

Okay, so I figured how to make insporation switch to English. I just needed to add English as an additional language in my Android language settings. Other languages take priority in the apps that support them, so this change in essence affects just insporation. Nice workaround.


@jhass@diaspora.social really, thank you so much for working on insporation!

It's really insporing me! I mean inspiring!

So cool to have the mobile app and being able to check the updates on my phone. I could have just made an icon to the web app of course, and check it in the mobile browser ages ago, but I don't know... It's just not fun that way, right?

Even despite it's all in Arabic and right to left, but I'm getting used to it. Could take some courses probably to start reading the script. Or if I figure the way to compile the app maybe I could look for a fix for that. Whichever happens first.



Another thing I'm wondering about #insporation.

If we wanted #insporation to update the stream in online mode, without refresh, how could we do that? Currently we probably would just poll the API endpoint for the stream, which is not great in terms of performance and convenience. But we depend on API so anything we build has to be based on the API. In the web app we could introduce something like WebSockets but what about the API?

How could we make the diaspora backend notify insporation about new events, e.g. new posts in the stream so that it was visible without explicit reload? How could we make something like that a part of the API?


One thing I'd like to see in a social media application is a "finite" stream.

Both #diaspora and #insporation as far as I can see show the "indefinite" stream that you can scroll to the past.

In this respect I like it much more how it is done in Telegram: I open a channel and it shows me the stream at the point in the past where I stopped last time and I scroll down to the present. It's reversed comparing to Diaspora. This way I'm just getting caught up and Telegram shows me the number of new messages in a channel so I know if there are any updates.

Does anyone else gets bothered by the direction of the stream?


Wer nutzt denn hier noch die App Insporation+ ?

Ich frage mich gerade, ob ich der einzige bin, bei dem über die Galerie mit der App geteilte Bilder viel zu klein gepostet werden - ungefähr Briefmarkengröße. Wenn ich allerdings die Insporation-App selbst öffne und da ein Bild an einen Post anhänge, ist es normal groß. Immer noch kleiner als Original, aber das ist wohl beabsichtigt.



Official Diaspora App needs your help

Did you know, #diaspora has a official, native App develop that can already be tested? Its scheduled for the naxt Major Release of diaspora but it runs with every Pod that runs a 7.99 developer Version. (Check in the Pods Statistics )

I have heard from the (apple) App Release process that there are issues with the App, so it was rejected.
To my fellow diaspora citizens - do you mind load the App on every device available and check if
- it starts
- do its job?

Here are the links to download the betas:

Client for iOS - You will need to install the Apple Testflight client first.

F-Droid on Android

Btw: #Insporation was developed by @jhass@diaspora.social with some help on the iOS side from me.


insporation* iOS Beta App for Diaspora is here

Today I am proud to announce that the #insporation* project started by @Jonne Haß now has a beta #iOS app.

insporation* is a #Flutter based #diaspora client. Based von upcoming diaspora 0.8 API.
Get the beta on your iPhone or iPad. iOS v12.4 or higher up to the newest 14 is supported.

Remember: insporation* needs latest v0.8 of Diaspora. This is still unreleased but ready to test. - If you pod already has the ‚eight‘, ask you podmin to update to latest commit. If your pod still runs on a lower version, maybe your podmin likes to test the next major.

We love to hear from you. Test the app, give feedback, about performance, design and usability. Use the Beta-Feedback provided inside the TestFlight-App, give us GitHub-Issues or simply a direkt mail.

Get the iOS client by the official apple testflight app. Just open this link and follow the simple instructions
TestFlight Link


Git sources to contribute or for issues is here:
insporationon github