

MySQL vs MariaDB: What Are the Main Differences Between Them (MariaDB is actually forked from MySQL)

MySQL and MariaDB are relational database management systems (RDBMS) best known for their mutual compatibility and their identical command and query syntaxes. In fact, MariaDB is a free and open source fork of MySQL that inherited many of that database’s characteristics.

The MariaDB and MySQL database management systems have a lot in common, which can make it difficult to choose when you need to decide on a database solution for your needs.

An in-depth comparison of MariaDB vs MySQL based on license model, popularity, features, performance, and support.

See MySQL vs MariaDB: What Are the Main Differences Between Them

#technology #databases #opensource #MySQL #MariaDB


An in-depth comparison of MariaDB vs MySQL based on license model, popularity, features, performance, and support.



13 Tips for Tuning and Optimizing MySQL and MariaDB Databases

MySQL and MariaDB are the most widely used relational database management systems (RDMS) when it comes to website hosting and CMS systems such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and Typo 3. In this article, I will explain how to speed up and optimize your MySQL and MariaDB database server.

Probably not much need to worry about this is you just have a single WordPress instance, but if you're running a few different services all using a MySQL database and quite a few users, it may be well worth looking into to tweak performance a bit. Just always make sure you've done backups before making changes.

See 13 Tips for Tuning and Optimizing Mysql and Mariadb Databases – VITUX

#technology #databases #MySQL #MariaDB


MySQL and MariaDB are the most widely used relational database management systems (RDMS) when it comes to website hosting and CMS systems such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and Typo 3. In this article, I will explain how to speed up and optimize your MySQL and MariaDB database server. When it comes to the point of optimization and assurance, it is...



Podmins, which database are you running? Please answer the poll below.

PostgreSQL is faster than MariaDB / MySQL although it uses a bit more memory.
The current diaspora* code base could be improved to reach better performance. Some queries could be optimized, but it's harder to do it with two database engines maintained at the same time. So I'm wondering what would be the impact on the community if diaspora* stops supporting MySQL. Of course, this would come with a detailed migration guide and plenty of time to upgrade, with full support of the community. Remember: this is just a poll to know your opinion, no decision has been taken at the moment.

#diaspora #podmin #podmins #diaspora-dev #mysql #mariadb #postgresql