

On Paperwork vs. Digital Formats

tired: Our customer's paperwork is profit. Our own paperwork is loss.[1]

wired: Your proprietay data format is loss. Our proprietary data format is profit.

I'd remembered the first aphorism from a long-ago collection of Murphy's Laws.

Thinking through my struggles at organising online and digital media, references, etc., I realised that a huge problem is that these formats don't serve my goals. They're designed far more around their authors' goals, or even more often, the publishers' goals, largely around advertising, marketing, tracking, building lock-in, creating and defending monopolies, and the like.

Digital formats that are in the end-user's interest and specification serve the user. Those that are in the publisher's specification serve the publisher.

A related thought is that a key affordance of printed periodicals (newspapers, magazines, journals) is that of garbage collection, to put a contemporary spin on it.

When you're done reading a newspaper or magazine, you pick up the whole lot and throw it out. There's an intermediate level of organisation other than "the article" and "the whole collection" (that is, everything published in your office or home), "the issue". (Or perhaps a box or shelf of archived media.) That is, _there are multiple naturally-occurring levels of aggregation.)

When you're trying to sort through a set of browser tabs, you generally have only two levels of aggregation: the individual tab, or the entire session. There are typically no intermediate levels, and sorting through what you want to keep (or re-read, or work with) means you've got to go through the set one at a time and resolve disposition. The data format serves the browser vendor, but not the user.

Tools such as Tree-Style Tabs, an absolutely essential Firefox extension, give a higher level of natural organisation, the tab tree. Here, a structure emerges, without user effort, of related content. At the top of the tree is whatever page began an exploration, and as you descend it, you go further down into the search. When cleaning up, it's possible to pick any given tab, branch, or whole tree, and close it out in one fell swoop. Garbage collection costs are reduced.

(Three guesses as to what I've been attempting to do, and the first two don't count.)


  1. (Tony) Brown's Law of Business Success

#media #paperwork #DigitalMedia #DigitalFormats #FileFormats #DataFormats #kfc #docfs #UserCentricDesign #TreeStyleTabs


Geniuses: Some Refurbished iPhone 6 Pluses Have Touch Disease New Out of the Box



The Geniuses I’ve spoken to explain that #Apple’s silence on the issue isn’t just hurting customers, it’s also making it much more difficult for Geniuses to do their job. If a Genius officially puts a replacement #phone sale through on Apple’s internal system before noticing that the replacement phone is also #broken, Apple’s system won’t immediately allow Geniuses to swap it with a third, functioning device.


“If you put it in the [Mobile Genius point of sale system] and can't give them that #shitty 6 Plus that's doing the same thing as their device they came into fix, you personally have to hand them a different one than the #paperwork they signed says, and do another swap through Mobile Genius the next day,” a Genius told me. The customer, of course, doesn’t have to pay for a second replacement phone because it’s within the 90-day #warranty period, but essentially they’re being given off-the-books replacement devices for at least 24 hours until the #system is updated.


More pressing, customers aren’t generally #happy when they’re asked to spend $329 to replace a phone that they didn’t cause to #break.


“In order for you to get a #promotion or #raise as a Genius, they look at customer #satisfaction reviews. With this, you know a lot of times it’s not going to be a good encounter. When your yearly review comes up, your #manager will say, ‘Well, you had a lot of #negative reviews,’” a Genius told me. “And then you say ‘Yeah, they had a phone that they did #nothing to and we asked them to #pay $329 to replace it.’ It affects your #career at Apple.”



#iPhone #bendgate #logicBoard #knownIssue #looseChipsSinkShips