

Meat as #manliness. We explore the origins of “soy boy” and the rise of internet sensation #LiverKing (aka Brian Johnson) who looks like a cartoon caveman on steroids and calls himself a lifestyle coach, CEO, and “primal” — all while owning a mansion, a fleet of vehicles, an array of guns and even a private jet. Behind his carefully crafted social #media shenanigans, of course, Liver King owns a dozen companies selling a vast array of supplements to his followers.
Manclan is a new #podcast series by Annie Kelly and Julian Feeld exploring the digital world of #masculinity influencers, esoteric manliness rituals, and alpha men. Covering everything from pick up artists to weightlifters, from #NewAge #health perverts to #neo-fascist|s, it’ll also be touching on the pre-internet #history of masculinity and men’s movements.

https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/qaa-presents-manclan-e1-liver-king-vs-the-soy-boys #rightwing #sexism #religion