

#Renoise #tracker on #RaspberryPI - #FloydSteinberg


In this video, I briefly walk through Renoise running on #Raspberry PI. Renoise is a tracker-style #DAW which enables you to quickly create #sample groups, #tracks, and incorporate #VST #plugins. This #video shows how to #install Renoise, #configure #Linux for #best #audio #performance, and how to create a song. Also answering some viewer questions, e.g. how to " #ReWire" Renoise into Reaper so you can use Renoise like a plugin. Table of contents:

00:00 hello
00:14 #hardware needed
00:31 #download, installation and #system #setup
02:06 UI #overview
02:44 creating a simple #drum track
04:03 adding a bass track / using VST plugins
05:07 adding more tracks, sidechain compression
06:02 more effects plugins
06:11 assigning samples to the #keyboard ( #multisamples)
06:31 arranging #sequences into a #song
06:50 "ReWire" Renoise to #REAPER
08:23 script extensions
08:57 verdict
09.31 important things to consider!
09:54 #demo track (8 tracks using multiple plugins and samples #instruments)
11:50 bye-bye

ZynAddSubFX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIcKMS_lxZ8
Renoise https://www.renoise.com/
Reaper https://www.reaper.fm/

#music #musique #synth


#aluhut & #contrails #tinfoil #reaper

“Don’t Fear the Reaper”, the fuel jettison value for an Su27 is BETWEEN the engines. Fuel is NOT jettisoned directly from the engines themselves, not that a fighter aircraft in intercept mode would not jettison fuel to improve handling in the air.

What you really see is just an Su27 climbing behind the drone. As it climbs, hot gas from its engines reacts with cold air and forms contrails. All very normal.



Je cherche quelqu'un qui maîtrise le logiciel de montage audio Reaper pour une mini formation pour la prise en main, travailler les enchaînements, les ruptures de rythme, gestion des pistes pour de la création de podcast...

Rémunéré. En présentiel sur région toulousaine de préférence.

Partage apprécié 😊

Merci et bon week-end !

#reaper #formation #montage #son #audio #podcast #toulouse


U.S. officials said a #Reaper #drone followed a car for hours and then fired based on #evidence it was carrying explosives. But in-depth video #analysis and interviews at the site cast doubt on that account.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/world/asia/us-air-strike-drone-kabul-afghanistan-isis.html

The evidence suggests that his travels that day actually involved transporting colleagues to and from work. And an analysis of video feeds showed that what the military may have seen was Mr. #Ahmadi and a colleague loading canisters of water into his trunk to bring home to his family.

While the U.S. military said the drone strike might have killed three civilians, Times reporting shows that it killed 10, including seven children, in a dense residential block.

#war #terror #terrorism #fail #military #assassin #crime #collateralDamage #humanrights #news #politics #victim #usa