Hackaday Links: July 9, 2023
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posted by pod_feeder_v2
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Nullschool's Earth Weather Visualiser particulate data stream update on October 6, 2020
Looking at particulate data (useful for tracking wildffire smoke) there's far greater indicated prevalence reported after 1200Z on that date, especially over oceans.
Contrast before (1200Z) and after (1300Z).
Data sources are given as CAMS / Copernicus / EC + ECMWF, see about page.
And yes, a system update at the site:
This upgrade combines four significant scientific changes which will make the CAMS global forecasts even more accurate and robust:
- The anthropogenic emissions have been updated to a newer version. In addition, the diurnal cycle and vertical injection height of the emissions for some pollutants, such as SO2, have been refined.
- The parametrisations that model the emission of sea salt and desert dust have been updated resulting in better agreement with measured sea salt aerosol concentrations and reducing an overestimation of dust in the Sahara, the Middle East and other regions.
- The modelling of stratospheric ozone has been updated with an improved hybrid linear ozone scheme, which improves the vertical profile of stratospheric ozone in the forecasts.
- The assimilation of volcanic SO2 observations from the Sentinel-5p/TROPOMI instrument has been activated.
#nullschool #whetherVisualiser #particulates #PM25 #copernicus #ECMWF
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