

The Mandelbulb Fractal https://www.maths.town/fractal-articles/mandelbulb/mandelbulb-all-powers/

Many people have dreamed of extending the Mandelbrot Set into three dimensions, but a problem arises because the complex numbers don’t naturally extend into 3D. The Mandelbulb fractal is an attempt to solve this dilemma. It is a 3D fractal created by extending some of the Mandelbrot’s geometric properties into the third dimension. The Mandelbulb isn't considered the true 3D Mandelbrot, but it is still a fascinating fractal.

#mandelbrot #fractals #math


A Trip to #Infinity II - #Mandelbrot #Fractal #Zoom (Depth 3e2159) - YouTube

I've been fascinated by the #MandelbrotSet since I first saw an article about it in around #1985 and went to an exhibition about it at the #University of #Leeds. The particular #animation is particularly mesmerizing with the colour scheme chosen and lasts for three hours! I bet you can guess what happens at the end...

Note the #magnification factor at the end.


#Mathematics #Fractals #Maths