

A quotation from Wilde, Oscar

Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish poet, wit, dramatist
The Canterville Ghost, ch. 5 [The Ghost] (1887)

#quote #quotes #quotation #death #eternalrest #grave #restinpeace #rip
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/wilde-oscar/73193/


Corinne Howell... I just got a phone call from Coleford police station to say that my dear friend
Corrine has passed away... As many of you here will know she was a most wonderful person,
kind and gentle, wise and giving, with a wicked sense of humour... I can't express the sense
of loss I feel, she was a soulmate, a true friend... Last time I spoke to her was on Tuesday,
we made each other laugh as usual. and went well over our allotted hour, we always did...
A true star has left the stage, her suffering is over, gone to see Dave, bless...



Gestern versammelten sich auf #Chios Freiwillige und Unterstützer*innen am Hafen, um Huda das letzte Geleit bei der Überführung nach #Somalia zu geben.

🫒 R.I.P. Huda

#BordersKill #FortressEurope tötet!
via @RuhiLoren


#AsylumSeeker #pushback #RestInPeace #EndPushBacks #Greece


Farewell to a stalwart of journalism and civility, Mark Shields
Sad news of a loss in the world of broadcast journalism. A mainstay and "national treasure", known to many of us as a voice of integrity and principle, with respect for both facts and context. Great chemistry on PBS (McNeil/Lehrer) NewsHour, over many years.
(Shields & Gigot, Shields & Brooks, etc.).

Honoring Mark Shields and his decades of political analysis

#RestInPeace #MarkShields #journalist #PBSNewsHour #obit




🔖twitter@avalanche^ 20 years ago, our lives were changed forever. Today, we honor and remember those who lost their lives and those who jumped into action #NeverForget

#Hockey #NHL #ColoradoAvalanche #USA #NewYork #Теракт #RIP #ВечнаяПамять

Reposted (Сборная США По Хоккею™):

🇺🇸 🕯 🙏🏻 ✊🏻 - 11 сентября 2001 года: трагедия, которую мир никогда не забудет!

Сегодня в США и далеко за их пределами - вспоминают ужасную трагедию, произошедшую ровно 20 лет назад, 11 сентября 2001 года.

Давайте и мы отдадим дань памяти всем погибшим во время ужасающих террористических актов, а также героям, которые сделали всё возможное для того, чтобы смертей в тот день было как можно меньше.

🔖 Теги: #USAHockey #USA #США #NeverForget #NewYork #НьюЙорк #ВечнаяПамять #RestInPeace #Американцы Bruce Springsteen Lonesome Day 4:06

#neverforget #hockey #nhl #coloradoavalanche #usa #newyork #теракт #rip #вечнаяпамять #usahockey #сша #ньюйорк #restinpeace #американцы #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche