Revealed: International ‘race science’ network secretly funded by US tech boss | #Race | The Guardian
Digging Into the Ancient Apocalypse Filming Controversy
Many scholars have heavily criticized Hancock’s theory as pseudoscience that lacks any evidence. Like conspiracy theories about aliens building ancient monuments, Hancock’s views carry racist implications—explicitly championed by white supremacists—that Indigenous peoples were not the source of their own cultures, technologies, and monuments.
Netflix was presumedly present as well because it holds the movie rights to the improbable love story between the princess and the shaman. Whether the newlyweds – infamous for their relentless promotion of pseudo-scientific quackery, royal profiteering and, in Verrett’s case, a belief that he’s a hybrid reptile from Andromeda who can cleanse spiritual imprints in promiscuous women’s vaginas – have found a good fit in Rebecca Chaiklin, the Tiger King director, well, that remains to be seen.
#economics #politics #pseudoscience
Neoclassical economics should already belong to the history of economic thought, as a failed paradigm every bit as wrong about the economy as Ptolemaic Astronomy was about the universe. If economics responded to paradigmatic anomalies as physical sciences do, then Neoclassical economics would have died by the early 1970s, and a new paradigm would have replaced it.
certains humains seraient capables de vivre en se privant de nourriture et d'eau... Un vrai miracle ! Petit voyage au pays des personnes qui prétendent se nourrir de soleil, de lumière, d'air, de prana, d'énergie vitale cosmique...
Phelps has been a proponent of cupping for at least the past decade without publicly endorsing a brand. He’s already sponsored by a litany of high-end companies, including Subway, Visa, Speedo, PowerBar, Under Armour, and AT&T, no doubt with many more waiting in the wings. And with a net worth of around $100 million, he doesn’t need the money. So, what motivates someone like Phelps to throw the full weight of his reputation behind Flying Fish Cupping, an American startup with a rudimentary website and a single device in its catalog? And why now? I must assume he genuinely believes in the product—in its capacity to mitigate soreness, heal the muscles, and promote recovery. He may be getting high on his own supply, so to speak.
On May 10, 2023, the journal Nature stooped to a new low when it credulously highlighted one of the most rampant forms of pseudoscience in the world of autism. Facilitated communication, a method that was thoroughly debunked back in the 1990s, has come back, repackaged variously as rapid prompting method (RPM), spelling to communicate (S2C), or simply “using a letter board.” These variants are quickly spreading throughout the autism world. Apparently, we can count the editors of Nature among those who have been fooled by them.
#science #pseudoscience #autism
“I have a foreboding of an #America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a #service and #information #economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome #technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the #public interest can even grasp the issues; when the #people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our #horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's #true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into #superstition and darkness...
The dumbing-down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential #media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on #pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of i#gnorance.”
-Carl Sagan, in “A demon haunted world: science as a candle in the dark" 1995.
Cette secte contrôle 734 écoles alternatives en Europe. Faites attention à vos enfants !
#anthroposophie #secte #délire #danger #pseudoscience #éducation #école #enfance
Like many herbal remedies, white mulberry is said to be useful in treating a wide variety of health conditions—with little to no evidence. The most common is diabetes. Studies have suggested that the tree, native to China, contains anti-diabetic compounds that can lower blood glucose levels in diabetic mice. But white mulberry is also said to help with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, weight loss, the common cold, joint pain, and arthritis, among other conditions.
While many questions remain about McClintock's case, it highlights the long-standing problem that vitamins, herbs, and minerals in the US are not rigorously tested for safety and efficacy by the Food and Drug Administration like medicines. The FDA also has limited abilities to monitor and track the tens of thousands of supplements on the market.
Another reason to avoid those obscure supplements and herbal remedies. It's deadly.
#herbalremedy #supplement #esoteric #pseudoscience
#telegraph is promoting #pseudoscience Torygraph, like the Tories, promoting lies
Je vais le rappeler mais on attrape le SIDA que parce qu'on choppe le HIV, pas parce qu'on aurait soit-disant moins de défenses immunitaires suite à un vaccin arn contre la covid 19 (déjà, cela resterait à prouver)
Un certain Bazil affirme pourtant le contraire sur ce réseau, soutenu par un énergumène appelé Supertomate (type visiblement peu recommandable).
Depuis les années 80, des associatons se sont battues pour que les gens se protègent, contre des rumeurs et des croyances débiles ("moi je peux pas l'attraper parce que j'ai un bon système immunitaire", "De toute façon y a que les pédés qu'ils l'attrapent, j'ai pas besoin de me protéger"), pour que les gouvernements agissent (les Trumps et les Bolsonaro de l'époque s'appelaient Reagan et Tatcher)..
Le HIV a été découvert par trois chercheurs, dont 2 ont reçu le prix Nobel. Parmi les deux, l'un est une femme et l'autre est l'illustration parfaite du "syndrome ou maladie du Nobel".
Maintenant #question : Pourquoi devrais-je me fier à l'avis d'un Nobel plutôt que d'une autre ?
(sachant que cette dernière, contrairement à l'autre, n'a pas eu autant l'honneur des médias, préférant sans doute bosser qu'aller dire des conneries pour épater les crédules )
#charlatanisme #pseudoscience #antivax #antivaccin #coviot #nobel #maladie #sida #hiv #science
PS : Rappelez-vous tous les mensonges qu'ils ont raconté :
- que la covid 19 n'existe pas.
- que c'était une grippe.
- qu'elle ne tuait pas.
- qu'il n'y aurait pas de deuxième, puis de troisième vague (ensuite, se rendant compte du ridicule, ils ont fini par arrêter de répéter cette ânerie)
- que les masques allaient vous asphyxier
-que le vaccin contenait des nanoparticules et visait à contrôler les gens grâce à la 5G. La preuve en était que les gens avaient le bras aimanté suite à l'injection (alors que ces vaccins arn ne contiennent aucun métal)
-que les vaccins étaient fabriqués à partir de fœtus.
- que les vaccins contiennent de l'ADN extraterrestre
-que les vaccins rendent impuissants
-que des millions de personnes mourraient à cause du vaccin à l'automne. Etc...
Ça ne serait pas si grave si la santé des gens n'était pas en jeu.
Ou ces gens sont complètement débiles ou ce sont des menteurs invétérés, et c'est vous, à ce moment là, en ce moment même, qu'ils prennent pour des débiles. Demandez-vous alors : Ont-ils juste une pathologie mentale ou poursuivent-ils un but inavouable ? Dans ce cas, lequel ? Que veulent-ils cacher par tous ces mensonges ?
(Post-post-scriptum : Désolé d'avance pour les coquilles.)
● NEWS ● #Orac #pseudoscience ☞ The most famous sufferer from Nobel Disease has died
Because they'll never hold crooks like #elonmusk accountable for pushing #pseudoscience and reckless experimental crap