

#SayedNoah – former chief inspector of #Antiquities of #Luxor
The #Pyramids and The #Sun.

The creation of the sun in three hills of Albyadyah

Sayed will talk about some #ancient #Egyptian inscriptions which indicate the creation of the sun between the sacred hills of Albayadyah, north east of Luxor and the peak of Qurna mountain ,north west of Luxor.

The sun disk shows many different movements with different direction. Which the Egyptians show in most of their statues, drawings and art. Some Egyptologists consider these to be errors or carelessness of the artists., but Sayed will explain, they are codes explaining a #great #secret in #plain #site

BASES2023 - Egypt Special - Sayed Noah - Pyramids and the Sun


Announcing a new #Egyptian #speaker from the #Bases #project.

Sayed is a former #inspector of #Antiquities in #Egypt, former head of Archaeological Documentation Department in #Luxor.

He has seen clear secrets, misnamed as "errors" in Egyptian art and sculpture. A clear message that explains how the #solar #disc turned. But the earth had!

Sayed is due to speak at a future BASES2023, and plans to present his works in public speaking engagements

Bases News Sayed Mahmoud Noah #history


Radar Scans in King Tut’s Tomb Suggest Hidden Chambers

LUXOR, Egypt — After two days of radar scans in the tomb of Tutankhamun, archaeologists have concluded that preliminary examination of the data provides evidence that unopened sections lie behind two hidden doorways in the pharaoh’s underground burial chamber.
The results, announced Saturday morning at a news conference in Luxor, bolster the theory of Nicholas Reeves, a British archaeologist who believes that the tomb contains another royal burial. The hidden tomb, he has speculated, belongs to Nefertiti, King Tut’s mother-in-law, who may have ruled as a female pharaoh during Egypt’s 18th Dynasty. If so, this would be only the second intact royal burial site to be discovered in modern times—and it would, in the words of Mamdouh Eldamaty, the Egyptian antiquities minister, represent “one of the most important finds of the century.” At the press conference, he said he was “90 percent positive” that another chamber lies behind the north wall of the tomb.

Full article

#en #article #Egypt #Luxor #archaeology #archeology #history #Tutankhamun #Nefertiti #tomb #discovery #nationalgeographic