Jack Dorsey proving that all the Silicon Valley techbro billionaires are exactly the same and that our society's tax and regulatory laws should be setup such that billionaires cannot exist. The supposed mistakes are having any kind of moderation and/or safety capabilities in a social network and limiting how entrenched Nazis can get into your platform. Puhleez with the "moar freeze peach" bullshit. He can play Boddhisatva all day but he's just another faux libertarian asshole with a god complex. #JackDorsey #BillionairesShouldNotExist https://www.engadget.com/jack-dorsey-claims-bluesky-is-repeating-all-the-mistakes-he-made-at-twitter-234326121.html
Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter