

#ditje_art #hannover #monet #paula_modersohn_becker

Die VR Ausstellung Monets Garten war der eigentliche Grund warum wir unsere Kunst-Tour in Hannover gemacht haben. Wir haben weit mehr erwartet. Es war nicht schlecht aber zu wenig für den hohen Eintrittspreis.

Deshalb war auch noch Zeit für das Landesmuseum mit einer Sonderausstellung zu Paula Modersohn Becker. Was mir neu war: Sie hat das erste Akt-Selbstbildnis gemalt.

Zuletzt noch was für @Girl Of The Sea und @Christoph S #mediaval_painting :)


Claude Monet is often criticised for being overexposed, too easy, too obvious, or worse, a chocolate box artist. His last works, the enormous water lily canvasses are among the most popular art works in the world.

Yet there is nothing tame, traditionalist, or cosy about these last paintings. These are his most radical works of all. They turn the world upside down with their strange, disorientating and immersive vision.

Monet’s water lilies have come to be viewed as simply an aesthetic interpretation of the garden that obsessed him. But they are so much more.

These works were created as a direct response to the most savage and apocalyptic period of modern history. They were in fact conceived as a war memorial to the millions of lives tragically lost in the First World War.


#monet #art