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China Double Eleven 11/11 Shopping Frenzy

Chinese live sellers on double eleven

Hello, again from Shunyi. China is entering the crazy season – a busy time for marketers and delivery gals and guys alike. Hopefully a boom time for brands and sellers internationally.

Today we are going to build on that post, just a little bit around the #11/11 (Double Eleven) #shopping festival / bonanza / craziness – call it what you will. We all know the “Story” (every great marketing success must have a “story” these days it seems) how it developed as a small celebration of singleness on November 11th to the mammoth global, or near enough to, circus it is today.

Please read more

#marketingtochinese #marketing #alibaba #livestreaming #lipstick


Auslaufmodell Supermarkt? | Doku HD | ARTE

In der #ARTE #Mediathek: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/095178-000-A/auslaufmodell-supermarkt/
verfügbar bis 17./18.12.21
Hypermarchés, la chute de l'empire
Supermarkets: The End of an Empire?
Hipermercados, la caída del imperio

Jahrzehntelang beherrschten große #Supermarktketten den globalen #Lebensmittelmarkt. Doch allmählich scheint ihr #Geschäftsmodell überholt: Ein harter #Preiskrieg zwischen den Einzelhändlern und die Ankunft digitaler #Großkonzerne wie #Amazon und #Alibaba stürzen #Supermarktketten in eine immer tiefere #Krise. Der #Dokumentarfilm zeigt auch, wie das #Einkaufen von morgen aussehen könnte.

#Doku #TV #Zukunft #Supermarkt #Monopol #Kapitalismus #Kritik #Supermarktkonzerne #YouTube #Video


Selling Tea to China

selling English tea to Chinese

At first blush, that statement might be considered in the same league as selling ice cream to Eskimo’s, coals to Newcastle or, perhaps as this is a French hosted platform, Cheese to the French.~

Yet as weird and unlikely as that may sound, one British firm is doing exactly that. And doing it rather successfully.
This article takes a look at how a British tea maker is using the Alibaba platform to find marketing success in China.
Do you or does someone you know have a success story ln China? We’d love to be able to share it.

#marketingtoChinese #sellingteatochina #Alibaba #Britishtea

Please learn more here:


Welcome Alibaba : le documentaire “choc” à présent disponible

A l’initiative du collectif Tout Va Bien, ce documentaire dénonce la présence d’Alibaba, la super multinationale chinoise, sur le site de l’aéroport de Liège. En janvier 2022, elle concrétisera définitivement son installation à Liège Airport. #Alibaba : sauveur ou fossoyeur de la #Wallonie ?

Non sans malice,le doc détricote un des projets les plus polémiques de ces dernières années. Le film questionne aussi les conséquences de l’industrie de la logistique et les grands choix politiques pour l’économie wallonne et son avenir.

Visible sur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdCGFxakoKs

#ToutVaBien #Liège #Wallonie #Alibaba #Chine #Commerce #Economie #Belgique