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#Elder’s #Meditation of the Day April 3

β€œWe know that in all creation, only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way.”

– #OJIBWA #Prayer

#How have we gotten so far off track?

What has happened to us?

What is happening to our family?

How did it happen so quickly?

Every individual needs to answer these questions for themselves.

What do we need to do to start living the #Sacred #Way again?

#Pray! Today I will start praying. I pray the Creator will lead all Native People to a #great #healing. I pray we’ll be free from alcohol and drugs. I pray we will return to the culture, to spirituality and to #unity.

My Mother, help us to heal ourselves. Make us strong again.

Copied with the permission of Don L. Coyhis, from the book Meditations with #NativeAmerican Elders: The Four Seasons


Please consider and act with kindness as much as possible


Man holding a sign that reads:
It is a misconception that the ultimate power belongs to the government because the greatest power has always and will always belong to the people. The 1% knows this, which is why they divide us, so we can hate and fear each other, thereby disempowering the greatest power there is, which is the power of the people. It is critical that we stop fighting each other and begin fighting for each other because that is what it means to be human and that is what makes us whole.

#unity #together #whole #human #power


Origins of Remote Viewing

Don't let the military element put you off from watching this amazing documentary about the possibilities of Human Consciousness.
Luckily they managed to interview Jim Cannon before his demise. Cosmic Stuff !
#UnifiedConsciousness #Consciousness #Transformation #Permaculture #RemoteViewing #Dracos #Nagas #Optimism #PsychicAbitities #PsychicSpies #SecretProgram #Stargate #Unity #Spirituality #Connection #Paranormal #