

Leonard Leo's outsized role in shaping the Supreme Court and overturning Roe

Most Americans support abortion rights, but a dedicated minority of conservative activists has been working for decades to dismantle Roe v. Wade, and one man in particular has played an outsized role in that effort: Leonard Leo.

Leo leads the conservative legal organization the Federalist Society, through which he has spent the majority of his adult life getting conservatives appointed to the most powerful courts in this country, including the Supreme Court.

"No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society's Leonard Leo," conservative writer and lawyer Ed Whelan wrote in the National Review. ...


#LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #RoeVWade #DobbsVJackson #Courts #Law #Textualism #Originalism #Conservativism #Fascism


The 10th Amendment is an integral part of United States Constitutional law. There is no "right to abortion" in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights & as such, under the 10th Amendment, laws governing abortion are reserved to the states, or to the people.

#ruleoflaw #supremecourt #abortion #roevwade #usconstitution #usa #10thamendment #billofrights #10a #law #justice #civilization #thewest #westerncivilization #godgivenrights #theenlightenment #rightsofman #righttolife #righttoselfdefense #humanrights #shallnotbeinfringed #ussupremecourt #naturalrights


“Dems open the door to fascism/
theocracy and enable its rise every step of the way. They're definitely not even close to being antifascist. They are owned by the same billionaires, multimillionaires, and corporationsas Republicans.

Both parties serve the same super-rich capitalists.Things have consistently gotten worse throughout my entire lifetime. This is what "vote blue no matter who" has gotten us. We knew this was going to happen. The fascists/theocrats have been quite clear about their plans. Not a shock.

Dems are weak, corrupt, spineless, and pathetic. They don't give aF about any of us. They serve their billionaire/corporate donors, and only those donors.”

#RoeVWade #RoeVsWade
#Abortion #AbortionRights #anticapitalist
#NoWarButClassWar #prochoice #abortion "#prolife" is a LIE.
#bodilyautonomy #consent #ReproductiveJustice


Howard Zinn on the illiberal tradition of the US Supreme Court (2005)

"Don’t Despair about the Supreme Court"

... It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice. ...


... which isn't to say, of course, that the tendency shouldn't be fought tooth and nail.

Zinn is best known as author of A People's History of the United States,

#HowardZinn #SCOTUS #USSupremeCourt #DobbsVJackson #Roe #RoeVWade #Rights #Power


Here's where abortions are now banned or strictly limited, and where they may be soon

Abortion is now illegal or heavily restricted in at least 11 states following the Supreme Court's historic decision Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade. Twelve other states have laws in place that pave the way to quickly ban or severely restrict access to them, according to research from the Guttmacher Institute, a group that favors abortion rights. Several additional states appear likely to pass new laws.


Before Dobbs, state laws banning or severely restricting abortion access fell into three broad categories: 1) "trigger bans," which ban abortion under most circumstances and go into effect with the fall of Roe; 2) pre-Roe bans, which are old laws still on the books that could now be enforced; and 3) more recently passed laws that limit abortion to an early gestational age or ban it nearly totally. Some states had passed laws in more than one of these categories.

Thirteen states had trigger bans, laws that were written to take effect either immediately, by state official certification or after a 30-day waiting period, if Roe is overturned. Once they go into effect, these laws supersede other laws the state may have on the books, such as bans after a set number of weeks of pregnancy, said Elizabeth Nash, a state policy analyst with the Guttmacher Institute. ...

Ban in effect: AL AR KY LA MO OH OK SD TX WI WV

Trigger ban: ID MS ND TN UT WY

Pre-Roe ban: AZ MI

6-week ban: GA IA SC


#DobbsVJackson #RoeVWade #Abortion #BirthControl #SCOTUS #USPol


Banning Abortions is Unbiblical

In case I still have US-based Christian followers/contacts here… Via ProgressiveChristianity.org at Facebook:

“And to put a finer point on it, fetuses were seen as property—not human beings—until they were born (Exodus 21:22-25). Since life was so precarious in the ancient world, many cultures waited until the naming ceremony (referenced in Luke 2) or even until an infant had survived its first year of life before they considered it to be fully alive. Simply put, the Bible defines life as starting later than we typically view it today, not earlier.”

Via Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines.

Nevermind forcing women to risk ectopic pregnancies, forcing rape victims including underage girls to risk bringing pregnancy to term (including risking the girls' very lives), potentially banning in-vitro fertilization, banning birth-control pills, for all US citizens regardless of religious creed or personal beliefs, and so on and so forth.

#USPol #USPoli #USPolitics #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #AbortionRights #Christianity #Progressive / #fz_currentEvents


If you outlaw #Guns, you won't see all gun owners turning them in. Likewise, if you outlaw #Abortion, you won't see all fetuses being carried to term. You'll see a lot more pregnant women "accidentally" falling down stairs. Not to mention unwanted and unloved children. #RoeVWade


Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court on Friday overruled Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years in a decision that will transform American life, reshape the nation’s politics and lead to all but total bans on the procedure in about half of the states.

The ruling will test the legitimacy of the court and vindicate a decades-long Republican project of installing conservative justices prepared to reject the precedent, which had been repeatedly reaffirmed by earlier courts. It will also be one of the signal legacies of President Donald J. Trump, who vowed to name justices who would overrule Roe. All three of his appointees were in the majority in the 6-to-3 ruling.


#USPol #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #Abortion