

Gee, look what I was doing (as a student) a mere 45 years ago.

It's true: "You can find anything online"

We looked at Rupert Murdoch's Post (Full page screaming headlines) vs. the NY Times' treatment (bold headline with facts),
and how the 'fake news' &/or emotive slant impacted viewers' perceptions (or not). This was - #ContextAndPerspective - in New York City in an era when people read newspapers, and they were on every corner in #newstands, just a notch forward in timeline from the days of "Extra! Extra! Read all about i!". Papers at newsstands and grocery check-out cash registers, were ubiquitous, and impactful.

And, in our opinion - myself and future social psychologist Pete Dan - there was a clear, empirically demonstrable difference between tabloid headlines (in this case the Post's screaming headline "Nuke Cloud Spreading" vs the NY Times headline about a hairline fracture at the 3-Mile-Island Nuclear plant, near NYC.

O-Bla-Di, O-bla da. Happy Weekend!

#media #headlines #FakeNews #Propaganda #Truth #disinformation #psychology