

So I have this Themometer/hygrometer sensor, it emits regularly around 433.9 MHz. (Bresser 5 ch)
I already had an older one like this from another brand, I had no problem reading it with rtl_433.
This new Bresser one is a pain in the ass. There is an older 3 channels version that is already in rtl_433 presets for decoding, but all I get is detection some times only, and when there is detection I get a dat packet with timestamp, SNR infos and such, and no data at all about temperature nor hygrometry.
I didn't found anything on this particular sensor online, I guess they subtly changed the protocol and I have to find the right settings, but I'm surprised rtl_433 does not succeed.
I use a sdr USB dongle for detection, I can see clearly the pulses when the sensor emits, I guess I should start deciphering the modulation from there.

Any thought on this ?

#sensor #temperature #rtl_433 #hack #domoticz #electronics #computing #radio #rf #remote #question