

The #root #chakra has #four #petals and is often visualized as parallel to the ground.
vaṁ, śaṁ, ṣaṁ, saṁ

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The #Svadhisthana (2nd chakra) has 6 #six petals.
baṁ, bhaṁ, maṁ, yaṁ, raṁ, laṁ

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Then the petals of the #navel chakra are visualized with the next 10 letters.
ḍaṁ, ḍhaṁ, ṇaṁ, taṁ, thaṁ, daṁ, dhaṁ, naṁ, paṁ, phaṁ

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Next the petals of the #heart chakra are visualized with the first twelve consonants of the #Sanskrit #alphabet.
kaṁ, khaṁ, gaṁ, ghaṁ, ṅaṁ, caṁ, chaṁ, jaṁ, jhaṁ, ñaṁ, ṭaṁ, ṭhaṁ

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aṁ, āṁ, iṁ, īṁ, uṁ, ūṁ, ṛṁ ṝṁ ḷṁ ḹṁ eṁ aiṁ oṁ auṁ aṁ aḥ
Some traditions use “Auṁ (the akṣara + ṁ) namaḥ”. So it would go “Auṁ aṁ namaḥ”, “Auṁ āṁ namaḥ”, etc.

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Creation occurred due to the first sound #Aum. The universe and everything in it is condensed energy, that energy is vibrating and all has sound. The body itself is sound, called sabda in Sanskrit. The body can be recreated with sound as many modern technologies are now tapping into. In the ancient Puranas (sacred story texts), there are elaborate stories of the creation of the world (shristi karana). Meditating on the seed sounds (bijas) of the chakra petals is also called shristi karana, for it is the recreation of the body through sound (sabda). This is the practice of meditating on the chakras according to the Achyutananda tradition.

(1) First step is to worship the Guru and Paramguru. Those who don’t have one can do the mantra “Aum Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah” [1] 108 times while meditating on the crown, imagining golden radiant light coming into the crown and light sitting on the head. The Guru’s grace rests on the head. (2) Next pranayama can be done.

(3) Meditate on the third eye chakra, bringing the awareness there. (4) If one knows the Agni navakṣari mantra it can be done 21 times (5) followed by the Chaitanya mantra, or just praises to the fire of the third eye fire.

(6) Then one can do their parampara mantra [2] to stabilize the five aspects of the mind and make it peaceful.

(7) When the mind has become stable and peaceful one begins with the throat chakra. It contains 16 petals, each with the vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet. A knowledge of Sanskrit alphabet and its pronunciation is very helpful.


Okunevo is a mysterious place in Russia. A mysterious place of power - the village of Okunevo Okunevo where
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We have one magical and mysterious place near Omsk, which many who know a lot about miracles call the “navel of the earth”. This is a small village Okunevo in the north of the region, surrounded by the winding river Tara, swamps and taiga. The village is like a village, at first glance unremarkable. But only at first glance…
Okunevo ... Now there will be a thunderstorm!

Started misterious story Omsk Okunevo in 1993, when the head of an archaeological scientific expedition from Moscow, Alexander Sergeevich Zaitsev, visited it. He was the first to become interested in the "magic" water of the "cosmic" lakes located around the village, and, as they say, he was even able to recover from tuberculosis.
In 2006, the Itogi newspaper correspondents interviewed Doctor of Technical Sciences Zaitsev. He said that the Okunev events can be largely explained from the point of view of geophysics: “The fact is that there is a very strong electromagnetic field in these places. It was formed due to natural reasons, and tectonic faults and other factors contributed to this. But there really are two energy centers - the Tarsky Uval and the Tara River. When I reported on the Okunev phenomenon at one of the conferences and said that the devices in the Okunev area registered an electric frequency of 127 Hz, many of the audience commented on it this way: a similar frequency of the electromagnetic field was recorded during the rituals of Indian magicians, when they fell into ecstasy " ... According to Alexander Zaitsev, such a field activates the vital forces of a person, contributes to a faster recovery and exacerbation of abilities. At one time, Alexander Zaitsev defended his doctoral dissertation on geovitagenic and geopathogenic zones, and Okunevo is just a geovitagenic zone.
In the summer of 1963, in the center of Okunevo, under Shkolnaya Gora, the children found two very strange slabs of light gray color, polished to a mirror shine. Even then, it was suggested that these slabs were fragments of some structure, perhaps an ancient temple, built using a special, hitherto unfamiliar technology. Then this mysterious find was not given importance and for a while they forgot about it - it was not those times ...


As many as 30 years passed, and already in 1993 the builders laying the heating main discovered a large necropolis. The archaeologists who excavated this religious building were very puzzled by its age, which contradicted traditional ideas about the history of this region and the history of all mankind in general. Archaeologists who examined the Okunev excavations concluded that the structures found did not belong to any of the local cultures. Based on specific facts, Siberian scientists suggested that a highly developed civilization existed on the territory of Western Siberia 300 thousand years ago, which served as the source of many religions of the world.

In the same 1993, the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich "saw" underground, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters ancient temple, which is now called the Temple of Hanuman. And 7 years later, under the very same Shkolnaya Hill, where strange mirror plates were found, some kind of artificial structure was discovered with the help of seismic devices. And this despite the fact that there are no rock massifs in these places.

According to the famous Indian clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, the most ancient Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman, was built on the banks of the Tara River many millennia ago. By the way, this is also written in the ancient Indian source "Rig Veda". Satya Baba himself was a priest in this temple, and now he is called to establish a "golden age" on Earth - to unite humanity into one brotherly family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation. The disciples of the great prophet claim that he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia.


The main attraction of the Hanuman temple was the Thinking Crystal - a magic talisman in the shape of an octahedron (according to another version, the crystal had 72 facets) 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained a constant connection between the Earth and space and was brought from the planet Satra, whose representatives, according to one version, built an observatory temple for communication with the Cosmos.


The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. In it, as in the most perfect computer, the information was laid: where is the human race, all the events that have taken place on Earth since the creation of the world have been recorded. It contains saving information for all mankind, who has come to a standstill in its "development", since it is the greatest energy carrier capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also the way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.
During such communication sessions, the dome of the temple opened, and a greenish column of light rushed into the sky. Local residents have seen this phenomenon more than once. Eyewitnesses tell how a greenish column of light slowly rises from the lake into the sky, as if a searchlight is looking for something in the sky, or it suddenly starts to glow. Scientists believe that this is "the result of the outflow of plasma from the bowels of the earth's crust."

Where is the Thinking Crystal now? Does he lie in a church at the bottom of one of the healing lakes near the village of Okunevo or deep underground? Three clairvoyants, independently of each other, "saw" that at present there is only a temple underground, and the Crystal has been moved to another dimension and is virtually inaccessible to earthlings. Only his energy projection is located here.

Around Okunevo there are five lakes of very unusual shape and origin - Linevo, Urmannoye, Danilovo, Shaitan-lake and Potayennoye. All lakes have healing water and mud. There is an assumption that these lakes were formed as a result of the fall of some cosmic body - a meteorite or something even more interesting and unimaginable to our imagination. The most interesting thing about these "space" lakes is their water, which has extraordinary properties.
Until recently, only four lakes were known. They were indicated by Olga Gurbanovich, a clairvoyant from Nizhnevartovsk. She said that all the lakes are formed by a huge meteorite that fell to the ground and there are five such lakes. The latter is in full view of everyone, however, no one notices it - this is the Hidden Lake.

Other Siberian clairvoyants also assure that these lakes are "born" by the Cosmos. This is indicated by the results of research and eyewitness accounts. Firstly, the depth of the lake is from 16 to 18 meters, although, as the sonar studies have shown, in the left part of it there is a depression as much as 67 meters. Geologists believe that this depth is one hundred percent indicative of its meteoric origin. Secondly, the elongated, butterfly-like shape of the reservoir speaks of this, and this shape is characteristic of meteorite craters formed when heavenly stones fall. When the group arrived at the site, drilled pits and carried out a thorough study of the shores of the lake, it turned out that it really looks very much like a crater from a meteorite. According to the calculations of scientists, the meteorite that fell in Okunevo had more than thirty meters in diameter and weighed about thirty tons.


This is also proved by an amazing find - two stones of unearthly origin, which were found at the bottom of Danilovo. The first was about a meter in diameter and weighs almost half a ton. The second stone was discovered by geophysicists at a depth of three meters; this stone in the waters of Danilovo is about four meters in diameter and weighs approximately 30 tons. That is, the very fact of the existence of a stone, the formation of which is not characteristic of Siberian lands, speaks in favor of the hypothesis of the cosmic origin of the lake.

According to the version, the meteorite split into five parts. Fragments of the meteorite that fell to the ground formed huge depressions, later filled with water.

Three such lakes in the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is said to be holy. It does not deteriorate, does not bloom and heals many diseases. Moreover, it is not only water that heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energy, and possibly magical properties of these "unearthly" formations.

But experts from the regional Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision did not find any substances in the waters of lakes Danilovo and Linevo that would treat people. The only thing that surprises is the impeccably clean water in the open reservoir of Lake Linevo.

The most mysterious and most effective in terms of healing power is Shaitan Lake. The water in it is so curative that it allows you to get rid of psoriasis, eczema and other ailments. But it is believed that the lake does not admit everyone, and it is difficult to find it, because the great Shaitan is not indicated on the map of the area. This lake has two bottoms. The first bottom is at a depth of about three meters. And under it is the water column again. And no one knows how much is actually to the second bottom.

By the way, scientists examined the soil, took water for a sample, dived with scuba diving - there is no high silver content there and the lake water does not differ in quality from the Irtysh water.
According to the belief: correct, consistent treatment is necessary, that is, you need to swim or drink water consistently from all five lakes. Then the properties of the living water of all lakes, different in the way of influence, will overlap and reinforce each other's actions.

About it unusual place the book "Okunevsky Ark" was written. It was written by the well-known researcher of the Omsk region, writer Mikhail Rechkin. Why the ark? Because, according to many predictions, it is from here, from this place that humanity will be reborn after the “end of the world”. That's it -
In the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region there is a place that is known throughout Russia. This is not a temple or a monument, but a small village with the modest name of Okunevo. The settlement itself is quite young - the year of the founding of the village is considered to be 1770, when the first settlers appeared here. Many researchers believe that people came to these places long before that.

The Legend of the Five Lakes.
In fact, many legends are associated with this small village, the most famous of which is, of course, the legend of the Five Lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four (!) Lakes known far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Lenevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoye (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach.

It is believed that the water and mud in lakes Danilovo, Lenevo and Shchuchye have healing powers, which attracts vacationers from all over Siberia here. Local residents say about these lakes that they have "living" water. Urmannoe lake, according to old residents, is filled with "dead" water. It is also called Shaitan Lake, which literally means Devil's Lake in Turkic.

Studies of the properties of the water of the Five Lakes near Okunevo have confirmed the healing properties of only Lake Danilovo. Here, water is actually capable of treating some diseases of the intestinal tract and most skin diseases. This also applies to the mud of Lake Danilov. From the point of view of science, the healthiness of the water in Lenevo and Shchuchye lakes is very controversial.

The version of the origin of the Okunev lakes is also interesting. According to ancient Indian treatises, these lakes are "born of space." Of course, we are not saying that Hindus have been to these places, but we should not forget about the legends. According to ancient Indian myths, it was in these places that the great battle between Rama and the Evil Forces took place. In this battle, invaluable help to the deity was provided by a man - a hero named Hanuman, for which he was gifted with the lands of Siberia. According to legend, he founded the Great City with a Temple in which the crystal of Wisdom sent down by the Cosmos was kept. According to one version, this temple should be located somewhere near Okunevo.

In principle, scientists say that Okunev lakes could well have appeared from a meteorite that fell by a fragment. This hypothesis is confirmed in the form of lakes (all lakes are elongated in the same direction), their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other "oddities" are observed here. At the bottom of Lake Danilov, scuba divers found a pit with a cornice hanging over it with old mossy trees, which confirms the fact that once the bottom of the lake was the surface of the earth.

However, we forgot about the fifth - the most mysterious lake. This lake is called Hidden and, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, somewhere 250 meters from the coast. It is shown only to a select few, so it is a great success to see it. They say that it has the shape of a regular circle and is very shallow.

Okunevo and Danilovo Lake as a place of rest.

Maybe thanks to numerous legends, and maybe thanks to the healing power of the water of Lake Danilov, but somehow the small village of Okunevo in the Omsk Region has become a place of real pilgrimage for tourists from Omsk and the surrounding regions. Okunevo and its five lakes are located just on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and Danilovo lake lies in the Novosibirsk region, and Lenevo - in the Omsk region.

From Okunevo to Omsk 250 km, and to Novosibirsk and even more - 800 km. However, despite the rather decent distance, the inhabitants of these Siberian cities go on vacation with great pleasure both to the lakes and to the village of Okunevo itself. Both in the village and on the shores of Danilovo and Lenevo lakes, there are campsites and living quarters, where tourists can spend the night or dine with complete comfort. Locals will be happy to tell travelers about the legends and take them to the supposed location of the Hidden Lake or the Great Temple.

Okunev's Ark. Not far from the regional center Muromtsevo, which is north of Omsk, there is the village of Okunevo, known not only in the region, but also far beyond its borders. This small village, located on the high bank of the Tara River, is rich not only in picturesque wildlife and local exoticism. Old-timersOkunevo has been observing various mysterious phenomena here for many years.
For example, in the forest around the village, there are trees with knocked down tops. There are a lot of trees twisted, or bent in some incomprehensible way. For a long time near Okunevo, strange flying objects have been seen in the form of glowing balls and large spots of yellow, orange and red colors. They were noticed in the forest and in the meadows, on the Tatar ridge on the banks of the Tara, or even in their own garden. Someone dreamed of a column of light in the meadow behind the village outskirts, and next to them were the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared over the girls. That former front-line soldier, seriously scared, said that on a moonlit summer night he saw a huge dog, which, having swum to the other side of Tara, turned into a huge human being dressed in white clothes. Some hear the ringing of bells and unearthly music, others see beautiful horses rushing across the sky. And such strange stories have accumulated over many decades. But such "fairy tales" even before the beginning of the 90s were used only by the locals, as well as among themselves. It is understandable, there was no one to share impressions with - the village was only 5 or 6 streets. There was simply nowhere for the newcomers to come from. Dabout 1992, no one knew about Okunevo, except for the residents of the Muromtsevsky district itself. But soon everything changed. The birth of faith. Initially, this place was of no value. The Siberian village lived by its own way of life and was not ready for revolutionary changes. The turning point for the future Okunevo was the arrival there Rasmas Rositis- a student of the Indian babajist Shri Muniraji. The path of the spiritual founder of the future Okunev ark was not covered with roses. By birth, Rasma is Latvian, but she hardly lived in Latvia. Her parents fled the war from Latvia to West Germany in 1944. There she was educated and became interested in theology, choosing an unusual direction - Babajism. Shri Babaji in India is considered a very authoritative saint and earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. A prophetic dream that she once had led her on long journeys:
- In a dream I saw Babaji, he called me to India. Rasma Since her husband did not support her in this aspiration, Rasma went to the edge of the continent alone. In 1983, Rasma came to Babaji's successor, teacher Muniraja, the "king of silence", where she stayed for seven years, spending time in work and prayers. Then she was given a new spiritual name - Rajni. After completing her spiritual education, Rajni realized her mission, to bring the light of knowledge to the vastness of the former Soviet empire. This idea came to her during one of the meditations and, being supported by the teacher, found its real embodiment. Rajni did not have much money for such a large-scale project - her trips were financed by Indian Babajist funds. Rasma went to Russia with a Russian-speaking friend, who became a guide in this strange world. Having traveled 18 places, the missionaries focused their attention on the Omsk region. And there were good reasons for that. The Indian spiritual heritage, not in a single source, tells us about the exodus of the Aryans from the territory of present-day Siberia to Hindustan. This is evidenced by dozens of Sanskrit place names and hydronyms, concentrated in several centers in Siberia. One of the centers where there are many such names of rivers and localities is Omsk region. A striking example, the regional center Omsk itself has in its composition the syllable Om, sacred for the Hindus, which, according to their ideas, is endowed with colossal divine energy permeating the Universe and is the Alpha and Omega of our material world. After some time, Muniraja's teacher wrote a clarifying letter to Rajni, which contained the following lines: - You must find a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman ... This is very important for Russia. According to the Indian epic Ramayana, Hanuman is the Monkey King, one of Rama's companions, who helped Him fight demons. In order to find information about Hanuman, the women went to libraries, museums and archives to find the information they needed. They communicated with psychics and scientists. The latter, that is, the Omsk archaeologists, pointed out to inquisitive Indian women that in the area of ​​the village of Okunevo, a place was found where some kind of rituals were carried out in ancient times.The already published book "Complex archaeological sites on the Tatar Uval near the village of Okunevo "there are such quite ordinary lines:"... there was probably a cult place on the hill fort ..." The very area where this village was located was also marked by the Aryan trace. The regional center Muromtsevo stands for: “ m»- recreation, revival; " ur" - Sveta " ohm"Is a creative word. Okunevo is located on the Tara River, which also has a connection with the goddess "Savior" in the pantheon of Buddhist Gods. Having learned about so many strange coincidences of West Siberian and Indian cultures, the ascetics went to Okunevo to check the information given by archaeologists, and, if successful, to revive the temple of King Hanuman. Having settled in one of the houses, Rajni began to realize her difficult mission. having equipped the altar of the god Shiva, Rajni daily performed arti - the ritual of bathing, rubbing with oil and decorating with flowers murti - divine figures. On Sundays, she arranged a havan on the Tatar ridge - a fire ritual with the singing of hymns and the offering of rice, nuts, and raisins to Shiva. - It was very difficult, and at some point I thought that I would shut up the windows and leave. Siberian winter, moreover, the opposition to the traditional Orthodox Church. Rajni But she survived and went through hard times. And later in the summer she received her divine message, which determined the fate of this place: - I stopped in a tent near the village. I was alone. I fasted and prayed for five days. I didn't even know which side of the village was. On the fifth night, from 12:00 to 5:00 in the morning, I observed light phenomena: the light floated around, luminous creatures came to me, I saw the semblance of machines woven from light, and heard unearthly music. This confirmed to me that this is the place that I had to find.

The place where there was an unusual vision, Rajni called Omkar and a certain " #Navel of the #Earth", and after that an #ashram was founded in the village. #OmkarShivaDham.

It happened in 1992. And this year was the unofficial discovery of a new Okunev phenomenon. Soon Rajni had like-minded people - residents of Omsk, Muscovites, and then people from different parts of Russia. Her hut turned into an ashram.Under the new ashram, Rajni lived for about five years, performing #Vedic #rituals #daily.

At that time, Russia was flooded with sects pouring in from abroad, so few people were surprised at the presence of #Hindus in a #remote #Siberian #village. The newspapers occasionally wrote about the new #spiritual direction, which contributed to the influx of people into Okunevo, who were captured by the idea of ​​the Temple of the #Divine #Monkey.

Friendship of religions. If before 1991 people had come to the Muromtsevsky district, the only thing they would have been offered to see would be the old Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, built by Tsar Alexander II with donations from peasants. But after 1991, they learned about this village throughout Russia and abroad. At first, as already mentioned, attention to this place was shown by the followers of #Babaji, who began to gather in Okunevo after the mystical revelations of Rasma Rositis about the "Navel of the Earth". In 1994, the ashram was registered as a religious community and it became the Russian center of the international organization of Babaji's followers " #Haidakhan
Samaj ".

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Rumors about the church and the community spread throughout #Russia and far beyond its borders. Pilgrims from all over the #world began to come to #Okunevo. In 1993, an Omsk businessman Sergei Saulin built a six-sided chapel, as an indication that at the bottom of Shaitan Lake is hidden a magic crystal, which was located in the #temple of #Hanuman.

And after that the Russian Orthodox Church seriously concerned about the state of affairs in Okunevo. In the same 1993, the then Archbishop of Omsk and Tarsk Theodosius personally came to Okunevo to "repulse the Babajists". The conflict, according to the locals, did not have a serious continuation. The Russian Orthodox Church installed an Orthodox cross on the sacred tract. But the churchmen did not limit themselves to this, and began periodically to sprinkle holy water on the dhuni - a ritual pit for the offerings of the babajists, or even break it altogether, and also at the same time appropriated the construction of a pagan chapel to themselves from time to time. Such a sluggish conflict lasted for a couple of years until pagans - Ynglings led by the well-known Russian "extremist" Alexander Khinevich, came to the aid of the Babajists. As the founder and leader of the Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers, it was he who allegedly translated by a miracle somewhere the runic letters that had survived, from which it followed that in ancient times, the mythical country of Belovodye stretched on the territory between the Urals and the Eastern Ocean. Its capital, Asgard, flaunted at the confluence rivers Om and Iriy (Irtysh), which corresponds to the current location of Omsk. According to these chronicles, Slavic-Aryan tribes settled in Belovodye more than 100 thousand years ago. And in the interfluve of the Irtysh and Tara, there was a temple complex built by the High Priest of the Light cult of the Goddess Tara Khan Uman. So, being essentially brothers in faith for the Babajists, the Ynglings have now begun to quarrel with the orthodox priests. This conflict in all colors was perfectly shown by the Moscow director Alexander Kibkalo in his film "Okunevsky Crystal". In this regard, and for ten years by the beginning of the 00s, little has changed there. On Omkar the Ynglings put their symbol - an eight-pointed swastika, a Kolovrat. After them Hare Krishnaites, followers of Sai Baba, Buddhists, and other adherents of spiritual movements exotic for Siberia began to come to Okunevo. And after the resonant articles of scientists and researchers of the Okunev phenomenon, countless regiments of psychics, magicians, healers, and just people with weirdness moved to the village. Officially, the season opens with the annual summer solstice festival, which attracts thousands of pilgrims and fans of ethnic parties. All summer, representatives of different religious confessions spend their holidays here. Babajists celebrate Navaratri, pagans - the night of Ivan Kupala, the Day of Perun and the goddess Tara. V special days the time on the Tatar ridge is scheduled by the hour: Old Believers pray in the morning, then Orthodox Christians, then Krishnaites sing for half a day. This is a common thing for the Okunevskaya hinterland. In general, over time, Omkar turned into a cult place of Power near Okunevo, where all of the listed categories of citizens, arranging enchanting performances on their holidays, to which a lot of curious audience came. As Rajni predicted, Okunevo turned into a temple of tolerance for religions.
Even after the founder of the Okunev phenomenon left for her homeland in Latvia due to difficulties with a visa, interest in this place did not wane, but grew even stronger and eventually turned into a global phenomenon. And the main catalyst of this process was the researcher Mikhail Rechkin. Belief in what it is new ark with the Temple and Crystal and in the conditions of an approaching planetary catastrophe, it will be almost the only place where salvation can be found, attracted a large number of people here. It was kind new Altai, only here came pilgrims who had read Rechkin's books about the imminent end of the world in order to survive the impending catastrophe of 2012, and after the collapse of the Nibiruan advent and all other catastrophes resulting from global planetary changes. After such a PR, the value of real estate in the village increased significantly, and everyone who wanted to join the High, including from abroad, gathered here. But even with all the disadvantages that the excessive popularity and unfulfilled end of the world gave this place, which seriously cooled the ardor of many, Rechkin did not rely in his research on fantasies. Several expeditions prepared and carried out by him with the involvement of the instrumental potential of various scientists made it possible to almost physically confirm that there is something very phenomenal under the ground near Okunevo. And now I will tell you more about this. Expeditions of Mikhail Rechkin. New impetus in developmentthe topic of the Okunev phenomenon after Rajni, as I said, was given by the researcher Mikhail Rechkin. It all happened in 1993. - I came to the Muromtsevo regional center in my small homeland from the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where I lived then, and went to the local editorial office of the Znamya Truda newspaper. The editor of the newspaper told me a story that a certain Indian woman Rasma came to the village of Okunevo. She claims that there, on the site of a village in ancient times, there was a temple of extraordinary beauty. And the remains of this temple have been preserved under a layer of sedimentary rocks. Rechkin Of course, Mikhail did not believe his acquaintance then, and after this conversation he returned to Nizhnevartovsk. But the information was embedded in the subconscious, and waited for an hour when the consciousness would be able to perceive it. For Rechkin, the slow "entry" into the topic began, as it were, from afar. Lake Danilovo, which is one of the three healing reservoirs of the Omsk region, became the catalyst. The most valuable are three of them: Danilovo, Linevo, Shaitan Lake... No one knows the reasons for such healing qualities of their water, but according to legend, they are connected by an underground river, which charges them with magical power, either from fragments of meteorites or from other sources. Danilovo, located on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, is the most curative of all these three. In Nizhnevartovsk, Mikhail Rechkin knew the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich, to whom he asked various questions from time to time, trying to squeeze out something valuable from the alien channel. In 1996, she got the topic of the healing properties of Lake Danilovo. Olga confirmed the extraordinary usefulness of this reservoir. In her opinion, the lakes were created by the Cosmos, and indeed have a meteoric origin, since they were created by fragments of one celestial body. The next important point for Rechkin was the information that there are not three healing lakes in this area, but five. The last, the fifth, the most mystical. Only a select few know about him. It is in everyone's sight, but not everyone can see it. This lake, which Rechkin later called Hidden in the opinion of the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. And in order to get this effect, it is necessary to plunge in a certain sequence into the waters of all five lakes. Rechkin, of course, was very interested in this information and he set out to find and explore the missing two lakes and unravel the mystery of all five lakes. Further questioning of the clairvoyant enriched Rechkin with new information. In ancient times, on the banks of the Tara, which at that time was full-flowing like the Indian Ganges, there was a temple. And in this temple in the central hall there was a "jewel of unearthly origin" - a power conical Crystal. The energy of this Crystal charges the waters of all five lakes through a common underground system. But at that time, the Crystal was intended to establish a distant space connection with the civilization of creators from one of the planets of the Sirius star system. It was then that Rechkin remembered the words of the editor of the Muromtsev newspaper about the temple near Okunevo. Now it was required to question in detail the Indian woman Rajni herself about the temple that she sees in her visions and compare this information with the data of Olga Gurbanovich. In addition to the fact that Rajni told Mikhail Rechkin about the luminous creatures and their machines woven from light, which she saw on the sacred Omkar, there was information that almost exactly coincided with what Olga Gurbanovich said - in the temple of King Hanuman there was a certain channel of distant space communication. Definitely both women were talking about the same thing. Now it was required to go and find out everything on the spot.
