Chantier Castor avec Baptiste Morizot : la rivière RÉPOND FORT !
Régis de Castelnau sur X : "Du Sandrine Rousseau dans le texte. Traduction : « Non mais, on n’a pas voté Macron en 2017 en 2022, et pour ses candidats en 2024 pour abroger la réforme des retraites quand même ! On a notre honneur. C’est important l’honneur. » On va rester poli, et ne pas préciser où on" / X
La Grande #DUPERIE des #législatives expliquée aux #Castors… et aux #électeurs du #RN - #TroubleFait
D’un côté le RN semble soulagé de sa défaite relative, oubliant bien vite qu’il est le premier #parti à l’ #assemblée. De l’autre, le NFP multiplie les #psychodrames sur le choix d’un éventuel 1er #ministre, tout en se plaignant des coups bas des #députés #Ensemble et #LR, que le NFP à contribué à faire élire.
#Lâcheté ? #Auto-sabotage ? Circonstance malheureuse ? Ou #stratégie volontaire pour obtenir des postes sans les responsabilités qui vont avec ?Chapitre :
0:00 Introduction
1:16 La #Castorisation aux #Européennes
8:58 La #menace #Lepen au 2ème tour
14:03 Le #vol de la #démocratie : version RN
17:54 Le vol de la démocratie : version #Castor
34:16 Le #Sketch de la #victoire du #NFP
57:48 #Duper les #électeurs avec des #postures
1:03:46 #Lutter contre le #racisme en étant #raciste
1:16:06 #Conclusion : Vouloir les postes sans les responsabilités
#politique #analyse
Over 50 #Castor-Oil Secrets That Only Your Grandmother Knew | Shocking #castor #oil #benefits
Atommüll-Transporte: Sicherheitslücken bei Castor-Proben
Bis zu 152-mal soll hochradioaktiver Atommüll über NRWs Autobahnen rollen – doch Übungsfahrten offenbaren Sicherheitslücken.#Atomenergie #Castor #Castor-Transport #Ökonomie #Öko
Atommüll-Transporte: Sicherheitslücken bei Castor-Proben
#Punarvasu is a #Nakshatra in Hindu #astrology, which refers to the two brightest stars in the #constellation of #Gemini: #Castor and #Pollux. The stars Castor and Pollux (or in Greek, Polydeukes) were twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri. In Latin the twins are also known as the Gemini (literally “twins”)
The word Punarvasu is derived from Puna+ Vasu, which means return, renewal, restoration or repetition. The goddess of Punarvasu is #Aditi (Mother of all Sun Gods)
As per Mahabharata (Śānti.34.96–98), Budha ( #Mercury God) came to Aditi’s home for food and not getting served when he was hungry, he curses her to take re-birth again and again. She was mother for Vivasvān second time. Yima was son of Vivasvan.
If you observe correctly, Sanskrit #Yama is also interpreted as “the twin,” perhaps reflecting an Indo-Iranian belief in a primordial Yama and Yami pair. We can locate parallels between Avestan Yima and Sanskrit Yama, for instance, Yima was the son of Vivaŋhat, who in turn corresponds to the Vedic Vivasvat, “he who shines out”, a divinity of the Sun.
The Gods, the children of Aditi, are basically and essentially are different from children of Diti, who are demons. This nakshatra is all about getting things back to it.
This is the #birth nakshatra of Lord #Rama as captured in Valmiki Ramayana.
“On completion of the ritual six seasons have passed by and then in the twelfth month, on the ninth day of Chaitra month [April–May,] when the presiding deity of ruling star of the day is Aditi, where the ruling star of day is Punarvasu (Nakshatra), the asterism is in the ascendant, and when five of the nine planets viz., Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus are at their highest position, when Jupiter with Moon is ascendant in Cancer, and when day is advancing, then Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son with all the divine attributes like lotus-red eyes, lengthy arms, roseate lips, voice like drumbeat, and who took birth to delight the Ikshwaku dynasty, who is adored by all the worlds, and who is the greatly blessed epitome of Vishnu, namely Rama.”
— Book I: Bala Kanda, Ramayana by Valmiki, Chapter (Sarga) 18, Verse 8, 9, 10 and 11
« La menace Le Pen c'était une rigolade, on a fait voter tous les socialistes comme des couillons »
Aujourd'hui comme hier, on a toujours les memes couillons. RIP Roland Dumas.
#castor #barragecontrelahaine #nopasaran
Ragoût de Castor-Ma Recette
#cuisine #castor #barrage #retourdelabêteimmonde #heuressombresdenotrehistoire
Vu le score du gamin, on peut raisonnablement estimer que les castors vont en masse sortir pour faire barrage, d'où l'intérêt de se préparer quelques bonnes recettes...
#Purnavasu is the #star of infinitely repeating cyclical patterns. Purna means to repeat and Vasu means to to shine and reveal. And so, this star is the revealer of cycles and patterns.
The teaching of Purnavasu comes by showing and revealing to us, the patterns that we live within and are repeating.
Repeating actions breed repeating results and weave the matrices of reality.
We don’t always see the reoccurring patterns that we repeat and follow, when we ourselves live in the midst of them.
The work with Purnavasu Nakshatra is concerned with getting insight into the roots that underlie the repetitious formations of our soul. Inner creates the outer and vise versa.
When we become aware of the repetitious installations in the cyclic geometry of our soul, then the very nature of our personal reality is brought into question. Revealing of the repetitious cycles is the first step towards liberating ourselves from them.
The cycles that we repeat, begin as a psychic imprint, that in turn become a pattern in our soul. This can further manifest itself into our feelings and then find expression in our behavior, which in turn shapes and forms reality for us.
The origins of our cyclical patterns is a deep inner study. Some of them may be picked up through ancestral codes of conduct that we have inherited through the energetic line of our heritage.
We may also unquestioningly inherit and move within cultural and societal codes and patterns. Consider if you will… if we were transplanted to a culture with a code and pattern different to what we know, we would most probably question it.
Say for example, that we were transplanted to a past era with another pattern and structure altogether. We might, and most probably would – from our present vantage point – call some of the patterns, mysoginist, oppressive, racistic, fascistic and brutally warped.
We would not even need to go back in time to step into places where such patterns are repeating themselves. The modern age offers an ample variety of places with patterns that move within the above aforementioned ‘isms’.
Cyclical Twin Energies
Purnavasu #Nakshatra’s 4 Padas, (steps) span from the constellation of Gemini into the first degrees of Cancer. The stars of Purnavasu are known as #Castor and #Pollux who are the celestial twins of Greek mythology. These two twins are worth mention here, as they present some pertinent themes of Purnavasu.
Castor and Pollux are the children of Leda. The famous story of Leda and the swan is rather well known in many circles, from ballet to feminism to renaissance art.
The Greek mysteries tell us that Castor was the mortal twin and Pollux was the immortal twin. Zeus disguised himself as a swan and mated with Leda, who in turn layed eggs from which the twins were born. The immortal Pollux was born of Zeus and the mortal Castor was conceived through the mortal union of Leda and her human husband.
And so the mortal twin Castor remained on earth, while Pollux lived with the immortals on mount olympus.
Esoterically, Pollux represents the etheric plane while Castor represents the echo upon the earth plane. We will cover this principle of echoes and exchange further and deeper in the section below, where we will consider the symbol of Purnavasu, which is the ever returning arrow.
When Castor died, he was reunited with his twin brother in the stars. A peculiar deal was struck with Zeus, that they could cyclicly exchange places between the earth and the etheric plane.
And so, in an eternal cyclical rhythm, the twins would alternate between the ethers and the earth. Each time one brother would die, they would be together for a period and shine bright together, before the other would move to the earth plane, and the ever repeating cycle of exchange would go on.
The whole theme of Purnavasu is the ever repeating cycle.
The word Purnavasu could be well translated as re-manifesting, and understood through the story of these twins.
In the following sections, we will look further and deeper into rhythm and cycles.
Dancing through Cycles of Karma
Patterns and geometry of soul may be invisible to those who live in the midst of them.
Our ancestry, education, culture, religion, generation and gender, to mention a few things, are all areas that are imbued with patterns and geometric structures, that if not unmasked, become a repeating cycle that crushes liberty and creativity of spirit.
The Tantric could be called an inter-dimensional voyager, who relinquishes the soul from the imposing reflections put upon it by the kaleidoscopic masks that cover the face of the Goddess. Shakti is power, she is the Goddess who gives birth to endless coverings.
Her coverings can become patterns and confining codes of conduct.
The Yogin aligns to the naked Mudra that strips themselves of the patterned confining coat of conduct.
The patterns and codes that shape our experience of reality are made up of psychic energy. Psychic energy might sound like a flimsy esoteric term of sky walking, but it is the causal root of reality and action.
Psychic energy patterns become convictions. Some of those convictions have spurred genocides and atrocities, upon not only human life.
Psychic energy patterns then, are nothing flimsy at all, almost invisibly, they verily define personal and collective reality.
The Yogin takes nothing for granted and explores the most established and accepted codes and patterns of so-called normalcy.
We become part of the structures that we create. Being liberated from them does not mean that we can’t, or don’t, have the option to function in them.
Not living with structures is not the same as rejecting them because we are incapable of living with them.
But rather, being liberated from structures means, that we are not constrained by them.
Not being constrained by them, would actually give us the autonomy to move in and out of them.
Not being ruled and constrained by psychic structures does not mean that one denies and rejects them, this is indeed a point to ponder.
The yogin is a magician who learns to work with psychic structures. The Yogin trains themselves to be able to put the mask of structure on to suit the situation if needed. A mask here, can be thought of as a psychic energy formation.
The Yogin tries to be careful not to be defined by the mask of structure that (s)he wears.
Masks come in many shapes and sizes, some good, some bad and some ugly or beautiful.
For the Yogic voyager, each conviction and station of being is but a mask upon the naked truth.
When we wear a mask and can no longer remove it, then we have lost the naked truth and come into the world of masks and identifies.
Tantic practice is an investigation of the masks that eclipse the naked truth.
All masks fall in time.
A mask can wear us if we are not vigilant.
We may be busy shaping the mask in the hope to wear it eternally?
Such things are part of the Tantric investigation.
The Ever Returning Arrow
The symbol of Purnavasu is the ever returning arrow, returned cyclicly and eternaly to the quiver.
This is the arrow of Raam, who is the great solar warrior and weilder of the bow and arrow. Raam is considered the greatest of all masters of the bow and arrow. His arrow represents the quality of absolute focus. Raam is the ultimate warrior of mystic and legendary status, his birth star, in point of fact, is Purnavasu.
Every arrow that Raam shot is returned to the quiver, in the eternal cycle of the laws of exchange.
What is sent out, returns back to us. What we give comes back.
An example of a pendulum obeys this law perfectly. The swing in one direction, is mirrored in the other. If we send out the energies of precise focus and intention, they are returned to us.
Contrarily, if our energies are muddled, a muddled energy returns. The law of echo and reflection is intensified on a Purnavasu Moon.
The stars give us an opportunity here to work with our deepest intention. Perhaps the one that has been wished for and forgotten, or perhaps the failed one that we gave up on, and therefore never reached fruition.
An intention of what we truly need, is brought to us by Purnavasu Nakshatra, results come under rituals of this Moon, if our focus is honed and applied.
Ritual is an act of applied focus. On this ritual night, we shall be working with intention amongst other things. Making an intention on a Purnavasu Dark Moon night is like planting a seed. A seed needs care and focused awareness to plant and bring to fruition.
The subtle energy patterns in our soul, that echo and reflect back to us cyclically and repeat themselves, can effect us personally in a variety of ways.
They may keep us in unhealthy patterns. When we find ourselves living over, and repeating a well known pattern, it may be of liberating benefit to us, to investigate and look into its foundations.
Cyclic patterns in our soul might run like clockwork, they might repeat themselves with regularity when particular phenomena come before us and entice a predictable effect from us.
For example, we might have a ‘psychic-sore-spot’ that if touched in a certain way, is certain to react in a predictable fashion. We might come to know our reactions very well and even come to fabricate our lives so as to remove them where possible.
It is of course an option to step out and away from things that cause us to react like clockwork. But there is also another option of facing the things that cause us to react with an autonomy that is not based upon the predictable pattern of repeating cycles.
When we cut something away too much, we might end up cutting part of ourselves away and reducing the motion of our spirit.
The path of the victim is chosen in fear and helplessness. A victim does not only imply a downtrodden impotent state of being. A victim might be a leader of their lives who has steered events to such an extent that their position of avoidance of their triggers, almost promises them never to be touched.
And when the trigger should appear, one would take to the strategy of avoidance and therefore turn away from their own power that comes to them in a guise they would rather not see.
This we could say is the masquerading victim. They might be at the top of their game, whatever it is, but they have no freedom of motion, for when the revealer of their pattern shows up, the clockwork predictability of their inner pattern of psychic cyclical repetition is revealed and causes them to act with avoidance strategy.
This we could call the spiritual aristocrat, it’s quite an apt description of one who protects their assets but never opens the accounts of their soul to discover a reality beyond the spiritually provincial constrains that they have invested in.
Our psychic patters my range from anything between highly destructive and self sabotaging, to functionally routine and manageable. What lays beneath and beyond the cycles of Karma is the voyage that the Tantric takes. The Tantric takes a step through the matrices of personal and collective reality, as they dance through the cycles of Karma.
When the unconscious dance becomes conscious then infinity reveals itself.
The Naked Truth
Akka Mahadevi
The cyclic nature of patterns is the insight that the Nakshatra Purnavasu brings to us.
If we have the liberty to select rhythms and patterns of being, then we are invested with a deep spiritual autonomy. But, if we are caught in patterns that define our reality then we become devoid of autonomy.
We do not here intend at all to get fatalistic and final about the patterns and structures that we carry within the psyche. These structures may be deeply intrenched in us and get are revealed cyclicly though the course of our lives. But the cyclical wheel of Karmic effect, also carries a Karmic cause, that is in fact, something not set in stone, though it may indeed be set in the ether.
The Yogin is known in Hindi as Akash Pahane, this means clad in sky, or more accurately, dressing in the ether.
Many Yogins in the classical sense, emulate the great nakedness and literally do not wear any clothing. There are several lines of Yogins in India who honour the great spiritual nakedness of Shiva by never covering themselves.
Shiva is called Digambaar, this is a deep word with many connotations, on a basic level, it means one who is sky-clad, it means naked but it’s nakedness is it’s formlessness, and having no acquaintance to, and not being limited by the structures of psychic forms.
A naked Yogini of the past was called Akka Mahadevi, and is held in heigh esteem by the Yogins.
Akka Mahadevi was a naked wandering mystic who lived in the 12th century, known for her rejection of convention and her devotional verses of mystical poetry.
An ever reoccurring cyclic symbol found through her poems is the mystical nature of Shiva who she repeatedly likened to the scent of the Jasmine flower.
Akka Mahadevi was a radical outside of the box Yogini, who rejected societal standards as illusionary coverings and mirages upon the naked truth.
In her poems she addresses all manner of mystical and emotional themes. She is often erotic in her depiction of the yogic path, and forthrightly addresses the illusions of sexual and gender stereotypes, as well as the illusionary institutions that wrap themselves around such stereotypes. Akka Mahadevi is a figure of mythological proportions, and much about her is gleaned from her poetry. She is said to have lived a simple life of yogic devotion in the mountainous wildness, befriended by Mother Nature. As we see in the picture of herbelow, her hair was said to be very long.
Her verses hint at the nakedness of truth without form. A truth that is free of structures and the cyclic forms of Karmic covering.
Here are a couple of her wondrous poems that point to the reality beyond coverings
You Can Confiscate
You can confiscate
money in hand;
can you confiscate
the body’s glory?
Or peel away every strip
you wear,
but can you peel
the Nothing, the Nakedness
that covers and veils?
To the shameless girl
wearing the White Jasmine Lord’s
light of morning,
you fool,
where’s the need for cover and bejewel?
People, Male and Female
male and female,
blush when a cloth covering their shame
comes loose
When the lord of lives
lives drowned without a face
in the world, how can you be modest?
When all the world is the eye of the lord,
onlooking everywhere, what can you
cover and conceal?
The ritual nakedness and the Tantric work of stripping away patterns is ever a reminder that structures and patterns are something pliable, in that they can be altered and played with. They may live within us and we within them. But when structure gain an immovably fixed status upon the sweep and sway of the spiritual heart, then we are closed to the creative liberty of the Goddess
For the Tantric voyager, what seems fixed, can become pliable and offer previously unknown spheres of being.
Her Farthers Mother
Aditi is the great mother Goddess. She is the principle of the eternal cosmic mother.
Aditi is the mother of all the Devas and the 12 Adityas. The 12 Adityas are the Solar deities, who through the course of a year, manifest as the 12 aspects of the sun in each lunar month. The rebirth of the same essence in endlessly cyclical repetitions is expressed in Aditi. We see this most boldly expressed in the apparently boggling notion that Aditi is the mother of her own father. Her father is Daksha, who is in turn the father of the 27 star sisters who are the Nakshatras. Aditi is his mother.
This is a deep subject of meditation that reveals further and deeper the secrets of Purnavasu.
The Yogin takes time to meditate and ponder on this notion of the mother who mothers her own father. By such contemplations of inner celestial intuition, the Yogin psychically opens to the deeper secrets of Aditi
When reading these Yogic mysteries and mythologies of stars and Goddesses, it is easy to skim over them with the conscious mind. When we skim over these mystic notions, then they remain just that. Their roots then don’t bloom any deeper into inner grasp.
As such, they become easily forgotten facts of fascination.
To retain a grasp of these subjects and tap the inner reservoir of deeper meanings. Meditation upon the subject is required. This is a secret to not forgetting these things and gaining a deeper grasp of their mysteries.
Aditi is the etheric Akash element that pervades space invisibly. It is the essence at the root of things.
When we don’t retain a system of wisdom, then we are but skimming the surface with our overland consciousness.
By ground to the underground roots, we deepen and have a foundation that creates a solid tower of wisdom, that is not easily dispersed in the winds of life’s motions.
Aditi brings us the secret grasping a system, by reminding us of meditating on digesting that which we imbibe. Scoffing things down without touching the sides, is the great superficial evil of the high speed age.
Akash is the fundament. It is subtle spacious energy, yes, but it is also that which underlies gradually manifesting form, call it the causal plane if you will.
Aditi is the queen of etheric energy. Her all-pervasive element pervades all space. The Yogins refer to this as Akash. Akash is an element of extreme subtlety. Interestingly we see that the subtle element of Akash is also the element of the ruling planet of Purnavasu. We will consider this in the next section. Akash confers great sensitivity and is an impressionable all pervading essence that imbues all things. Purnavasu is indeed a time of sensitivity and realisation of them subtle realms.
Aditi has the wisdom of every Moon cycle, and is thus held in highest esteem by the Yogins. After all, she mothers the Aditya’s, who be the 12 Solar deities of the Moon cycles of the year.
Each lunar month is a season in itself. The Yogins work ritualistically through the seasons of the Moon cycles. They do this in their ritual calendar with its encoded wisdom.
For the codes to be birthed unto a living breathing tangible life, deep travel is needed, pondering, contemplation and meditation, if you will.
Otherwise we merely participate in surface maneuvers and see the Yogic stories as fantastical notions that have nothing to do with us.
In fact, they have everything to do with us, and are doorways to principles that we face in our souls journey through infinity.
A scholarly approach is not needed, but rather a deep introverting sense of pondering.
The Yogins have called this Swadhyaya, which is sometimes taken to mean to read scriptures and sacred works. The deeper meaning though, is to contemplate, meditate and ponder upon the mysteries, until the door of intuition is approached.
”All that exists outside, exists within”, is a well used Yogic axiom.
Perhaps it actually needs more use and less mention?
Aditi knows each of her ‘sons/suns’, and the Moons that they are bound to. At a later date we may consider each of the Adityas in deeper detail.
Aditi means unlimited, and unbound. She is the unbound mother of the Devas.
She has a sister that is called Diti, which means bound and limited. The ‘A’ as a prefix implies a negation. Diti is the mother of the Asuras and is in opposition the the designs of her sister Aditi.
The principle of motherhood is to be brought to focus here. The generating force that generously pervades the entire universe without bounds, also finds its reflection within us. Motherhood is an eternally creative principle that is the very power of the soul.
Aditi presents us with a conundrum of being able to grasp structures, but at the same time, not being limited and defined by them. The heart of the mother is unbound, it is beyond all structures.
Jupiterian Growth
Purnavasu Nakshatra is ruled by the Brhaspati. This is the planet Jupiter. He is the expansive planet that expands to the further most reaches of the subtle world.
The mythologies tell us that Brhaspati is the Guru of the Devas. He provides the Devic world with the subtle wisdom from beyond the frontiers of the Cosmos.
The Bamboo tree is the plant of Purnavasu Nakshatra. It is a plant of Jupiterarian expansion that is imbodied in its being the fastest growing plant on earth.
A Bamboo tree can grow several centimeters in a single an hour. It is perfectly the planetary plant of Jupiter for its far reaching and expansive nature. It is a plant that aligns to the Akash element of boundless space, we might also consider that it is hollow and carries space internally within itself too.
In India Scoffolding of Bamboo is often used, the bamboo poles are bound together with string in a special knot. Scaffolding with Bamboo can reach phenomenal heights in the seemingly Jupitarian creation of building structures.
Purnavasu as we have seen, is the Star of growth, it is ruled over by the mother of mothers, the question here becomes: What really is growth?
In the sense of Purnavasu Nakshatra, growth is a freeing of the structures that stand in the way of expansion. When no structures obscure the path of Jupiterian expansion, then the infinite reveals itself. Releasing the Karmic structures and patterns that stand before expansive growth, is a work indeed.
Star of Growth
And so, upon this Dark Moon night, we will be working with Purnavasu Nakshatra. This Moon will touched by the lunar house of expansive growth.
Purnavasu is a star of growth that can deeply expand the ritualistic work done on its night. Purnavasu can also be taken to translate as fullness of growth.
Purnavasu gives blessing and assistance to bring the seedling of intention to fruition. The planted seed can sprout if nurtured onwards into the waxing Moon cycle that is soon upon us. A ritual continues in power, if it is honoured and allowed to unfold with careful nurture.
Purnavasu Nakshatra, as we have seen, is very much the star of growth. It is the star that teaches us to look into that which stands in the way of creative growth.
This star brings to the fore, the patterns that keep us in cyclical reality. The energy invested in a cycle can be worked with and liberated towards the endless exploration of infinity. This is the vision of this Stars potential. This is a guiding vision of the Tantric Yogins.
The Dark Moon is the peak of the introverting of the lunarly sway.
The Dark Moon is the deepest point of the waters ebb, just before a cycle of growth commences.
Purnavasu Nakshatra occuring on a Dark Moon, is a time of expanding inwards, and introverting the spirit to look upon the structures and edifices of our psychic inner world.
The waxing lunar growth thereafter, can then commence from a point of inner potency and realisation.
Magical work done upon the Dark Moon is carried into growth upon the waxing cycle.
Since time immemorial, Tantrics have honoured the magical lunar cycles of ebb and flow. The Dark Moon reveals the dark underground roots and depths. By looking into the roots, we address the fruit.
The Dark Moon of Purnavasu, does not highlight or strengthen our Karmic patterns as it would if it were on a Full Moon.
A Dark Moon of Purnavasu is a time when we are presented with an opportunity to step into the deep unconscious origins of our patterns.
The first Dark Moon of the darkening years half, puts us at the edge of the deep well of the unconscious world. The Dark Moon lunar vortex pulls the most unconscious energies from us.
This is a good time to reflect and be aware of what is really going on within us, and reflect upon the tapestries of reality that we a weaving and re-weaving…
Tantric ritual is built upon subtle formulae that work with the energies of the Moon and stars… in their perpetual motion.
The ritual work on a Dark Moon night in the Nakshatra of Purnavasu is very much concerned with the study of our automatic reactions and the cyclical Karmic realities that we revolve and live within. And further and deeper than that, it is concerned with liberation from the codes and structures that confine the sacred heart
- #Punarvasu #Nakshatra Closeup of an arrow quiver over the #bow The symbol of Purnvasu is a bow with a quiver of arrows.
Ruling Planet: #Jupiter (Guru)
Associated Deity: #Aditi, the goddess of motherhood and fertility
Associated Stars: #Castor and #Pollux
Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 13°46′-27°06′ Cancer
Quality or Modality: #Movable ( #Chara)
Associated Element: #Water
Personality Traits: Hard working, confident, lucky, enjoys travel with a purpose, logical, jack-of-all-trades
#Punarvasu (Being #good #again and again) (80° 00′ to 90°00′ #Gemini & 90°00′ to 93°20′ Cancer)
Punarvasu #nakshatra consists of two bright #stars known as #Castor (Alpha-Geminorium) and #Pollux (Beta-Geminorium). These two stars are significant for those born under Punarvasu as life lessons will often unfold in pairs. In astrology, Punarvasu extends from the zodiac sign of Gemini into the sign of #Cancer. "Punar" means #repeat and "vasu" means ray of #light, thus Punarvasu translates as "becoming light again." The symbol for Punarvasu nakshatra is a quiver of arrows, which is associated with the ability to strive toward a desire or ambition.
Punarvasu brings harmony after the chaos of the storm. There is a sense of renewing creative pursuits and beginning with a fresh new idea. The ruling deity is #Aditi, the goddess of abundance and the mother of all godly beings. Aditi gives a sensitive and nurturing quality to this nakshatra. Jupiter is the ruling planet and bestows optimism and an interest in higher learning. Punarvasu is a star of accommodation and people born under this nakshatra are often home bodies with a strong sense of safety.
Sacred Energy Vortex
Vaaniyambadi Sri #Adhidheeswarar
The energy vortex associated with Punarvasu nakshatra is located in the North Arcot District near #Vellore in Tamil Nadu, India. Those born in the star of Punarvasu should visit this sacred shrine at least once in their lifetime.
Lord #Brahma performed fire rituals that caused #Goddess #Saraswati to lose her oratorical abilities. She performed penance and held great concentration to regain her voice. Goddess Saraswati took the form of Goddess #Vani and received assistance from her teacher, #Hayagreeva. Lord #Shiva commanded Vani to use her glorious voice and sing to him. Thus, the #temple is known as #Vaaniyambadi. It is at this temple that higher learning and philosophy can be completed in the blink of an eye through the grace of Lord Shiva. This temple is an auspicious site for wisdom.
In the sacred shrine at Vaaniyampadi, Goddess Kalaivani Sri Saraswati Devi incarnated as a woman who cooked for Lord Shiva. On each Punarvasu star day and Full Moon day, she performed an abhishekham to Lord Shiva and offered white flowers to Goddess Saraswati. Those born under Punarvasu nakshatra should feed a hungry person and offer prayers to Sri Annpoornai Devi every day. They can offer the food directly to the people or through charities. In addition, these people can offer food to unannounced guests or travelers. This includes offering food to ancestors and pilgrims. Feeding ancestors allows the next generation to prosper and is a good way to prevent family problems.
Punarvasu day is a time of growth and is also a powerful day for teachers to walk around the temple at Vaaniyampadi, from left to right. They can also perform an abhishekham for Lord Sri Adhidheeswarar and Goddess Sri Saraswati. Teachers and those in hotel management should offer prayers for increasing potential in their careers. Offering food on Punarvasu days, Pradosham days, Shivaratri and Wednesdays will benefit the progress of children in education.
Punarvasu nakshatranatives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Bamboo as prescribed by the Vedas.
Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.
Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.
#Punarvasu #Nakshatra - Punarvasu is the seventh Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 20° #Mithuna to 3°20' Karka.
Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is #Bow and #Quiver.
Astronomical Name - The astronomical names of this Nakshatra are #Castor and #Pollux which are the two brightest stars in the constellation of #Gemini.
Deity of Nakshatra - #Aditi, mother of the gods is the deity of Punarvasu Nakshatra.
Ruling Planet - Punarvasu Nakshatra is ruled by #Guru (the planet #Jupiter).
Others - The word Punarvasu is derived from Punah which means 'return', 'repeat' or 'repitition' and Vasu, which means 'a ray of light', 'gem'. Lord Rama was born under this Nakshatra. The deity of this Nakshatra Aditi was the mother of twelve Adityas which were Indra, Vishnu, Bhaga, Twashta, Varuna, Aryama, Pusha, Mitra, Agni, Parjyanya, Vivaswan and Dinakar. In Malayalam Punarvasu is termed Punartham. It is also known as Punarpoosam in many parts of South India.
#Punarvasu #Nakshatra in #Astrology
#Jupiter is the Nakshatra lord of Punarvasu Nakshatra, which endows the natives with the wisdom of life. The #Goddess #Aditi, who is the mother of all gods, is the deity of Punarvasu Nakshatra. She represents the boundlessness of a being or the one who has no limits and is the goddess of abundance.
The symbol of this Nakshatra is a ‘Quiver’, in which arrows are kept. It has a very deep meaning to it. Just as a quiver containing arrows comes back after being shot. Punarvasu natives have a tendency to rise from the dead, to come back from a place where no return was anticipated. For this reason, this constellation is called a star of renewal or the return of light.
The deity, Goddess Aditi, had 12 sons, Adityas, who represent 12 months of the year, and 12 sovereign principles. It is believed that Goddess Aditi is the one who brings us on the righteous path. This is why Punarvasu natives have a motherly aura around them. Their nourishing presence can be felt easily. Even Lord Rama was born under this Nakshatra.
Punarvasu natives come back triumphant after major failures in life. They come back stronger and fresh. Their other key characteristics are their forgiving nature, their kind heart and their extreme genuineness.
There are some people who are good givers, and in return, they are blessed ten folds. This is what this Nakshatra is about, giving and receiving. They give without expecting anything in return, and they receive blessings in magnitude. Punarvasu natives get the fruits of their good deeds from Jupiter. They are the protectors of all beings and creatures.
Gemini and Cancer are the Zodiac Signs under the Punarvasu Nakshatra.
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2023
Are you a Punarvasu nakshatra native who wants to know your life in 2023 based on career, finance, relationship, health etc? Then, you are on the right spot. Punarvasu nakshatra is the brightest star of Gemini zodiac sign, #Castor and #Pollux. Lord #Rama was born in Punarvasu nakshatra and the star ranges from 20 degrees Gemini to 3 degrees and 20′ within Cancer.
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2023: Characteristics of Natives
Let’s analyze the male and female native sof Punarvasu nakshatra. The male natives will be god fearing and down to earth personalities. During his early age, he exhibits good behavior but as the age advances he shows anger and arrogance. His behavior would be quite difficult to understand. He will be satisfied with very few things but he craves for something. Whereas female natives of this nakshatra are very calm, but if she gets irritated then she cant control her anger. Sometimes she will have some issue with her cousins or in-laws. She takes care of others if she gets good from them too.
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Career
Punarvasu nakshatra Career and Business suggests that there will be some steady growth in your career but troubles may zoom if you take a hasty or abrupt route to achieve your goals in haste. Clarity may come mid July 2023 onwards. Gradually, pressure to perform and looming confusions will ease. Business people will become busier trying to work over routine hurdles too. The period from around mid of September 2023 seems supportive for commencing some development activities.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Finance
This will be a good year to organize your finances efficiently. As you get involved in building your finances, beware of the company you keep. Also, ensure that some differences on key financial issues with your family members or associates do not flare up into serious arguments and disagreements particularly around the mid of this year. The period from July onwards will be much better for money matters and investments as well.
Punarvasu Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Relationship
The year will bring a fresh impetus to matters related to your beloved and family. You will work hard to make your personal life and relationship more comfortable. The experiences around the middle of this year will add to your vitality, energizing you to become active and happy. Tidings shall be happy and positive on the relationship front from August 2023 onwards and the year may end on a positive note.
///Pourquoi les castors construisent-ils des barrages ?///
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Purnavasu is the celestial realm of infinitely repeating cyclical patterns. Purna means to repeat and Vasu means to shine, show and reveal. And so, this Nakshatra is the revealer of cycles and patterns.
What cycles and patterns do we repeat?
What cycles and patterns of our lives are being revealed to us?
The teaching of Purnavasu comes, by showing and revealing to us, the patterns that we live within and are repeating.
Repeating actions breed repeating results and weave the matrices of reality.
We don’t always see the reoccurring patterns that we repeat and follow when we ourselves live in the midst of them.
The work with Purnavasu Nakshatra is concerned with getting insight into the roots that underlie the repetitious formations of our soul. Inner creates the outer and vise versa.
When we become aware of the repetitious installations in the cyclic geometry of our soul, then the very nature of our personal reality is brought into question.
Revealing of the repetitious cycles is the first step towards liberating ourselves from them.
The cycles that we repeat, begin as a psychic imprint, that in turn become a pattern in our soul. This can further manifest itself into our feelings and then find expression in our behavior, which in turn shapes and forms reality for us.
The origins of our cyclical patterns is a deep inner study. Some of our cyclical patterns may be picked up through ancestral codes of conduct that we have inherited through the energetic line of our heritage.
We may also unquestioningly inherit and move within cultural and societal codes and patterns.
Consider if you will… if we were transplanted to a culture with a code and pattern different to what we know, we would most probably question it.
Say for example, that we were transplanted to a past era with another pattern and structure altogether…. We might, and most probably would – from our present vantage point – call some of the patterns, mysoginist, oppressive, racistic, fascistic and brutally warped.
We would not even need to go back in time to step into places where such patterns are repeating themselves. The modern age offers an ample variety of places with patterns that move within the above aforementioned ‘isms’.
Purnavasu Nakshatra’s 4 Padas, (steps) span from the constellation of Gemini into the first degrees of Cancer.
The stars of Purnavasu are known as Castor and Pollux who are the celestial twins of Greek mythology. Although from another mythology, these two twins are worth mention here, as they present some pertinent themes of Purnavasu.
#Castor and #Pollux are the children of Leda.
The famous story of Leda and the swan is rather well known in many circles, from ballet to feminism to renaissance art.
The Greek mysteries tell us that Castor was the mortal twin and Pollux was the immortal twin.
Zeus disguised himself as a swan and mated with Leda, who in turn layed eggs from which the twins were born. The immortal Pollux was born of Zeus and the mortal Castor was conceived through the mortal union of Leda and her human husband.
And so the mortal twin Castor remained on earth, while Pollux lived with the immortals on Mount Olympus.
Esoterically, we can say that Pollux represents the etheric plane, while Castor represents the echo of the ether upon the earth plane.
We will cover this principle of echoes and exchange further and deeper in the section below, where we will consider the symbol of Purnavasu, which is the ever returning arrow.
When Castor died, he was reunited with his twin brother in the stars. A peculiar deal was struck with Zeus, that they could cyclicly exchange places between the earth and the etheric plane.
And so, in an eternal cyclical rhythm, the twins would alternate between the ethers and the earth.
Each time one brother would die, they would be together for a period and shine bright together, before the other would move to the earth plane, and the ever repeating cycle of exchange would go on.
The whole theme of Purnavasu is the ever repeating cycle.
The word Purnavasu could well be translated as re-manifesting, and understood through the story of these twins.
In the following sections, we will look further and deeper into rhythm and cycles
Patterns and geometry of soul may be invisible to those who live in the midst of them.
Our ancestry, education, culture, religion, generation and gender, to mention a few things, are all areas that are imbued with patterns and geometric structures, that if not unmasked, can become a repeating cycle that crushes liberty and creativity of spirit.
The Tantric could be called an inter-dimensional voyager, who relinquishes the soul from the imposing reflections put upon it by the kaleidoscopic masks that cover the face of the Goddess. Shakti is power, she is the Goddess who gives birth to endless coverings.
Her coverings can become patterns and confining codes of conduct.
The Yogin aligns to the naked Mudra that strips themselves of the patterned confining coat of conduct.
The patterns and codes that shape our experience of reality are made up of psychic energy. Psychic energy might sound like a flimsy esoteric term of sky-walking, but it is the causal root of reality and action.
Psychic energy patterns become convictions. Some of those convictions have spurred genocides and atrocities, upon not only human life.
Psychic energy patterns then, are nothing flimsy at all. Almost invisibly, they verily define personal and collective reality.
The Yogin takes nothing for granted and explores the most established and accepted codes and patterns of so-called normalcy.
We become part of the structures that we create. Being liberated from them does not mean that we can’t, or don’t, have the option to function in them.
Not living with structures is not the same as rejecting them because we are incapable of living with them.
But rather, being liberated from structures means, that we are not constrained by them.
Not being constrained by them, would actually give us the autonomy to move in and out of them.
Not being ruled and constrained by psychic structures does not mean that one denies and rejects them, this is indeed a point to ponder.
The Yogin is a magician who learns to work with psychic structures. The Yogin trains themselves to be able to put the mask of structure on to suit the situation if needed. A mask here, can be thought of as a psychic energy formation.
The Yogin tries to be careful not to be defined by the mask of structure that (s)he wears.
Masks come in many shapes and sizes, some ‘good’, some ‘bad’ and some ugly or beautiful.
For the Yogic voyager, each conviction and station of being is but a mask upon the naked truth.
When we wear a mask and can no longer remove it, then we have lost the naked truth and come into the world of masks and identifies.
Tantic practice is an investigation of the masks that eclipse the naked truth.
All masks fall in time.
A mask can wear us if we are not vigilant.
We may be busy shaping the mask in the hope to wear it eternally?
Such things are part of the Tantric investigation.
The symbol of Purnavasu is the ever returning arrow, returned cyclicly and eternaly to the quiver.
This is the arrow of #Ram, who is the great solar warrior and weilder of the bow and arrow.
Raam is considered the greatest of all masters of the bow and arrow. His arrow represents the quality of absolute focus.
Raam is the ultimate warrior of mystic and legendary status, his birth star, in point of fact, is Purnavasu.
Every arrow that Raam shot is returned to the quiver, in the eternal cycle of the laws of exchange.
What is sent out, returns back to us. What we give comes back.
An example of a pendulum obeys this law perfectly.
The swing in one direction, is mirrored in the other. If we send out the energies of precise focus and intention, they are returned to us.
Contrarily, if our energies are muddled, a muddled energy returns. The law of echo and reflection is intensified on a Purnavasu Moon.
The realm of Purnavasu give us an opportunity here to work with our deepest intention. Perhaps the one that has been wished for and forgotten, or perhaps the failed one that we gave up on, and therefore never reached fruition.
An intention of what we truly need, is brought to us by Purnavasu Nakshatra, results come under rituals of this Moon, if our focus is honed and applied.
Ritual is an act of applied focus. In ritual where Purnavasu Bakshtra is strong, the Yogin works with intention amongst other things. Making an intention on a Purnavasu Moon night is like planting a seed. A seed needs care and focused awareness to plant and bring to fruition.
The subtle energy patterns in our soul, that echo and reflect back to us cyclically and repeat themselves, can effect us both personally and collectively in a variety of ways.
They may keep us in unhealthy patterns. When we find ourselves living over, and repeating a well known pattern. It may be of liberating benefit to us, to investigate and look into its foundations.
Cyclic patterns in our soul might run like clockwork. They might repeat themselves with regularity when particular phenomena come before us and entice a predictable effect from us.
For example, we might have a ‘psychic-sore-spot’ that if touched in a certain way, is certain to react in a predictable fashion.
We might come to know our reactions very well and even come to endevour to fabricate our lives so as to remove the ‘touchers- of-our-psychic-sore-spots where possible.
We might create a mentality of avoidance and justification… perhaps thinking we are free in our choosing, but rather having landed into a realm of a duality between attraction and aversion… It is in that realm we come to know of the soul that dwells both within and beyond attraction and aversion.
It is of course an ‘option’ and to step out and away from things that cause us to react like clockwork. But there is also another option of facing the things that cause us to react with an autonomy that is not based upon the predictable pattern of repeating cycles. This autonomy is the secret hidden in the breast of Purnavasu Nakshatra.
When we cut something away too much, we might end up cutting part of ourselves away and reducing the motion of our spirit.
The path of the victim is chosen in fear and helplessness.
A victim does not only imply a downtrodden impotent state of being. A victim might be a leader of their lives who has steered events to such an extent that their position of avoidance of their triggers, almost promises them never to be touched.
And when the trigger should appear, one would take to the strategy of avoidance and therefore turn away from their own power that comes to them in a guise they would rather not see.
This we could say is the masquerading victim. They might be at the top of their game, whatever it is, but they have no freedom of motion, for when the revealer of their pattern shows up, the clockwork predictability of their inner pattern of psychic cyclical repetition is revealed, and causes them to act with avoidance strategy.
This we could call the spiritual aristocrat. It is quite an apt description of one who protects their assets, but never opens the accounts of their soul to discover a reality beyond the spiritually provincial constrains that they have invested in.
Our psychic patters my range from anything between highly destructive and self sabotaging, to functionally routine and manageable. What lays beneath and beyond the cycles of Karma is the voyage that the Tantric takes. The Tantric takes a step through the matrices of personal and collective reality, as they dance through the cycles of Karma.
When the unconscious dance becomes conscious, then infinity reveals itself.
The cyclic nature of patterns is the insight that the Nakshatra Purnavasu brings to us.
If we have the liberty to select rhythms and patterns of being, then we are invested with a deep spiritual autonomy.
But, if we are caught in patterns that define our reality, then we become devoid of autonomy.
Let’s not intend at all to get fatalistic and final about the patterns and structures that we carry within the psyche. These structures may be deeply intrenched in us and get revealed cyclicly though the course of our lives. But the cyclical wheel of Karmic effect, also carries a Karmic cause, that is in fact, something not set in stone, though it may indeed be set in the ether.
The Yogin is known in Hindi as Akash Pahane, this means clad in sky, or more accurately, dressing in the ether.
Many Yogins in the classical sense, emulate the great nakedness and literally do not wear any clothing. There are several lines of Yogins in India who honour the great spiritual nakedness of Shiva by never covering themselves.
Shiva is called Digambaar, this is a deep word with many connotations, on a basic level, it is interpreted by the ‘dictionary’, as one who is sky-clad. It means naked, but it’s nakedness is it’s formlessness of having no acquaintance to, and not being limited by the structures of psychic forms. The deep wisdom of Purnavasu shows a path of Digambaar
A naked Yogini of the past was called Akka Mahadevi, and is held in heigh esteem by the Yogins.
Akka Mahadevi was a naked wandering mystic who lived in the 12th century, known for her rejection of convention and her devotional verses of mystical poetry.
An ever reoccurring cyclic symbol, found through her poems, is the mystical nature of Shiva who she repeatedly likened to the scent of the Jasmine flower.
Akka Mahadevi was a radical outside-of-the-box Yogini, who rejected societal standards as illusionary coverings and mirages upon the naked truth.
In her poems she addresses all manner of mystical and emotional themes. She is often erotic in her depiction of the Yogic path, and forthrightly addresses the illusions of sexual and gender stereotypes, as well as the illusionary institutions that wrap themselves around such stereotypes.
Akka Mahadevi is a figure of mythological proportions, and much about her is gleaned from her poetry. She is said to have lived a simple life of yogic devotion in the mountainous wildness, befriended by Mother Nature.
As we see in the picture of her above, her hair was said to be very long.
Her verses hint at the nakedness of truth without form. A truth that is free of structures and the cyclic forms of Karmic covering.
Here are a couple of her wondrous poems that point to the wisdom of Purnavasu and reality beyond coverings
You Can Confiscate
You can confiscate
money in hand;
can you confiscate
the body’s glory?
Or peel away every strip
you wear,
but can you peel
the Nothing, the Nakedness
that covers and veils?
To the shameless girl
wearing the White Jasmine Lord’s
light of morning,
you fool,
where’s the need for cover and bejewel?
People, Male and Female
male and female,
blush when a cloth covering their shame
comes loose
When the lord of lives
lives drowned without a face
in the world, how can you be modest?
When all the world is the eye of the lord,
onlooking everywhere, what can you
cover and conceal?
The ritual nakedness and the Tantric work of stripping away patterns is ever a reminder that structures and patterns are something pliable, in that they can be altered and played with. They may live within us and we within them. But when structure gains an immovably fixed status upon the sweep and sway of the spiritual heart, then we are closed to the creative liberty of the Goddess
For the Tantric voyager, what seems fixed, can become pliable and offer previously unknown spheres of being.
Aditi is the great mother Goddess who dwelleth in the heart of Purnavasu Nakshatra… it is her celestial abode. She is the principle of the eternal cosmic mother.
Aditi is the mother of all the Devas and the 12 Adityas. The 12 Adityas are the Solar deities, who through the course of a year, manifest as the 12 aspects of the sun in its resonance in each lunar month.
The rebirth of the same essence in endlessly cyclical repetitions is expressed in Aditi. We see this most boldly expressed in the apparently boggling notion that Aditi is the mother of her own father. Her father is Daksha, who is in turn the father of the 27 star sisters who are the Nakshatras. Aditi is his mother.
This is a deep subject of meditation that reveals further and deeper the secrets of Purnavasu.
The Yogin takes time to meditate and ponder on this notion of the mother who mothers her own father. By such contemplations of inner celestial intuition, the Yogin psychically opens to the deeper secrets of Aditi
When reading these Yogic mysteries and mythologies of stars and Goddesses, it is easy to skim over them with the conscious mind. When we skim over these mystic notions, then they remain just that. Their roots then don’t bloom any deeper into inner grasp. As such, they may become easily forgotten facts of fascination.
To retain a grasp of these subjects, and tap the inner reservoir of deeper meanings. Meditation upon the subject is required. This is a secret to not easily forgetting these things and gaining a deeper grasp of their mysteries.
Aditi is the etheric Akash element that pervades space invisibly. It is the essence at the root of things.
When we don’t retain a system of wisdom, then we are but skimming the surface with our overland consciousness.
By bringing ground to the underground roots of soul, we deepen into a foundation that creates a solid tower of wisdom, that is not easily dispersed in the winds of life’s motions.
Aditi brings us the secret of grasping a system, by reminding us of meditating on digesting that which we imbibe. Scoffing things down without touching the sides, is the great superficial evil of the high speed age.
Akash is the fundament. It is subtle spacious energy, yes, but it is also that which underlies gradually manifesting form, call it the causal plane if you will.
#Aditi is the #queen of #etheric #energy. Her all-pervasive element pervades all space. The Yogins refer to this as Akash. Akash is an element of extreme subtlety. Interestingly we see that the subtle element of Akash is also the element of the planet that is assigned to Purnavasu in Vimshotri Dasha. We will consider this in the next section.
Akash confers great sensitivity and is an impressionable all pervading essence that imbues all things. Purnavasu is indeed a time of sensitivity and realisation of them subtle realms.
Aditi has the wisdom of every Moon cycle, and is thus held in highest esteem by the Yogins. After all, she mothers the Aditya’s, who be the 12 Solar deities of the Moon cycles of the year.
Each lunar month is a season in itself. The Yogins work ritualistically through the seasons of the Moon cycles.
They do this in their ritual calendar with its encoded wisdom.
For the codes to be birthed unto a living breathing tangible life, deep travel is needed,… pondering, contemplation and meditation, if you will.
Otherwise we merely participate in surface maneuvers and see the Yogic stories as fantastical notions that have nothing to do with us.
In fact, they have everything to do with us, and are doorways to principles that we face in our souls journey through infinity.
A scholarly approach is not needed, but rather a deep introverting sense of pondering.
The Yogins have called this Swadhyaya, which is sometimes taken to mean to read scriptures and sacred works. The deeper meaning though, is to contemplate, meditate and ponder upon the mysteries, until the door of intuition is approached.
”All that exists outside, exists within”, is a well used Yogic axiom.
Perhaps it actually needs more use and less mention?
Aditi knows each of her ‘sons/suns’, and the Moons that they are bound to. At a later date we may consider each of the Adityas in deeper detail.
Aditi means unlimited, and unbound. She is the unbound mother of the Devas.
She has a sister that is called Diti, which means bound and limited. The ‘A’ as a prefix implies a negation. Diti is the mother of the Asuras and is in opposition to the the designs of her sister Aditi.
The principle of motherhood is to be brought to focus here. The generating force that generously pervades the entire universe without bounds, also finds its reflection within us. Motherhood is an eternally creative principle that is the very power of the soul.
Aditi presents us with a conundrum of being able to grasp structures, but at the same time, not being limited and defined by them. The heart of the mother is unbound. It is beyond all structures.
Purnavasu Nakshatra in the Vimshottri Dasha system is assigned to #Brhaspati. This is the planet #Jupiter.
He is the expansive planet that expands to the further-most reaches of the subtle world.
The mythologies tell us that Brhaspati is the Guru of the Devas. He provides the Devic world with the subtle wisdom from beyond the frontiers of the Cosmos.
Interestingly, the #Bamboo tree is the plant of Purnavasu Nakshatra. It is a plant of Jupiterarian expansion that is imbodied in its being the fastest growing plant on earth.
A Bamboo tree can grow several centimeters in a single hour. It is perfectly the planetary plant of Jupiter for its far reaching and expansive nature. It is a plant that aligns to the Akash element of boundless space. We might also consider that it is hollow and carries space internally within itself too.
In India Scoffolding of Bamboo is often used, the bamboo poles are bound together with string in a special knot. Scaffolding with Bamboo can reach phenomenal heights in the seemingly Jupitarian creation of building structures.
Purnavasu as we have seen, is the Nakshatra of growth, it is ruled over by the mother of mothers, the question here becomes: What really is growth?
In the sense of Purnavasu Nakshatra, growth is a freeing of the structures that stand in the way of expansion. When no structures obscure the path of Jupiterian expansion, then the infinite reveals itself. Releasing the Karmic structures and patterns that stand before expansive growth, is indeed a task most Tantric.
And so, upon this first full Moon night of the year, we find the ritual of Shakambhari Jayanti. She be the mother of growth and loving nourishment.
we will be working with Purnavasu Nakshatra. This Moon will be touched, and in turn touch us, through being the psychic mirror of the lunar realm of expansive growth, that is Purnvasu.
Purnavasu is a Nakshatra of growth that deeply expands the ritualistic work done on its night. Purnavasu can be taken to translate as fullness of growth.
Purnavasu gives blessing and assistance to bring the seedling of intention to fruition. The planted seed can sprout if nurtured. A ritual lives, if it is honoured and allowed to unfold with careful nurture.
Purnavasu Nakshatra is the Nakshatra that can teach us to look into that which stands in the way of creative growth. It brings into focus, the patterns that keep us in cyclical reality.
The energy invested in a cycle, can be worked with and liberated towards the endless exploration of infinity. This is the vision of Purnavasu’s potential. This is a guiding vision of the Tantric Yogins.
Since time immemorial, Tantrics have honoured the magical lunar cycles of ebb and flow.
Tantric ritual is built upon subtle formulae that work with the energies of the Moon and stars… in their perpetual motion.
The ritual work in the Nakshatra of Purnavasu is very much concerned with the study of our automatic reactions and the cyclical Karmic realities that we revolve and live within.
And further and deeper than that, it is concerned with liberation from the codes and structures that confine the sacred heart
This video covers our #sun's local star neighbors and their #planets.
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qOpYYPzVOG4
Quote Compared to gigantic galaxies and star clusters, the #SolarSystem is no more than just a speck of dust. There are thousands of stars within the radius of 100 light years from it. With some of them barely distinguishable against the dark abyss of space, others are so bright that they can be seen even if they are in other galaxies. Besides, there are a lot of invisible objects lurking in the depths of space, too – from massive brown dwarves to rocky exoplanets comparable to our Earth in size. Some of them may harbour life while others may pose a threat.
However, all this diversity is eclipsed by the #scale of our #galaxy.
There are 200 billion stars and over a trillion planets at the very least to be found across its expanses. It is quite impossible to completely explore this great abundance of unique space objects.
Today we will talk about some of the closest ones.
00:00 Intro
01:18 Closest #stars
02:18 Barnard's #star
05:39 Sirius
09:03 Wolf 1061
14:03 Local Interstellar Cloud
15:57 AP Columbae
18:53 Gliese 370
21:44 #Castor
24:47 Local Bubble
27:04 EndingSee less
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Die Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service baut in Mülheim pro Jahr 80 Castor-Behälter für abgebrannte Brennelemente. Auch ohne deutsche Atomkraftwerke läuft das Geschäft weiter.#Atomkraft #Nuklear-Energie #Stromerzeugung #Castor #Kernkraft #Energiekrise #Laufzeitverlängerung
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