

https://aus.social/@fullfathomfive/112280049214348327 fullfathomfive@aus.social - THEIR EXPERIENCE OF REJECTION IS THE ARTWORK

For the last 4 years, the Tasmanian Museum of Old and New Art has been running an installation called The Ladies Lounge. Only people who identify as ladies are allowed to enter. In the lounge, they can sit in luxury and look at famous artworks by Picasso etc, which are not available elsewhere in the museum. They are served champagne and pampered by male butlers. It was meant as a comment on exclusionary men's clubs (which still exist in Australia and elsewhere).

Some dude got upset about it and sued the gallery for entry at the anti-discrimination tribunal. The artist, Kirsha Kaechele, said she was "absolutely delighted" that the exhibit had been taken to court. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.

She then turned the tribunal hearing into part of the art as well, by having a group of women observing the hearing dress like her and mimic her every move. They did not disrupt the hearing, and at the end of proceedings they exited the tribunal to the song Simply Irresistible.

Kaechele argued in her defence the Ladies Lounge was “a response to the lived experience of women forbidden from entering certain spaces throughout history” and promoted equal opportunity.

The tribunal found against the gallery and is ordering them to allow men to enter the exhibit. MONA is removing the exhibit instead.

Fucking love this artist 😂


#MONA #art #kristenkachele #sexism #discrimination #performanceart #australia


Onde está Maria?

Por Cida Falabella Publicado em 7 de março de 2024 | 10h00

#Maria #mulheres #mulher #CidaFalabella #BH #MG #feminismo #women #feminism #cultura #culture #presépio #Natal #Christmas #sexism #cristão #evangélico #evangélica #censura #estupidez #machismo


No Natal do ano passado, em meio às compras de presentes para a família, entrei em uma loja e perguntei por presépios. Eu gosto de Natal, é preciso dizer. Já fui de não gostar, mas fiz as pazes com a celebração e sou das que enfeita a casa e recebe a família. “Mas por que falar de Natal em pleno março, mês das mulheres, Cida Falabella?”. Vai ouvindo.

Tinham uns presépios bem feinhos, mas eu queria levar mesmo assim e estava indecisa, demorando a decidir, até que escolhi. Fui dar aquela última olhada antes de a atendente embrulhar o presépio escolhido quando, pasmem, onde está Maria?

A moça pediu desculpas e foi buscar outros exemplares, mas não encontrou nenhum que tivesse a Mãe. Alguns traziam os três reis magos, outros não, todos tinham José, os bichos variavam de um para outro, mas nenhum tinha Maria. E eu repetia incrédula: “Mas cadê Maria, gente? A mãe que deu à luz?”.

Aquela cena mundialmente famosa jamais existiria se não fosse pelo papel dos dois protagonistas, minha gente. Não ia ter Menino, Reis Magos e tudo que aconteceu depois e mudou a história do mundo. E naquele item genérico, nem de coadjuvante colocaram a Mãe.

“Inacreditável”, eu falava mais para mim do que para a atendente, que não tinha responsabilidade sobre a ausência ilustre. As pessoas começaram a olhar. Algumas ajudaram na busca, mas Maria não estava ali mesmo. Silêncio. Eu e a atendente nos olhamos incrédulas. Eu pedi desculpas e desisti da compra: “Desculpa, moça. Sem Maria não posso levar o presépio”.

Levo Maria comigo em meu nome como a marca de um milagre. Minha mãe, Dona Cely, depois que se casou, sofreu uma queda e uma médica disse a ela que nunca poderia ter filhos. Quando ela, por força de sua vontade e das suas orações, engravidou, consagrou sua primeira filha a Nossa Senhora. Por isso, me chamo Maria Aparecida. Carregando esse nome na certidão e no coração, é esperado que perceberia a ausência da Mãe, escrito assim, na regra do sagrado.

Hoje, ao pensar no que escrever neste Dia Internacional das Mulheres, essa história me vem como metáfora do que vivem as mães e mulheres, aquelas que carregam, embalam, limpam, pranteiam… cuidam de uma forma tida como “natural”, invisibilizada e não remunerada.

“Cuidam de quê, Cida?”. “Do mundo, e de todo mundo”.

Ninguém parece ver, mas é a economia do cuidado que permite que exista produtividade e organização em todo o resto da nossa sociedade, e ela é feita por milhões de Marias – ainda o nome próprio mais comum no Brasil. Segundo dados da PNAD Contínua de 2019, as Marias dedicam, em média, 21,7 horas semanais ao trabalho doméstico e de cuidados não-remunerado, enquanto os homens dedicam 11 horas. Para as brancas, essa cifra é de 21 horas semanais e para as negras, 22,3 horas por semana. Ainda que pareça pouco, ao final de um ano, as Marias negras fazem quase 68 horas a mais de trabalho de cuidados não-remunerado, e isso as retira dos cuidados consigo mesmas, do mercado de trabalho e de diversos outros espaços, como por exemplo, a política.

Neste mês de março, para além da luta pelo direito de permanecermos vivas em um país ainda extremamente violento para mulheres, é preciso reconhecer o protagonismo das nossas Marias – e cuidar delas. Este é só o primeiro passo de uma mudança cultural complexa e urgente, que passa pela elaboração de políticas públicas que apoiem as mulheres, facilitem seu cotidiano e as permitam usufruir com igualdade de oportunidades das vidas, sem que os cuidados sejam deixados de lado. Que a justiça de cada dia nos dai hoje, Maria.


A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide

(CNN) — An Ohio woman who had sought treatment at a hospital before suffering a miscarriage and passing her nonviable fetus in her bathroom now faces a criminal charge, her attorney told CNN.

Brittany Watts, 33, of Warren, has been charged with felony abuse of a corpse, Trumbull County court records show.

“Ms. Watts suffered a tragic and dangerous miscarriage that jeopardized her own life. Rather than focusing on healing physically and emotionally, she was arrested and charged with a felony,” her attorney, Traci Timko, told CNN in an email.

“Ms. Watts’ case is pending before the Trumbull County Grand Jury. I have advised her not to speak publicly until the criminal matter has resolved.”

Though a coroner’s office report said the fetus was not viable and had died in the womb, Watts’ case highlights the extent to which prosecutors can charge a woman whose pregnancy has ended – whether by abortion or miscarriage.

. . .

#Ohio #abortion #miscarriage #sexism #rightsAbuse #womensRights #bodilyAutonomy #medicine #health


A quotation from Ehrenreich, Barbara

We are talking about a nine-month bout of symptoms of varying severity, often including nausea, skin discolorations, extreme bloating and swelling, insomnia, narcolepsy, hair loss, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, indigestion, and irreversible weight gain, and culminating in a physiological crisis which is occasionally fatal and almost always excruciatingly painful. If men were equally at risk from this condition — if they knew their bellies might swell as if they were suffering from end-stage cirrhosis, that they would have to go nearly a year without a stiff drink, a cigarette, or even an aspirin, that they would be subject to fainting spells and unable to fight their way onto commuter trains — then I am sure that pregnancy would be classified as a sexually transmitted disease and abortions would be no more controversial than emergency appendectomies.

Barbara Ehrenreich (b. 1941) American feminist, journalist, political activist
“Hers” column, New York Times (1985-02-07)

#quote #quotes #quotation #abortion #pregnancy #sexism #health #symptoms #perspective
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/ehrenreich-barbara/65461/


TW: Pure unadulterated #sexism

At a professional conference my partner is currently attending, there's another woman whose husband was supposed to take care of their 2-year old kid while she was away for the week. Today, on day 2 of the conference, he called her to say she needs to come home because he's sick and take care of him and the kid. He has refused to call his brother or her sister who are 20 minutes away for help.

There's no happy ending, the woman is now rushing to pack to catch a flight back home this evening. Despite making me, of all people, look incredibly good, this shit is making me absolutely livid. How many women's lives have been absolutely wrecked by this kind of unchecked patriarchal entitlement?

The thought is dizzying me once again.


Watching Star Trek original series and just hit me that despite their sexist portray of women, the women in this scene would never be able to fit in today's norms to be actresses, even for such a short scene.

#Startrek #Sexism #TVShow


Feminists are protesting against the wave of anti-feminism that's swept South Korea

"Femi," short for feminist, has become a derogatory label for any person who speaks up about gender discrimination and women's empowerment in South Korea. Hwang, of Haeil, said asking someone if they are a "femi" in Korea is the same thing as asking if they have a mental illness.


#south #korea #feminism #chauvinism #sexism #patriarchy


Meat as #manliness. We explore the origins of “soy boy” and the rise of internet sensation #LiverKing (aka Brian Johnson) who looks like a cartoon caveman on steroids and calls himself a lifestyle coach, CEO, and “primal” — all while owning a mansion, a fleet of vehicles, an array of guns and even a private jet. Behind his carefully crafted social #media shenanigans, of course, Liver King owns a dozen companies selling a vast array of supplements to his followers.
Manclan is a new #podcast series by Annie Kelly and Julian Feeld exploring the digital world of #masculinity influencers, esoteric manliness rituals, and alpha men. Covering everything from pick up artists to weightlifters, from #NewAge #health perverts to #neo-fascist|s, it’ll also be touching on the pre-internet #history of masculinity and men’s movements.

https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/qaa-presents-manclan-e1-liver-king-vs-the-soy-boys #rightwing #sexism #religion