Berufsverbot in der Kirche: „Es geht um Gerechtigkeit“
Helmut Tröber durfte wegen seines linken Engagements in Hamburg nicht Pastor werden. Seine Nichte Kaija Kutter hat mit ihm gesprochen.#wochentaz #Nordkirche #Berufsverbot #Pastor #Radikalenerlass #Stadtland #Hamburg #Nord #Schwerpunkt
Berufsverbot in der Kirche: „Es geht um Gerechtigkeit“
Berufsverbot in der Kirche
„Es geht um Gerechtigkeit“
Von Kaija Kutter
Helmut Tröber durfte wegen seines linken Engagements in Hamburg nicht Pastor werden. Seine Nichte Kaija Kutter hat mit ihm gesprochen.
#taz #tageszeitung #wochentaz #Nordkirche #Berufsverbot #Pastor #Radikalenerlass
Jerusalem’s first female pastor on equality, Israeli occupation, and her new role
_The 26-year-old speaks to us about her duties, discrimination and the challenges posed by the Israeli occupation _
At age 26, Sally Azar has become the first Palestinian female #pastor in the Old City of #Jerusalem. The news has made headlines around the world, as most #Palestinian #Christians belong to denominations that do not allow female clergy, making Azar’s appointment a rare occasion that has been widely celebrated in the region.
Azar was born and raised in Jerusalem, but travelled to #Germany where she studied intercultural theology. Returning back to Jerusalem after spending years living in #Berlin was a shock for Azar. She found herself having to get used to the tense situation on the ground and the restrictions and challenges imposed by the Israeli #occupation.
#Israel #Palestine
Majority of Canadians Are on the Side of the Freedom Movement
Amid the ongoing ‘ #FreedomConvoy’ #protests, PM #JustinTrudeau has triggered the #EmergenciesAct, claiming the #movement threatens #Canada’s security. We speak with #pastor #HenryHildebrandt, who says the more #repressive the #government is, the more people will #support the #protesters.
Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative.
#Doméstica é resgatada em casa de #Pastor após 32 anos em condição análoga à #Escravidão -
https://br.noticias.yahoo.com/doméstica-é-resgatada-em-casa-235900377.html -
Via YahooBr -
"…O cenário era #Mossoró, segunda maior cidade do Rio Grande do Norte. E ali, cerca de 32 anos atrás, teria início uma história enquadrada …como “análoga à escravidão”, com relatos que também apontam para uma década de possíveis abusos sexuais…A menina, que se encontrava em condições de vulnerabilidade onde morava, aceitou aos 15 anos um novo convite: mudou-se de vez para “ajudar no cuidado com as crianças e nos trabalhos domésticos…” -
O #Brasil e os #Livros -
http://www.facebook.com/olepeter.smith/posts/10203561407275552 -
Via Ole Peter Smith - Na dúvida, siga à esquerda -
[ Já esteve aqui. É tão bom que voltou ] - 2015 - [FB] -
. Aparentemente, em um monte de Igrejas ninguém lê nada. Só ouve o #Pastor ... -