

various more interesting insights and ideas in this, more than i rabidly sporadically jotted down and paraphrased here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zwq0pnLdX0
#who and #wef on the day of announcement of covid crisis unleashed their action plan which was obviously pre planned part of their global thinktank corporate-superstate-autocracy totalitarian technarchy devoid of #democracy (which we can still mend and re-implement all over).

"totalitarianism's ultimate goal is to render human beings redundant to its functioning as a system of governance"

when cbdc comes we must resist it with everything we've got.

no one could want this horror, unless #problemreactionsolution raised on a series of appocalyptic threats, our #children, raised on #austerity, on national decline, on banking crises, environmental crises, on health crises. they graduated to #lockdown, and #masks and #vaccinemandates. they've been bombarded by fear. and they're being offered as a way out of that explicit~ out of that terror, these transhuman programs. and that's why it's up to us. one of the things we can do, is reaffirm the human being.

#imagine and #create a #better #future, #now.
a future not at fear.
not scared of each other. at our most human.
individual acts of #noncompliance
question capitalism, and the horrible society capitalism created.
#decentralise #decentralisation.
#presrvedata #presrvehistory #makedigitalbackups #makehardcopies #hardcopy #books #buybooks
... if you are reading this, you are the resistance. ;)

we can do better.

#isolation #totalitarianism #virtuesignalling #obedience #fascism #fundamentalism #environmentalfundamentalism
#perpetualreich #cbdc #dystopia #centralisedglobalgovernment #anthrocide #ratchetting #smartphone #panopticon #toolsofourenslavement #digitalid #digitalcamp #orwellian #rewritinghistory #digitalbookburning


#jumpoutofwater #disobey



#refriend #reclaimthespace #read