Surveillance under Surveillance
what this is about
Surveillance under #Surveillance shows you #cameras and #guards — #watching you — almost everywhere. You can see where they are #located and, if the information is available, what type they are, the area they #observe, or other interesting facts.
Different icons and colors give you a quick overview about the indexed surveillance entries. Click on those icons on the #map to get the available information.
& #tldw #heresthefuckingnews https://rumble.com/v2j7s88-the-nightmare-begins..html #mediaawareness #propagandaawareness
#areyoureadyforthis ? #suspect .
#robocop #skynet
#divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution #binary #usandthem #corporatarchy #hourofhate #adhominem #regulatorycapture #policemilitarization #centralisedgovernment #TheCorporation #agnogenesis #groupthink #manufacturedgroupthink #polarisation #centralisedauthority #theylie #weaponsofmassdistraction #silencing
#weareallinthistogether #connection #fearlessspeech #humanrights #retainprivacy #keepspeakingout #keepquestioning #stayfree #lookup #questionmore #understandeachother #doyourownthinking #questioning #payattention #observe #flapyourbutterflywings #youarepowerful #youcanhelpmendthis #decentralisation #lifessimplejoys #laugh
#freedom #freespeech #awareness
#KatTimpf #RussellBrand #YouCantJokeAboutThat