

I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy/epistemology behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.
~ "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to my death, your right to say it."

listening to this immunologist https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/H/h/N/H/HhNHb.caa.1.mp4?u=0&b=0

reminds me of ... https://joindiaspora.com/posts/18175698 ... long before he mentioned the #nuremberg code.

#civilliberties #existential #humanrights #coercedmedicalproceedures #antivaxxers #anyvaxxers #neither #immunology #health #rights #logic #coercion #silence #duress #morality #moralconscience #moralcoward #selfcensorship #censorship #decide #freedom #noveltechnology #humantesting #plandemic #geneticengineering #fuseagenicprotien #warn #warning #worrying #coagulation #arrogance #stonewalling #denial #marketing #clots #thevaccineisnotavaccine #humancull #thinkaboutit #costriskanalysis #medicalethics #manslaughter #massmurder #softkill #eugenics #tyranny #vaccinepassport #digitalidentity #privelidgelevels #coerce #totalitariancontrol #behaviourcontrol #mindcontrol #obey #disobey #tonybliar #killbill #canttrustgovernment #corporateterrorism #epidemiology #topupvaccine #howstupidarewe #stultophobia #wealthextractionmaximisation #regulatorycapture #regulatoryskip #hippocraticoath #donoharm #depopulation #nocullnecessary #prisonplanet #unethical #toxicology #costbenefit #riskanalysis #doctorsmustknow #nursesmustknow #avoidabledeaths #hierarchy #massmedia #howthefewcontrolthemany #experimentaltreatment #treatment #mistreatment #nurembergcode #councilofeurope

frustrating how suppressed such messages have been getting... and more frustrating how many succumb to the danger of the little bit of information they're allowed, epistemologically missing that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and blundering into a dozen other fallacies and unquestioning group think, saturated in the propaganda parroted back, not even questioning who's making bank, who's got conflicts of interest, not following the money, not considering cui-bono. very disappointing, humanity, very disappointing, and all the more for all you keep quiet for the fear of what other people think. you would hand us all over to eugenicists and tyrants just to play play along for an easy life. ... "First they came..."

I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.

Listen to those who seek the truth, run from those who claim to have found it.

yet, "no valid medical reason whatsoever" & "no chance, impossible" & "not viable, not plausible" surely needs give you pause for concern and consideration. and he can say "I don't know" often too, and consider possibilities and uncertainties. Sounds like someone who investigates rather than parrots unquestioningly. still some flies in his ointment still, but far less than the jar of flies-only on offer.

remember they already bought themselves #NoLiability ... :-[

achieve totalitarian domination, AND triple your billionaire wealth, risk-free? no-brainer for the #ruthless.

#wakethefuckup #weareinalotoftrouble

and still the words of that middling insider from years ago caught on audio recording scoffing something like "after the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms".

... and initiated at the end of the year with the biggest % of the world population protesting. and largely protesting the banker/corporate-polluter/politician class... same folks who promote #thegreatreset #geoengineering and ploys text-book copy of simulations like #event201 ... got enough smoking gun yet? got enough pieces in place to make a reasonable guess at the picture yet? or is it still as those who have most to gain and most to lose say to you?

we needn't have this bs, we needn't keep succumbing to their terrorising us into accepting, even pleading for, their toxic paternalism. we could have anarchism, and that would be a #good thing.

"hope will be ok" #positivityninnyism #no #wearenotdoingthatanymore

"They can't believe people can be that evil. I remind them, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, they do exist."

#beliefism #denial #evil

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

"One death is a tragedy; a million, a statistic." ... numb yet? :-/

"I don't believe anything I'm told anymore." YAY! non-belief. best protection to deceivers. #keepquestioning

#relax #keeplearning


dont throw the baby out with the #bathwater.

i agree, there's A LOT of VERY DIRTY bathwater to be thrown out.

but dont throw the baby out with it.

get more specific, more investigative, check it out, before you throw it all out.

... i'll stop there before i attempt to over-work the analogy.

this is something i've thought of for religion for about 20 years. i used to be one of those militant atheist anti-religious sorts since early childhood, thinking the christianity i was introduced to, and forced to go to church in until 12, was a load of nonsense about a story book n a fictional character called jesus. it was not until i was challenged on it (around age 17), that i realised i was arguing from ignorance, that i did not know neither deep or wide into religion. and it seemed that's what every other militant anti-religion atheist was doing too. arguing from ignorance, armed with their cherry picked facts to present it all as bad as their worst tidbits. a little bit of information is a dangerous thing.

the analogy ("dont throw the baby out with the bathwater") springs to mind very loud again these days with all the anti-muslim and anti-semetic noise going around. there is worthyness in islam. some of it, we will do well to learn from. and no, i dont mean take it all whole, as thats just the other side of the stupidity-coin of throwing it all out whole. cant get there from absolutes. one has to delve into the nuance. one has to study and explore.

if you listened to the naysayers who seem to seek some kind of holy war / religious war, you'd think all of islam is the same, and that all who follow it are therefor in a child rape gang (skipping for a moment that there's more child rape gangs with people of their (the accuser's) religious/cultural/ethnic backgrounds, so~~). ... as if there's no virtue in islam anywhere.

same with the noise n nonsense of "anti-semitism". cant possibly think they're all like the worst characterisations, and therefor cant possibly have any virtue in the decrees to get them all, since that'd be mass punishment of the majority of innocents. even as you separate out religion, culture and ethnicity, you can see diversity in each, even in these religions that try so hard to keep their religious text unedited.

how broad must one's brush become before they will realise the folly of tarring wide? guilt by association. we're all human, so all humans must suffer punishment for the worst of us?

#dontthrowthebabyoutwiththebathwater #religion #anti-religion #islam #anti-islam #digitsrants #egalitarianism #enlightenment #study #studymore #research #questionmore #keepquestioning #learnmore #logic #virtue #ignorance #prejudice #mobmentality #remedy #separationisthepathtodestruction #investigate #bewaretheshills #shills #sowingseeds #cantgettherefromhere

to paraphrase Gandhi:

I am a Hindu, I am a Muslim, I am a Christian, I am a Jew, and so are you. now bog off.

his noodlyness is watching. #fsm