

Abreibungsrecht in Europa

Abtreibungsrecht in Europa - Wie sich die Debatte um Schwangerschaftsabbrüche entwickelt hat

Wie Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in den verschiedenen europäischen Ländern geregelt sind, ist häufig historisch gewachsen.#SCHWANGERSCHAFT #Schwangerschaftsabbruch #SUPREMECOURT #RoevsWade
Abreibungsrecht in Europa


Anti-Wars: le réveil de la Force obscure | parti pirate vaudois


Le #PartiPirate Vaudois se prononce contre les #paniquesmorales (telles que celles décriant les #woke ou le #wokisme, ou la #théoriedugenre, par exemple, autant d'épouvantails inventés pour cacher son refus des progrès sociaux) qui débouchent de plus en plus souvent sur la régression de droits fondamentaux, notamment des femmes, cis et trans, et de tous les #LGTBQI+, et invite à prendre ces backlash conservateurs et réactionnaires très au sérieux, notamment quand ils sont portés par des gens se disant progressistes et féministes. #RoeVsWade #avortementlesfemmesdécident #droitsdesfemmes #transphobie

Tags: #dandelíon

via dandelion* client (Source)


My opinion is that ALL USA wimmin should withhold sexual-intercourse from all men until such time as the Law is altered back! Follow the example of other wimminfolk! This could also be used as an opportunity to familiarise menfolk with foreplay! #SexStrike

#RoeVsWade US #SupremeCourt fiasco



Scarfolk Council auf Twitter: „This book is about a woman who tries to explain simple modern concepts, such as hygiene, to backward villagers. She's killed by a devout lynch mob whose grasp of such things extends to believing the demonic spirits of pigs can destroy crops by hiding in your nose #RoeVsWade https://t.co/UKBf1VSkE9“ / Twitter

Be aware. Scarfolk Council is satire itself but spot on



“Dems open the door to fascism/
theocracy and enable its rise every step of the way. They're definitely not even close to being antifascist. They are owned by the same billionaires, multimillionaires, and corporationsas Republicans.

Both parties serve the same super-rich capitalists.Things have consistently gotten worse throughout my entire lifetime. This is what "vote blue no matter who" has gotten us. We knew this was going to happen. The fascists/theocrats have been quite clear about their plans. Not a shock.

Dems are weak, corrupt, spineless, and pathetic. They don't give aF about any of us. They serve their billionaire/corporate donors, and only those donors.”

#RoeVWade #RoeVsWade
#Abortion #AbortionRights #anticapitalist
#NoWarButClassWar #prochoice #abortion "#prolife" is a LIE.
#bodilyautonomy #consent #ReproductiveJustice


What I don't get about the #US is that you have elections for posts like police commissioners (we don't in the UK) but at the top of it all you have an unelected and therefore unaccountable cabal of only nine individuals who never have to report to any authority and are there until they die. I thought that only happened in totalitarian states like the Soviet Union or China.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #RoeVsWade


Legitimacy of Supreme Court Has Been Completely Destroyed...

** In my opinion:
Behind the authoritarian mindset of Justice Alito, there is unadulterated rage. This is not justice, it is revenge and punishment. His "opinion" is the weaponization of the letter of the law to kill the spirit of the constitution. The supreme court has lost all credibility as a result and become a tool of the authoritarian mindset to impose its will on society, regardless of the cost. Abortion is not about protecting life, it is about protecting white power and privilege while imposing a new American theocratic Taliban. **


#politics #supremecourt #roevswade #rage #trauma #alito #violenceagainstwoment #reproductiverights