#evil ones and the money scam
#AgustinCarstens The #Villain is Back. He Wants to #Read Your #Mind so They Can #Control You
#evil ones and the money scam
#AgustinCarstens The #Villain is Back. He Wants to #Read Your #Mind so They Can #Control You
The association, founded in 1876, condemned legislation that would threaten librarians and other educators with criminal prosecution for possessing “obscene” material.
#ALA #libraries #censorship #read #BannedBooks #books #democracy #legislation
I felt contractually obligated to visit this horrible place. To quote Leslie Knope:
“The library is the worst group of people ever assembled in history. They're mean, conniving, rude, and extremely well-read, which makes them dangerous.”
#library #CT #publiclibrary #read #books #parksandrecreation #humor
(albeit, in tragic irony, in some isolated parts, this has some orwellianised language-of-the-oppressor flies-in-the-ointment there, but [edit: as the clip of a young edwrd g griffin points out at around 43:36 to 44:19 clinching it, before expanding with other contextual clarifications] there's wisdom in being aware of the tip-toeing #totalitarianism hiding in #communism and #socialism garb. and #capitalism too. #freedomfirst #limitedgovernment #democracy #ruleoflaw #judiciary #humanrights #tyranyofmajority #jury #inalienablerights #constitutional #individualrights #bodilyautonomy #anarchy #noruler ... anyway, i wont ramble on about the #psychology and #politics. suffice to say, #awareness is a great tool in protecting yourself from #indoctrination #scams. cant #comply your way out, have to #speak out. or it keeps getting worse. wakey wakey. from here now. #speakout )
read with care...
#read #care #ip #pigeons #followinstructions #positions #nude #answer #questions #assessed #crime #tickertape
compelling podcast...
#bibleshit #christiancult #read #condescending #voice #cassette #audiobook #14yearsold #atheist
#welllookslikewegotourselvesareader #dontdoyourownresearch #meme #billhicks #jimmydore #massformationpsychosis #experts #obey #afullyinformedpublic #whatareyoureadingfor #punchingin #spirituality #epistemology #psychology #satire #funny
#How to #read #Bhava #Chalit #Chart
Which is #Important In #Astrology?
various more interesting insights and ideas in this, more than i rabidly sporadically jotted down and paraphrased here.
#who and #wef on the day of announcement of covid crisis unleashed their action plan which was obviously pre planned part of their global thinktank corporate-superstate-autocracy totalitarian technarchy devoid of #democracy (which we can still mend and re-implement all over).
"totalitarianism's ultimate goal is to render human beings redundant to its functioning as a system of governance"
when cbdc comes we must resist it with everything we've got.
no one could want this horror, unless #problemreactionsolution raised on a series of appocalyptic threats, our #children, raised on #austerity, on national decline, on banking crises, environmental crises, on health crises. they graduated to #lockdown, and #masks and #vaccinemandates. they've been bombarded by fear. and they're being offered as a way out of that explicit~ out of that terror, these transhuman programs. and that's why it's up to us. one of the things we can do, is reaffirm the human being.
#imagine and #create a #better #future, #now.
a future not at fear.
not scared of each other. at our most human.
individual acts of #noncompliance
question capitalism, and the horrible society capitalism created.
#decentralise #decentralisation.
#presrvedata #presrvehistory #makedigitalbackups #makehardcopies #hardcopy #books #buybooks
... if you are reading this, you are the resistance. ;)
we can do better.
#isolation #totalitarianism #virtuesignalling #obedience #fascism #fundamentalism #environmentalfundamentalism
#perpetualreich #cbdc #dystopia #centralisedglobalgovernment #anthrocide #ratchetting #smartphone #panopticon #toolsofourenslavement #digitalid #digitalcamp #orwellian #rewritinghistory #digitalbookburning
... very interesting #read
Tomas O'Crohan was born on the Great Blasket Island in 1865 and died there in 1937, a great master of his native Irish. He shared to the full the perilous life of a primitive community, yet possessed a shrewd and humorous detachment that enabled him to observe and describe the world. His book is a valuable description of a now vanished way of life; his sole purpose in writing it was in his own words, 'to set down the character of the people about me so that some record of us might live after us, for the like of us will never be again'.
The Blasket Islands are three miles off Irelands Dingle Peninsula. Until their evacuation just after the Second World War, the lives of the 150 or so Blasket Islanders had remained unchanged for centuries. A rich oral tradition of story-telling, poetry, and folktales kept alive the legends and history of the islands, and has made their literature famous throughout the world. The 7 Blasket Island books published by OUP contain memoirs and reminiscences from within this literary tradition, evoking a way of life which has now vanished.
Tomás Ó Criomhthain (anglicised as Tomas O'Crohan or Thomas O'Crohan; 1856 - 1937) was a native of the Irish-speaking Great Blasket Island, 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) off the coast of the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland. He wrote two books, Allagar na h-Inise (Island Cross-Talk) written over the period 1918-23 and published in 1928, and An t-Oileánach (The Islandman), completed in 1923 and published in 1929. Both have been translated into English. The 2012 translation by Garry Bannister and David Sowby is to date the only unabridged version available in English (earlier versions were redacted being considered too earthy).