advisers to the vice president.

Following the violent riots at the Capitol building Wednesday, a number of Republican and Democratic lawmakers urged Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. The 1967 amendment to the Constitution ensures that the government remains in operation should a sitting president be deemed unfit to perform presidential duties.


The Democrats should file articles against all present and past members of the Trump administration, as well as Congressional seditionists.

#MikePence #25thAmendment #Impeachment #Jan6Coup #sedition #treason #politics


"A Republic, if you can keep it."

Listening to Nancy Pelosi's announcement opening impeachment proceedings against the incumbant president, her use of Franklin's phrase resonates strongly. I'd used the same as the title of my pre-election 2016 essay at the #Dreddit:

Forty-Five: A Republic if You Can Keep It

Written in a haze, that's aged well.

The US is very much under a test of its principles, values, institutions, and Constitution.

#impeachment #trump #politics



So, just for the sake of argument ...

Say you have significant debts indexed to the Prime rate, or represent or are influenced by those who do.

Your attempts to directly extract a Fed rate increase freeze have failed.

So you tank the entire US economy to force the Fed's hand.

Was the Government Shutdown self-interested manipulation by the White House / T-Org?

#FederalReserve #GovermentShutdown #SeriousCrimesAndMisdemenors #Impeachment