

Mon magasin #bio du coin (10 mn de marche) risque de fermer faute de clients depuis l' #inflation.
C'est dommage, c'est un type qui fait vraiment ça pour le bien commun et m'offre souvent ses produits périmés, me sachant pauvre.
L'ancien patron était un filou exploitant le filon new-age pour se payer un 4x4 mais celui-là est honnête.

#Rouen #rouenbio #magasinbio #petitedistribution #locavore #petitcommerce #commercelocal


#Agriculture #confédérationPaysanne #GrandeDistribution #Hypermarché #inflation ... à suivre ;)

Des syndicalistes paysans lancent une opération “courses gratuites”

Pendant que les petits #agriculteurs sont dans la #misère, la grande distribution réalise des profits énormes. Surtout grâce à l’inflation : ce sont les grands groupes qui ont réalisé un maximum de marges pendant que ceux qui produisent la nourriture s’endettaient encore plus ! Par exemple le groupe #Auchan, possédé par une des familles les plus riches de France, incarnation des profiteurs de la crise.

Ce vendredi matin, la #Confédération-Paysanne, rejointe par des syndicalistes de la #CGT et de #Solidaires, a donc lancé une opération anti-inflation à Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, près de Poitiers !

Réunis sur le parking du McDonald’s, les manifestants ont déjoué les prévisions des gendarmes et sont entrés dans le magasin Auchan pour offrir des courses gratuites aux clients.

Les syndicalistes ont déclaré au patron de l’enseigne «Nous voulons vivre dignement de notre travail» et ont pris le micro pour annoncer que c’est «comme une opération péage gratuit sur l’autoroute !» mais dans le supermarché.

Revendiquant une «alimentation de qualité à des prix raisonnables», ils ont dit aux clients : «terminez vos courses tranquillement et à la caisse, nous allons vous laisser passer». Une belle opération, généreuse, utile, populaire et qui frappe directement les responsables de la souffrance paysanne !

Mais ou est la CNT ???


Analysis Shows How #Corporate #Profits Drive #Inflation—Even as Business Costs Go Down
Jan 18, 2024

..."Groundwork found that corporate profits—not labor and other business costs—drove 53% of price increases in the second and third quarters of 2023. In the four decades preceding the pandemic, profits drove just 11% of price growth.

Business costs have risen by about 1% since early 2023—and in some sectors, input costs have gone down due to drops in prices for transportation, warehousing, and fuel. Yet prices for consumers have gone up by 3.4% in the same time period.
Families are paying an average of 30% more for diapers than they were in 2019—and from 2021-23, high prices were partially linked to the soaring cost of wholesale wood pulp, a component of diapers.

Wood pulp prices went up by 87% over those two years, but over the past year, prices have dropped by 25%.

Still, reported Groundwork, "using their pricing power, P&G and Kimberly-Clark have kept diaper prices high for American families, allowing their profit margins to expand considerably."

In earnings calls with shareholders, executives at the two companies said their skyrocketing profits—an $800 million windfall in P&G's case—were attributed to declining input costs and high prices.

Mike Hsu, CEO of Kimberly-Clark, told investors the company has "a lot of opportunity to [expand margins over time] between what we're doing on the revenue side and also on the cost side."

Other companies have also been clear in recent months about their plans to keep prices high to pad their profits, with PepsiCo chief financial officer Hugh Johnson telling shareholders the company may "increase margins during the course of the year" as its costs decrease, after the company raised consumer prices by about 15%."...


(1) Ryan Petersen on X: "95% of container ships that would’ve transited the Red Sea are now going around the Southern Tip of Africa as of this morning. The ships diverting from their ordinary course are marked orange on the @flexport map below. https://t.co/7FC2p3i4ix" / X

#geopolitics #trade #inflation

Freight price is going to explode...




..."If #conservatives put all of our #political eggs in the coming months, blaming most of our country’s problems on Joe #Biden, including #inflation, out-of-control spending, an invasion of illegal aliens through our southern border, war on police leading to more crime and murder in big cities, war on fossil fuel, war on Catholics, war on Evangelicals, etc., etc.— we’ll be at a loss on August 19th when the #Democrat National Convention opens in Chicago and President Biden goes to the camera and microphones and announces he is not running again.

However, he’s going to endorse his dear friend #MichelleObama to be the Democrat #nominee for #President of the United States. The convention hall will go wild applauding, screaming, and yelling for Michelle, and all of our attacks against President Biden will be worth little in the next 77 days."...

This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing List Corporation™—“ConservativeListsRUs.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 85 team members


Kein ruhiger Jahreswechsel 2023/24: Praxen schließen aus Protest ihre Tore, und die Hybrid-DRG-Verordnung bringt lange Gesichter. Im »ÄrzteTag«-Podcast nimmt SpiFa- und Virchowbund-Chef Dr. Dirk Heinrich zu beiden Themen Stellung. 🎙️#Ärzteprotest #PraxisinNot #SpiFa #Virchowbund #Ambulantisierung #Lauterbach #HybridDRG #Neupatientenregelung #Honorare #Inflation #ÄrzteTag #Medizin
ÄrzteTag: Protestaktionen zwischen den Jahre