

How Loyal ARE Your Chinese Customers- Really?

We originally posted this some time back as a result of a poll taken to test NZ consumers willingness to change brands given environmental concerns. That was back in Feb 2020 before the Covid virus had really became aggressive outside China.

Since that time, brands and retailers around the globe noted that as Covid strengthened and shoppers began stocking up brand loyalty very quickly evaporated. Although the China situation during Covid was different in that stores were not rushed for goods, no severe lockdowns or panic buying, both Bicyu and other agencies have noted in the past that Chinese consumers will easily swap brands.

Chinese consumers liked to be wooed and made to feel special- part of the brand. [We have written this many times before~] Building a deeper relationship and engaging more intimately with your Chinese consumer is vital.
Even so, this from JING DAILY makes sombre reading.

https://wordpress.com/posts/aim2dchinabusinessnews.wordpress.com #marketing #marketingtochinese #china



China Local Brands Gain Favour**

Chine4se femal shoppers

An older but interesting story form Nikkei Asia caught our eye this morning. In a way it is a rehash of a story we saw on Caixin months ago re the sales pattern during the 2021 6/18 shopping promotion. To recap, JD.com, the originators of the festival reported that “over 70% (of sales) were Chinese.” Alibaba also reported similar figures. Some observers are interpreting this that foreign brands, esp luxury, have lost their lustre and allure among Chin’s younger gen consumers.

However, there may, we feel, be other factors at play. To begin with, during the lead up to the festival, JD in particular put considerable effort in to mass promotion. Everywhere we looked it was JD and 6/18. Local brand seemed, to us, to be in the forefront of mass advertising.

Secondly, lets not forget that the globe is only just, ever so slowly coming out of a massive close down. Production and logistic issues have hampered brands ability, not just to produce but also distribute. The law of supply and demand means that shortages drive up prices. This ends up as an advantage to local manufactures who can not only “deliver the goods” but at a competitive price.

One fact overlooked is the steady improvement in quality of MIC goods. Particular in some sectors such as smart phones, fashion and cosmetics. Several years ago, Apple for example, were quick to blame “National Pride” for the rise of Huawei at the expense of their I-phone. They refused to accept the obvious: Huawei made a superior phone for around the same price. Very little to do with national pride when not only Chinese were flocking to the brand. Of course, eventually ways were found to counter that.

However, it could also be down to a state of uncertainly in the market. Consumers are still coming to terms with “the new normal” and perhaps cutting their dress to fit the cloth. Recent figures tend to point to a slow down in China’s economy and a GDP slightly below expectations for the second quarter. China’s 7.9% Second-Quarter GDP Growth Falls Short of Expectations. Again, this is not, we feel, unexpected, given the incentives and financial assistance poured in to the economy over the past year and a bit.

Whatever the reasons, there is little doubt that in many areas today, China made products are up to and in some cases exceeding the quality standards of imported. China made goods are certainly enjoying the high wire ride right now. But lets wait a few more months to see how the figures shape up after some form of normality settles on the world.

#chinamarketing #marketingtochinese #chinagenzconsumers


China Double Eleven 11/11 Shopping Frenzy

Chinese live sellers on double eleven

Hello, again from Shunyi. China is entering the crazy season – a busy time for marketers and delivery gals and guys alike. Hopefully a boom time for brands and sellers internationally.

Today we are going to build on that post, just a little bit around the #11/11 (Double Eleven) #shopping festival / bonanza / craziness – call it what you will. We all know the “Story” (every great marketing success must have a “story” these days it seems) how it developed as a small celebration of singleness on November 11th to the mammoth global, or near enough to, circus it is today.

Please read more

#marketingtochinese #marketing #alibaba #livestreaming #lipstick


Selling Tea to China

selling English tea to Chinese

At first blush, that statement might be considered in the same league as selling ice cream to Eskimo’s, coals to Newcastle or, perhaps as this is a French hosted platform, Cheese to the French.~

Yet as weird and unlikely as that may sound, one British firm is doing exactly that. And doing it rather successfully.
This article takes a look at how a British tea maker is using the Alibaba platform to find marketing success in China.
Do you or does someone you know have a success story ln China? We’d love to be able to share it.

#marketingtoChinese #sellingteatochina #Alibaba #Britishtea

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