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Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, USA 1991.
Unexpurgated version with sanskrit texts and new introduction.

Original #Sanskrit texts, a bibliography, and illustrations are included in the #book, which is the most scholarly, detailed, and concise account of the #aims, #methods, #results, and various forms of #Yoga yet published in this country.
ENQUIRY, Mark Holloway.



videos detailing the evolution of my understanding of #Global #Geoengineering for all who want to take the journey, but here are the essential videos required for a thorough understanding of geoengineering components and evidence.
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Although I try to incorporate as much explanation as possible, I don't have time, energy, or reason to explain every aspect of geoengineering in every single video - and doing so would defeat the purpose.
The purpose of these videos is for people to learn what they are looking at, so if you want to understand - you'll have to do the homework.

#Nexrad Geoengineering: Analytika #Chemtrail #Lab #Results
