“Dems open the door to fascism/
theocracy and enable its rise every step of the way. They're definitely not even close to being antifascist. They are owned by the same billionaires, multimillionaires, and corporationsas Republicans.
Both parties serve the same super-rich capitalists.Things have consistently gotten worse throughout my entire lifetime. This is what "vote blue no matter who" has gotten us. We knew this was going to happen. The fascists/theocrats have been quite clear about their plans. Not a shock.
Dems are weak, corrupt, spineless, and pathetic. They don't give aF about any of us. They serve their billionaire/corporate donors, and only those donors.”
#RoeVWade #RoeVsWade
#Abortion #AbortionRights #anticapitalist
#NoWarButClassWar #prochoice #abortion "#prolife" is a LIE.
#bodilyautonomy #consent #ReproductiveJustice