

Bonjour tout le monde ! Je suis #nouvelleici ( #nouveauici ). Mes centres d’intérêt sont #abeille #aquarelle #art #chouette #EHS #landart #lithothérapie #méditation #mésange #nature #naturephotography #paganisme #phytothérapie #sorcière #spiritualité #watercolor .

J’en ai vraiment marre des Gafam (je peux plus les blairer) donc je suis en quête de solutions alternatives.
J’ai essayé Reddit mais ça parle surtout anglais.
J’ai essayé MeWe mais j’ai pas trop compris.
Donc maintenant je teste #diaspora. Ça à l’air pas mal…



The rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-02-22, #13-02-22, #photo, #Foto, #gimp, #Sundaygimp, #bird, #Vogel, #Oiseau, #Meise, #tit, #Mésange, #piep, #Birdie, #nature, #Kunst, #Art, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #winter, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)



The rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-01-22, #30-01-22, #photo, #Foto, #gimp, #Sundaygimp, #bird, #Vogel, #Oiseau, #Meise, #tit, #Mésange, #piep, #Birdie, #nature, #Kunst, #Art, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #winter, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)