

#politics #journalism #prisonregime #urgentaction #mumiaabujamal #freemuma

Mumia Abu-Jamal Health Alert & Action

Mumia underwent a double bypass heart surgery on April 19, 2021. His doctor prescribed a cardiac diet and regular exercise for recovery. To date, almost 3 years later, the prison has failed to provide Mumia the required cardiac diet and opportunities for exercise. The outside yard is often closed, and he has been prohibited from walking in the day room. Mumia is extremely vulnerable. His severe skin condition has flared up, causing him great discomfort including painful itching 24/7. His heart and overall health is severely affected. The prison diet and limited exercise are in violation of the standards of cardiac care and doctor’s orders. Keeping elders in prison is a human rights violation.

TAKE ACTION! It’s time we demand a heart healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and limited highly processed foods, and we demand access for Mumia to do regular exercise every day.

Death by incarceration (DBI) must be banned. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
- https://www.prisonradio.org/news-update/mumia-abu-jamal-am-8335-health-alert-action/


#politics #prisonregime #usa #covid19 #freeleonardpeltier #coleman-prison #humanrights #political-prisoners #aim #firstnations #usa

Leonard Peltier Pleads For Help Amid Constant COVID Lockdowns In Prison

The Native American rights activist, now 77 and ailing, says "fear and stress" from unbearable periods of isolation is breaking him and others:

"COVID has turned Coleman Prison back to the Dark Ages. I remember a time at Marion USP when I was put in solitary for so long, when 72 hours could make you start to forget who you were. I once wrote down who I was on the concrete floor under my bed, so if I forgot, I could read it back to myself. I traded my last cigarette for a pencil. I’d rush to the door when a guard left the meager plate of food, just to see a glimpse of another human being — even if it was one that hated me, it was another human and good for my mind for a minute.

I’m in hell, and there is no way to deal with it but to take it as long as you can. I cling to the belief that people are out there doing what they can to change our circumstances in here. The fear and stress are taking a toll on everyone, including the staff. You can see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. The whole institution is on total LOCKDOWN.

In and out of lockdown last year at least meant a shower every third day, a meal beyond a sandwich wet with a little peanut butter — but now with COVID for an excuse, nothing. No phone, no window, no fresh air — no humans to gather — no love ones voice. No relief. Left alone and without attention is like a torture chamber for the sick and old.

Where are our human rights activists? You are hearing from me, and with me, many desperate men and women! They are turning an already harsh environment into an asylum, and for many who did not receive a death penalty, we are now staring down the face of one! Help me, my brothers and sisters, help me my good friends."

Informations in german: https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/420091.indigene-bewegung-in-den-usa-der-druck-w%C3%A4chst.html