

I Am An Individualist

I am an #individualist.

Society is a figment devised by the #individual.

#Society is an abstraction.

The individual is a #unity.

I write in relation to the #anarchist. The #dogmatic, the #conventional, the #sectarian, etc., are not, nor can they be, #individualities, even if they would daub their “poses” in more or less deep shades of red.

#Individualism does not mean isolation. When an individualist isolates themselves from certain #groups at certain moments — groups which they could freely join — it is because the individuals who make up those groups do not satisfy their aspirations.

#Anarchy and individualism are synonyms of one another.

Society today prevents us from living in #harmony with our own #satisfactions.

That is why we are its enemies.

The men of the #future could see something useful in society. But they could never see in society an obstacle to their satisfactions, for they will understand that society cannot have a value that surpasses that of the individuals who give it existence.

- Aurora, L’En dehors 4 no. 51 (15 janvier 1925) : 1; reprinted L’en dehors 18 no. 329 (Avril 1939): 47. Working Translation by Shawn P. Wilbur
