

Why #Russia will never attack the #EU:

I know there is a lot of #military and patriotic #propaganda out there and the military industrial complex is on the rise because everyone wants to arm themselves because of the Russian #threat.

Let's pause for a moment and think about the reasons why #war is still being waged today:

1) The number one reason is still #religion. Religion serves to unite one's own #community, but is also always a demarcation against others. In Europe and Russia, religion only plays a subordinate role and the churches are struggling with insignificance.

2) The second important reason is natural #resources. Western Europe has long since used up its natural resources and is therefore plundering other countries, mainly in #Africa. Russia has enough natural resources of its own.

3) Population growth so that new living spaces are needed. In #Europe and #Russia, the #population is declining. As a result, many families only have one child and they don't want to lose it to the war.

4) Important geostrategic positions. Europe is losing importance. Russia's most important trading partners are in #Asia. Europe is strategically insignificant.

Europe is increasingly losing importance and therefore wants to feel important militarily. For Russia, an attack would bring no advantage and only high losses. Russia can infiltrate the weakened political system in Europe much more easily by manipulating elections and causing social unrest with propaganda. This hybrid warfare is much more successful than an open war.

#politics #future #eu #news #wisdom #warefare #cyberwar #fake #manipulation #democracy #nwo #defense #world #globalization #civilization #strategy #trade #economy #peace #diplomacy #ukraine #invasion #nato #usa


WSJ: The Global War Machine Supplying Colombian Mercenaries to Fight in Sudan

A company with links to the United Arab Emirates has deployed contractors to support the rebel Rapid Support Forces.

The evil triangle of Israel-KSA-UAE now with Turkey and Qatar added to the list are the main source of instability and terrorism in the region, but unfortunately, because of the Israeli-centric policies of the NATO nations, and the astronomical profit in never ending wars, the "civilized" world won't react to them or try to stop their poisonous influence to spread around the world.

#Sudan #UAE #Colombia #Politics #Military #NATO #Profit


Burkina Faso is fighting against a "Machiavellian system" created by the West, a Burkinabe activist says

💬 "Our enemy here [in Africa], we don't hide it, it's #France, it's #NATO. Our enemies are those who created international #terrorism by destroying #Libya and executing its leader, Colonel Muammar #Gaddafi," the Black African Defense League Coordinator in Burkina Faso Abdoul Sawadogo told Sputnik Africa.

On the occasion of the 64th anniversary of Burkina Faso's independence, which was celebrated on December 11, Ibrahim Traore denounced in his address to the nation the "imperialists" who seek to keep the people of Burkina Faso "in slavery".

🗣 "We are victims of our wealth, the wealth that imperialists want to seize at all costs, aiming to keep us in slavery. We will secure it," Traore declared from the Barsalogho town hall.

This is an important statement because it reaffirms Burkina Faso's determination to remain a sovereign and independent country in the face of external pressures, Sawadogo emphasized.

💬 "President Traore is basically addressing the former colonial powers and any entities that may try to interfere in Burkina Faso's internal affairs," the activist concluded.

#BurkinaFaso #Africa #Colonialism #Imperialosm #Politics


Kiev provided Syria’s #HTS with drone operators in order to fight against the Syrian Army during its offensive

The Ukrainians, who are struggling to defend their own territory amidst the #NATO war with #Russia, sent specialist drone operators along with around 150 FPV UAVs to aid the successful regime change operation. This has called into question their priorities at such a time, given the struggle for manpower in #Ukraine.



Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the #IRGC 'Khatam al-Anbiyaa' Headquarters: 'Bashar al-Assad did not request Iranian help – in fact he actively prevented us from coming and helping'

General Mohammad Jafar Asadi, deputy commander of Khatam al-Anbiyaa HQ:

#Assad said to one of our (Iranian) officials in a meeting: 'My soldiers have truly become either smugglers or thieves, they only defend those who offer them bribes and privileges. They could not defend me, and when I wanted to protect at least Damascus, I realized that they were not able to protect Damascus either.'

– Bashar al-Assad did not allow us (the IRGC) to go help the Syrian Arab Army, although he asked us for assistance in the past, but this time he not only did not ask, but he was worried about us arriving, and said that 'if you come, Israel will probably attack us'.

– Turkey is a part of #NATO, and we should not see or accept the presence of this country and its influence anywhere outside of America and #Europe. Turkey is a part of them, and with this attitude, it serves America. America is active behind the scenes.

– It seems that the factions present in Syria will clash with each other based on their own different interests. Maybe separating #Syria is #Turkey's desire, because they have been coveting a part of Syria for a long time.

(From telegram)
#US #Politics #Israel


#NATO draws up plans for its own fleet of naval #surveillance #drones

Source: https://www.defensenews.com/breaking-news/2024/12/03/nato-draws-up-plans-for-its-own-fleet-of-naval-surveillance-drones/

Following a pattern of #undersea #cable damage across European waters in the last year, with the most recent disruptions happening just weeks ago, top NATO officials have begun envisioning a capability that would allow the alliance to have permanent eyes above and under the waterline.

#military #warfare #cybersecurity #Infrastructur #news #Europe


If the escalations continue, then soon it might be'Game Over'

Israel's #genocide in neighbouring areas seems to be just a part of a bigger plan.

The triangle of evil, #Israel #Turkey #SaudiArabia has several new members, #Qatar #UAE, #Ukraine, and they are doing exactly the same thing they have been doing since the 1980s. #Europe needs cheap #gas and like a few years ago it needs a pipeline for the gas from Qatar.

It's depressing and makes you angry to see how money goes before people. For profit, there are 'organizations' calculatingly funding an army of paid killers, led by the group #Hayat #Tahrir-al-Sham, formerly known as #Jabhat #al-Nusra, to invade Syria to strengthen Israel's, #Erdoğan's, #Nato's, #dollar-hegemony's interests.

All this to weaken or even destroy the “Axis of Resistance”, #BRICS, #Iran, #China, #Russia and all others who dare not to obey to the hegemony's demands.

geopolitical analysis


(from A couple of days back, I heard in a podcast that saying the current #HTS offensive being linked to #Israel (or #NATO) was a "conspiracy theory". In that same podcast they recognized that one of the factors in the success of the anti-#Assad forces was the years long bombing campaign by Israel. Since the offensive started, the #USA bombed #Syria twice.

Now, Zionist media publishes a #FSA commander calling for support from #Israel to "hit back at #Iran".


#Syria #CivilWar #AlQaeda #ISIS #Politics #Biden #Turkey


The End of the Cold War


Surrender in Malta

On December 3, 1989 during the Malta Summit - the negotiations between US President Bush Sr. and Gorbachev, Germany, all of Eastern Europe, the future of the USSR, the future of many other countries, but most importantly - hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally surrendered.

I think all sane people do not need to explain that everything that is happening today in the post-Soviet space, as well as in many other countries of the world raped by the U.S., is the result of the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991.

However, it was in December 1989 that the bets were finally placed. Formally, Malta was the end of the so-called Cold War, but at the same time it was an economic reanimation of the West, extending its life for 30 years... Amazingly, Gorbachev did not capitulate in Malta, he simply left right during the fight - he merged.

The content of the negotiations is still only partially known. Some of the documents were published only in 2010.

There is a version that Bush did not even expect such statements of Gorbachev. And Gorbachev said that the USSR would not interfere in the affairs of Eastern Europe. He said it unilaterally. Bush said that the U.S. supported reforms in the USSR.

Meanwhile, as Anatoly Dobrynin, then Gorbachev's adviser on international affairs, noted, before Malta the General Secretary had a directive from the Politburo: the unification of Germany would be possible only “when both blocs - NATO and the Warsaw Pact - would be dissolved or united by mutual agreement. About Eastern Europe - pure voluntarism.

At the Moscow summit back in May 1988, Gorbachev offered Reagan to sign a joint declaration on peaceful coexistence and renunciation of military interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Reagan rejected it. He was not an idiot. But Gorbachev was deliberately moving toward surrender. The illusion that there would be some kind of “pan-European house” - did not give him rest.

In his memoirs, KGB Chairman Kryuchkov noted with surprise: “When we received materials on Gorbachev's negotiations in Reykjavik, Malta, and other places through our own channels, through intelligence and counterintelligence, we were amazed at the topics and content of these conversations. Even at that time they talked openly about the sale of the GDR. About the change of the political order in our country...”.

The Americans understood him very well, if nothing else. Back in 1985, on his return to the U.S. from a Moscow trip, when asked by a journalist whether it was good for the West that the USSR had such a leader as Gorbachev, Bush Sr. (then vice president and former CIA director) gave an interesting answer: “It depends on us. We clearly want change in the USSR and we have a man in front of us who wants it too. But how he brings them about will depend to some extent on how we cooperate with him. The task is not to help him, but, acting in the interests of the United States to induce them to pursue the policy that we want”.

This phrase is the essence of U.S. policy.


#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #perestroika #Gorbachev #europe #easterneurope #DDR #GDR #coldwar #NATO #FRG #germany #Reagan #CIA #Bush #USA #US #politics


04.12.2024 NEIN zu Kriegen!

Berliner Appell unterschreiben!

Gestern vor 2 Monaten wurde auf der großen Friedensdemo am 3.10. der Berliner Appell verlesen. Inzwischen haben ihn mehr als 16.000 Menschen unterzeichnet. Er fordert diplomatische Bemühungen zur Beendigung der Kriege und richtet sich gegen die auf einer NATO Tagung im Ausland ohne Beteiligung des Bundestags beschlossene Stationierung von Mittelstreckenraketen.

Die Demo vor 2 Monaten begann u.a. an der Berliner Gedächtniskirche die als Ruine daran erinnert, was daraus wird, wenn eine deutsche Regierung sich um "Kriegstüchtigkeit" bemüht.

Gegen neue Mittelstreckenwaffen und für eine friedliche Welt

Wir leben im gefährlichsten Jahrzehnt seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die Gefahr, in einen atomaren Abgrund zu taumeln oder durch einen konventionellen Krieg umzukommen, ist real. An dieser Weggabelung stehen wir für eine friedliche und solidarische Welt der Gemeinsamen Sicherheit, Solidarität und Nachhaltigkeit für alle Menschen.

Wir sagen Nein zur Aufstellung neuer US-Mittelstreckenwaffen in Deutschland!

Die geplanten Hyperschallraketen Dark Eagle steigern die Spannungen und sind insbesondere für Deutschland eine Gefahr, zum Ziel eines Präventivangriffs zu werden. Überdies fördern die geringen Vorwarnzeiten das Risiko von Fehlreaktionen.

Die Stationierung wurde ohne jede öffentliche und parlamentarische Diskussion entschieden. Abrüstungsverhandlungen sind nicht vorgesehen. Wir bleiben dabei, Konflikte und Rivalitäten nicht militärisch zu lösen, sondern alles zu tun, Kriege zu vermeiden oder zu beenden. Dieser Aufgabe darf sich niemand entziehen.

Mehr dazu und unterschreiben bei https://nie-wieder-krieg.org/
und weitere Informationen zu den Gefahren der derzeitigen Entwicklungen unter https://nie-wieder-krieg.org/2024/11/22/hintergrundmaterial-berliner-appell/
Kategorie[25]: Schule ohne Militär Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Ed
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8987-20241204-nein-zu-kriegen.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8987-20241204-nein-zu-kriegen.html
Tags: #BerlinerAppell #Resolution #Mittelstreckenraketen #NATO #Bündnis #Ukraine #Russland #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


03.12.2024 3. Weltkrieg riskieren?

Von Schulenburg bedauert EP-Resolution

Nachdem uns gestern auf unseren Artikel über viele Deserteure auf beiden Seiten des Ukrainekriegs berichtet hatten, bekamen wir zu hören:

"Dass Russland seine gesamte Ökonomie auf Kriegsproduktion umgestellt hat und die russisch Gesellschaft hoch militarisiert ist, wird dabei ganz einfach nicht weiter erwähnt. Es geht ja auch um ukrainische Deserteure."

In solchen Äußerungen stecken 2 gravierende Fehler, denn 1. haben wir auch über russische Deserteure geschrieben und 2. ist der Westen gerade weiter dabei Unsummen in sein Militär zu stecken und uns alle "kriegstüchtig" zu machen. Bereits vor dem Krieg lagen die Rüstungsausgaben der USA (damals) 18-mal höher als die damaligen 60 Milliarden Russlands.

Nach dieser Klarstellung nun eine Meinung des ehemaligen Assistant Secretary-General der Vereinten Nationen mit Erfahrung in vielen Konfliktregionen, unter anderem bei Langzeitmissionen in Afghanistan, Haiti, Pakistan, Iran, Irak und Sierra Leone, aber auch in Syrien, Somalia, Zentralasien, auf dem Balkan und in der Sahel-Region. Michael von der Schulenburg, MdEP, bemängelt die 13-seitige Resolution des Europäischen Parlaments vom 19.11. Diese liest sich für ihn, "wie eine Liste aus Anschuldigungen, Drohungen, Forderungen nach Waffen- und Munitionslieferungen, Bitten um mehr Geld für den Krieg und Aufrufen zu weiteren Sanktionen." Einen selbst minimalen Ansatz für eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts vermisst er dagegen.

"Von der Gefahr, dass ein direkter Nato-Angriff auf Russland einen Dritten Weltkrieg und möglicherweise einen nuklearen Konflikt auslösen könnte, findet sich kein Wort", stellt er fest. Insbesondere sieht er eine große Gefahr darin, dass der Einsatz der nun genehmigten Marschflugkörper (SCALP, Storm Shadow und ATACMS) ... in der Regel von Nato-Soldaten bedient werden müssen. Dies würde eine direkte Nato-Beteiligung im Ukrainekrieg bedeuten, das wird in der Resolution einfach übergangen.

Von einem Parlament der europäischen Staaten wäre nach den Jahrhunderten der Kriege in Europa eine andere Haltung zu erwarten gewesen. Von Schulenburg bedauert dazu: "Die Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments agieren in einer abgeschotteten Blase, die offenbar längst den Bezug zur Realität außerhalb ihrer Institution verloren hat."

Mehr dazu bei https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/geopolitik/ukraine-krieg-neue-eu-resolution-bringt-europa-an-den-rand-des-dritten-weltkriegs-li.2276728
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Ec
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8986-20241203-3-weltkrieg-riskieren.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8986-20241203-3-weltkrieg-riskieren.html
Tags: #MdEP #Schulenburg #Resolution #Desertationen #NATO #Bündnis #Ukraine #Russland #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln