

How much did you like yesterday's Comer Fudd's clownshow?

Oh, you didn't see it? Or didn't see it enough?

Here's Jeff Tiedric's hilarious take on it. Enjoy.

Comer Fudd’s latest hearing was such a shit-show that even Newsmax cut away from it


#TrumpisaLoser #MAGA #GOP #GQP #Republicans #Congress #Impeachment #Trump #LevParnas #RudyGiuliani #JamesComer #JaredMoskowitz


Homeland Security Blasts GOP’s ‘Evidence Free’ Impeachment Articles Against DHS Chief

"Republicans don’t want to fix the [immigration] problem; they want to campaign on it," the department said in a statement

House Republicans released articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday, prompting the federal government to respond in a scathing memo calling the impeachment effort “unconstitutional [and] evidence free.” In addition to accusing Mayorkas of not following immigration laws, the GOP’s articles claim Mayorkas “terminated contracts” to build Donald Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republican House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green said in a statement on Sunday, “These articles lay out a clear, compelling, and irrefutable case for Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ impeachment.”

“Republicans don’t want to fix the problem; they want to campaign on it,” DHS wrote in a memo responding to the articles. “That’s why they have undermined efforts to achieve bipartisan solutions and ignored the facts, legal scholars and experts, and even the Constitution itself in their quest to baselessly impeach Secretary Mayorkas.”

The statement continued, saying that the “farce of an impeachment is a distraction from other vital national security priorities and the work Congress should be doing to actually fix our broken immigration laws.”

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#republican #politics #gaslighting #DHS #impeachment #farce #UScongress #RollingStone #magazine


História: como ação silenciosa do STF e da PGR derrotou golpe tentado no 7 de setembro de 2021

Fux, então presidente do Supremo, ameaçou acionar snipers posicionados na Esplanada. PMs foram colocados em prontidão para saírem das ruas e abandonarem Bolsonaro

11 de janeiro de 2024, 18:06 h

Por #LuísCostaPinto, para o 247 em Brasília - O #7deSetembro de #2021 foi o primeiro #golpe de Estado que a sociedade brasileira venceu desde a instalação do #regime #antidemocrático de “jogo duro constitucional”, em 2016, com a consumação do #impeachment sem crime de responsabilidade contra Dilma Rousseff. No início da madrugada daquele dia, pouco depois da meia noite, o então presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Luiz #Fux, telefonou para o general da reserva Walter #BragaNetto num tom ameaçadoramente resignado e frio. Convocadas por aplicativos de celulares, hordas de bolsonaristas ensandecidos começavam a chegar à Esplanada dos Ministérios e ao Eixo Estrutural de Brasília. O movimento se iniciou no início da tarde do dia 6. Tisnados pelo ódio, pareciam falanges eletrizadas e hipnotizadas por discursos desconexos e desarrazoados de Jair #Bolsonaro contra o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Congresso Nacional, sobretudo contra os presidentes da Câmara dos Deputados, Rodrigo Maia, e do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre. Braga Netto havia assumido o Ministério da Defesa em 29 de março daquele ano, quando o também general Fernando Azevedo e Silva deixou o posto junto com os comandantes das três forças militares. Embora tivessem integrado os núcleos quarteto discordava do rumo dado por Bolsonaro à escalada conflituosa entre as instituições republicanas e aquilo que acreditava liderar: o poder militar.

– Ministro, eu não vou pedir GLO. Já disse isso ao general Matsuda – disse Fux a Walter Braga Netto, militar que se vendia como cavalo do cão para fora do círculo íntimo de Bolsonaro, mas, era na verdade uma espécie de borra-botas do capitão que o chefiava. O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal fazia referência à Garantia da Lei e da Ordem, que seria executada pelas Forças Armadas caso o presidente do STF pedisse o acionamento do dispositivo constitucional ao presidente da República. Era tudo o que Bolsonaro queria, assim como os bolsanaristas golpistas invocavam a mesma GLO em 8 de janeiro de 2023. O general Yuri Matsuda era o Comandante Militar do Planalto naquele momento. Luiz Fux foi além ao explicar o porquê de não pedir GLO ao então ministro da Defesa: – Há #atiradores de #elite que eu ordenei que fossem estrategicamente colocados na laje do prédio do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Vou mandar que abram fogo contra quem quiser invadir o #STF e se eles romperem o terceiro bloqueio na Esplanada dos Ministérios. Já romperam dois. Se romperem o terceiro, darei ordem de atirar. Estou dentro do Supremo, e daqui não sairei. Braga Netto desligou o telefone com Fux e consultou o então procurador-geral da República, Augusto Aras, para saber se o presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal podia fazer o que ameaçava fazer naquele 7 de setembro de 2021. “Pode, claro. E ele está certo”, respondeu Aras. Jair Bolsonaro foi então avisado pelo seu aparelho militar que haveria uma dura repressão às hordas de apoiadores seus que compareciam a Brasília convocados por ele e por meio de suas redes e de seus perfis golpistas em aplicativos de mensagens. Fux fez seu recado chegar, com idêntica gravidade, ao governador do Distrito Federal, Ibaneis Rocha. “O que ele quer que eu faça?”, chegou a perguntar Ibaneis a um interlocutor comum dele e de Fux. E ouviu uma resposta em revés: “que ponha a Polícia Militar para controlar o povo na Esplanada e mantenha a terceira e última barreira de acesso ao Congresso e ao STF”, mandou dizer o presidente do Supremo à época.

Antevendo a possibilidade de conflitos e depredações contra o Congresso Nacional e o Supremo Tribunal Federal, depois de ter sido sutilmente informado por oficiais de alta patente das três forças militares, Augusto Aras agia silenciosamente desde maio de 2021 para retirar as polícias militares de todos os estados – sobretudo a do Distrito Federal – do público que Jair Bolsonaro desejava ter naquele 7 de setembro. O procurador-geral do Ministério Público Militar, Marcelo Weitzel, foi despachado para rodar o País e esteve reunido nas 27 unidades da federação com todos os comandantes das PMs. Ele pediu que, entre 6 e 8 de setembro de 2021, todos os soldados da ativa, de todas as forças estaduais e do DF, estivessem aquartelados e em regime formal de prontidão. Mantidos assim, em prontidão, os policiais militares não poderiam estar presentes aos eventos que Bolsonaro convocava e teriam de seguir as ordens de seus comandantes diretos. Caso contrariassem aquelas ordens, enfrentariam a Justiça Militar.

Os procuradores-gerais de Justiça de todos os estados e do Distrito Federal foram convocados a Brasília, no início de agosto de 2021, para uma reunião na sede do Supremo Tribunal Federal com os ministros Dias Toffoli e Alexandre de Moraes. Organizada a pedido de Aras e do então vice-procurador-geral da República, Humberto Jacques de Medeiros, a “plenária de PGJs” como o evento passou a ser conhecido, serviu para a cúpula da Procuradoria Geral da República e a dupla de ministros do STF, Toffoli e Moraes, advertissem os procuradores estaduais de que desordens e badernas associadas a eventos de cunho golpistas nos estados fariam com que a culpa recaísse sobre os governadores e sobre os comandantes de cada uma das Polícias Militares.

Os procuradores estaduais entenderam e repassaram o recado. Contudo, até o dia 25 de agosto daquele ano, 2021, os governadores do Mato Grosso, do Rio de Janeiro e de Santa Catarina, todos apoiadores de Bolsonaro, recusavam-se a determinar o Estado de Prontidão para suas forças. O vice-governador de Mato Grosso, Otaviano Pivetta, interino em exercício naquele momento, manteve duros e intensos diálogos com Aras e com Humberto Jacques de Medeiros. Ele indicava que iria desobedecer às determinações da PGR e do STF sobre ação das forças policiais estaduais no 7 de setembro de 2021. “Pedirei a prisão de todos os que desobedecerem. Inclusive a dos comandantes da desordem”, disse Aras na derradeira conversa, em que Pivetta terminou cedendo. Uma semana antes do 7 de setembro, o governador catarinense anunciou à PGR que aquartelaria seus PMs e o governador do Rio, Cláudio Castro, trocou o comando da Polícia Militar fluminense. O coronel Luiz Henrique Marinho Pires foi colocado no lugar do coronel Rogério Figueiredo, pois este último se recusava a determinar a prontidão de seus soldados. Ao contrário disso, Figueiredo estimulava e convocava sua força para que comparecessem a um desfile de 7 de setembro em Copacabana – como determinavam os planos golpistas do bolsonarismo em 2021.

Hoje, à luz do que o País viveu no 8 de janeiro de 2023, todos os envolvidos no desmonte silencioso do golpe tentado e derrotado silenciosamente em 7 de setembro de 2021 creem que punições mais duras aos formuladores das intentonas contra o Estado Democrático de Direito. Porém, todos eles também comungam da certeza de que atrair uma GLO e surgir como “gestor” de uma crise militar era a estratégia única de ação de Jair Bolsonaro – e ela falhou, todas as vezes, porque o ex-presidente revelou-se incapaz de conquistar a confiança dos seus próprios comandantes militares e os comandantes militares, por sua vez, foram frouxos o suficiente para jamais terem coragem de afrontar a Constituição sem um verniz formal de uma invocação presidencial. Ou seja, estivemos caminhando por um fio desencapado e dançando sobre possíveis curtos-circuitos por 18 meses até derrotar as falanges golpistas do bolsonarismo em 8 de janeiro do ano passado.


US-Präsident Biden: Dünne Beweislage für Impeachment

US-Präsident Biden - Repräsentantenhaus prüft Amtsenthebungsverfahren

Die US-Republikaner wollen gegen Präsident Biden ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren einleiten. Der Vorwurf: Korruption. Doch die Beweislage ist dünn.#USAJoeBiden #Impeachment
US-Präsident Biden: Dünne Beweislage für Impeachment


Alarm Grows Over Wisconsin GOP's Supreme Court Impeachment Threats

Wisconsin Democrats are urging the U.S. public to pay close attention to the Republican Party's maneuvering in the key battleground state, where GOP lawmakers are floating impeachment proceedings against a recently elected liberal Supreme Court justice if she doesn't recuse herself from cases related to the state's gerrymandered legislative maps.

"We've been sounding the alarm bells on the dangerous threats from Republicans to impeach justices who don't follow their orders. And yesterday, they doubled down," Wisconsin Senate Democrats wrote in a social media post on Wednesday after state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-63) left open the possibility of an impeachment push against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Vos suggested that Protasiewicz has "pre-judged" a potential case challenging the legality of Wisconsin's legislative maps. If Protasiewicz doesn't recuse, Vos said that would be "a pretty clear violation" and indicated impeachment proceedings would be on the table.

Wisconsin Republicans have the simple Assembly majority needed to impeach and the two-thirds Senate majority needed to convict. State Republicans are also currently attempting to remove Wisconsin's nonpartisan head of elections.

"This is crazy," Wisconsin Senate Democrats wrote Wednesday. "The entire country should know what's happening here in Wisconsin. Spread this far and wide."

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#Wisconsin #supremeCourt #impeachment #Republican #gerrymandering #politics #CommonDreams


Demonizing Pedro Castillo, the man who wanted to end the neo-liberal death grip on Peru and the disastrous policies punishing the poor to please the corporations and the wealthy.

The level of garbage posted by Americans (mostly from so called Liberals) calling the actions of the (now) former president of #Peru, Pedro Castillo as a coup attempt when in reality what he was trying to do was to call for a national assembly to rewrite the constitution and promote social and economical reforms to help the impoverished citizens who fell victim of the conservative and neo-liberal policies of the previous leaders.

The comparison of #Castillo with the Extreme right wing group in Germany and Trump is truly sickening and is a sad example of ignorance of those who just click and share memes and nonsense they see on social media without even understanding what the story was about.

The parliament's sham #impeachment, followed by the rapid deployment of military and the police to capture and imprison him is just another example of the #CIA backed operation in south America that we have seen so many times before, the last one just a few years ago in #Bolivia (with the funding and help of #ElonMusk) and attempted coup against #Venezuela.

The coup will follow the exact footprints of previous scenario, there will be quick changes in taxes and funding and government contracts, followed by privatization, foreign contracts and other lucrative deals to right wing members of the #parliament, their families and friends.

Of course the whole thing will have the blessing and backing of the united state that will use this as the example of the triumph of #democracy with the cheering noise from the gullible people in the #US and #Europe.

#MilitaryCoup #ShockDoctrine #SouthAmerica #Politics


Vladimir Putin puts Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert

The Guardian

Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert, as his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, announced that a delegation from Kyiv would meet Russian officials without preconditions on his country’s border with Belarus.

On the fourth day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Kyiv remained in Ukrainian control, while officials claimed they had repelled an attack on Kharkiv, the country’s second largest city, where street fighting was taking place.

Thousands of Ukrainian civilians, mainly women and children, were fleeing from the Russian assault into neighbouring countries.

Putin’s order came at a meeting between the president, the defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, and the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia, Valery Gerasimov.

“Senior officials of the leading Nato countries also allow aggressive statements against our country, therefore I order the minister of defence and the chief of the general staff [of the Russian armed forces] to transfer the deterrence forces of the Russian army to a special mode of combat duty,” Putin said in televised comments.

“Western countries aren’t only taking unfriendly actions against our country in the economic sphere, but top officials from leading Nato members made aggressive statements regarding our country.

It is not immediately clear what the “special mode of combat duty” entails. Pavel Podvig, a Geneva-based analyst and head of the Russian Nuclear Forces project, said it was hard to tell what the order meant but that it may be a “preliminary command”. It made a retaliatory strike possible, he said. “But does not mean preparation for a first strike.”

It does not appear to be the highest level of readiness, including bombers being loaded with weapons and taking off. “It is an action that makes the command and control able to react if necessary,” said Podvig. “But it’s a pretty high level.” ...

Other perspectives are numerous.

NY Times: "U.S. deflects Putin’s nuclear alert as another effort at escalation."

The White House avoided a heated response to President Vladimir V. Putin’s announcement that he was putting Russia’s nuclear forces on alert, casting it as another example of Mr. Putin’s moves to imagine a threat and escalate the confrontation with the West.


This announcement comes amidst a tremendous amount of news much of which I'm only catching up on:

  • The US Department of Defence asserts that Russian forces have gained control of no Ukranian cities, though they have begun using seige techniques which greatly increase risks to civillians.
  • Ukraine and Russia will hold talks via delegates at the Ukraine-Belerus border.
  • Protests against the war throughout Russia.
  • Confirmation that Anonymous hacks of Russian broadcasters telling truth of war in Ukraine have occurred.
  • Closure of EU airspace to Russian air traffic, including the private jets of Russian oligarchs.
  • The European Union specifically supporting Ukraine with arms shipments, with statements by EU President Ursula von der Leyen.
  • Turkey delcaring Russia's action in Ukraine a "war". NY Times: "Turkey will implement a 1936 international treaty that would potentially ban both Ukrainian and Russian warships from passing through the straits connecting the Black Sea to the south, Turkey's top diplomat said on Sunday."
  • Relationship of the Ukraine war to the first impeachment of former US president Donald John Trump "for withholding military aide to Ukraine to try to force Ukraine’s president to dig up dirt on his Democratic rival, Joseph R. Biden Jr" (NY Times).
  • BP to ‘exit’ its 20 percent stake in the Russian oil company Rosneft. (NY Times).
  • Japaan joins SWIFT exclusion of selected Russian banks.
  • Britain’s top diplomat says she would support people going to fight for Ukraine. (NY Times)
  • Germany's chancellor Olaf Scholz pledging to greatly increase Germany's military spending: "Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a significant increase in military spending, reversing the country’s longstanding policy that has favored deterrence over conflict. Mr. Scholz announced a one-time increase of 100 billion euros ($113 billion) for defense spending and a pledge to spend more than 2 percent of Germany’s economic output annually on defense. He also proposed enshrining that threshold in the country’s Constitution, ensuring that future governments follow it." (NY Times)


#Ukraine #Russia #VladimirPutin #NuclearAlert #War Germany #EU, #OlafScholz #Trump #Impeachment #UrsulaVonDerLeyen