

MIRLO 🐦 une alternative à Bandcamp libre et collective 🎶

Mirlo: a free and collective alternative to Bandcamp


Mirlo logo

🇫🇷 Un magasin de musique en ligne libre et collectif fait son apparition ! ✊🎶 Leur objectif: proposer un outil simple, efficace et adapté aux artistes qui veulent vendre leur musique en ligne. Le site fonctionne déjà et les futures mises à jour risquent de vous plaire: 🤝 fédération, 👕 vente de merch et CD, 💸 rémunération récurrente ou ponctuelle, 👔 gestion d'artistes et labels... le tout porté par des valeurs anticapitaliste et anarchistes ! Ses 3 fondateurs, vétérans dans ce domaine (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) sont actuellement à la recherche de financements *pour l'année 2024... *Donnez-leur un coup de main !
⏩ Partagez ce post, faites un tour sur leur site et sur leur kickstarter, et voyez par vous-même ;)

🇺🇸 An opensource and collective music storefront appears ! ✊🎶 Their objective: build a simple efficient and adapted tool for the artists selling their music online. The website is already up and running but future updates might interest you even more: 🤝 federation, 👕 disc & merch store, 💸 recurring patronage or one-off payments, 👔 artists and label management... all brought together by anticapitalistic and anarchistic values ! Its 3 veteran founders (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) are currently seeking infrastructure funding for the rest of 2024... Help them out !
⏩ Share this post, have a look around on their website and kickstarter page, and see for yourself ;)

#mirlo #bandcamp #layoff #layoffs #musician #musicien #collective #collectif #music #musique #musica #distribution #distributionplatform #corporate #startup #jeunepousse #bigtech #share #support #kickstarter #crowdfunding #crowdfunder #financementparticipatif #opensource #libre #anarchist #anarchiste #anarchy #anarchie #anticapitaliste #anticapitalisme #anticapitalist #queer #lgbt #lgbtqia+ #lgbtqiap+ #lgbtqiap #lgbtq #lgbtqia #community #communauté #network #label #e2c #exit2community #exittocommunity #solidarity #solidarité #economy #economie #économie #ampled #new-york #newyork #funding #label #musiclabel #productivity #partage #entraide #social #internet #online #travail #work #cooperation #collaboration #ethique #ethics #culture #storefront #magasin #federated #fédéré #federation #2024 #patronage #mécénat #remuneration #funmusicplace


Liebe Freund*innen und Nutzer*innen des Alhambra,
Für notwendige Baumaßnahmen benötigt das Aktions- und Kommunikationszentrum 50 000 €.
Diese Maßnahmen sind erforderlich, damit weiterhin Discos, Konzerte und Indoorfestivals, sowie kulturelle und politische Veranstaltungen in selbstverwalteten Räumen stattfinden können. Deshalb rufen wir Gäste, Ehemalige, Freund*innen und die Nutzer*innen des Alhambras zu Spenden auf, um es als Veranstaltungsort zu erhalten.
Um ein unkommerzieller, selbstverwalteter, barrierearmer Ort für diverse politische und kulturelle Zusammenhänge, Konzerte und Partys, Sport- und Tanzprogramme, Cafés und Kneipen bleiben zu können, ist eine gemeinsame finanzielle Anstrengung unerlässlich!
Mit den Einnahmen aus Getränkeverkäufen auf Veranstaltungen und regelmäßigen Spenden finanzieren wir den Unterhalt des Hauses. Neben Strom und Wärmekosten auch weitere Gebühren und Kosten, die für ein Gebäude anfallen: Grundsteuer, Müll, Wartungen und auch Reparaturen. Das alles wird freiwillig und unentgeltlich von vielen Menschen organisiert.
Wie viele von uns merken, sind die Kosten in beinahe allen Bereichen des Lebens gestiegen. Dies gilt auch für das Alhambra. Nach Prüfung unserer Fixkosten und einer moderaten Anpassung der Getränkepreise wollen wir die Preise trotzdem weiterhin so niedrig wie möglich für alle halten.
Während der Corona-Zeit hatten wir nur wenige Einnahmen. Dennoch haben wir die Zeit für Reparaturen genutzt, soweit uns dies möglich war. Dabei sind einige Baustellen aufgetaucht, die wir dringend angehen müssen. Denn wir wollen weiterhin für diverse Menschen und Gruppen Räumlichkeiten anbieten. Es reicht leider nicht aus, die Getränkeeinnahmen zu erhöhen und andere Ausgaben zu senken. Daher freuen wir uns über jede Spende!
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!
#DIY #Oldenburg #anarchy #alhambra #selbstverwaltet #politics #az #punk #diversity #queer


Bildet Banden – YunoHost for a self-determined digital life

Your own federated sever for your squat, rocker gang, syndicate. Runs on a raspi or an old computer or on a dedicated server that you can rent cheaply. Easy to install and you can install all the wonderful federated services with just one click. Peertube, Element, mastodon, diaspora*, nextcloud, invidious and many more. Free yourself and your friends.


#anarchy #anon #banden #federated #FOSS #oss #rocker #SelfEmpowerment #selfdefence #selfhosting #squat #Yunohost


###Anarchists sabotage Northvolt's planned battery plant

"In a free and democratic society, people have the right to express themselves," he said in Montreal, adding that "if people have objections to make, there are other ways to do it."

Like call your representative, don't do things that might actually make a difference.

Tags: #dandelíon #news #Canada #anarchy #sabotage #EV

via dandelion* client (Source)


if you didnt #read the book, here it is showing up as a #tldr in :

Playing: https://odysee.com/@UNCENSORED:c/uncensored-plandemic_3:2

(albeit, in tragic irony, in some isolated parts, this has some orwellianised language-of-the-oppressor flies-in-the-ointment there, but [edit: as the clip of a young edwrd g griffin points out at around 43:36 to 44:19 clinching it, before expanding with other contextual clarifications] there's wisdom in being aware of the tip-toeing #totalitarianism hiding in #communism and #socialism garb. and #capitalism too. #freedomfirst #limitedgovernment #democracy #ruleoflaw #judiciary #humanrights #tyranyofmajority #jury #inalienablerights #constitutional #individualrights #bodilyautonomy #anarchy #noruler ... anyway, i wont ramble on about the #psychology and #politics. suffice to say, #awareness is a great tool in protecting yourself from #indoctrination #scams. cant #comply your way out, have to #speak out. or it keeps getting worse. wakey wakey. from here now. #speakout )


New series: Things you should know. Liberalism.
Liberalism is a right-wing, bourgeois worldview similar to conservatism and fascism. Left-wing anti-bourgeois and progressive movements are anarchism and communism. These movements are by definition incompatible with each other. So fight the real enemy!


#anarchy #antibourgeoi #progressive #stopliberalism


enter image description here
#2022 #MUSIC

The new #album from #anarcho-punk favourites #OmegaTribe is something of a musical departure from the band’s 80s past. While they still sing about freedom, peace and unity this is more of a kick back and chill out album for aging anarchos. Reviewed by Nathan Brown.

Definitely one of the more #melodic of the bands associated with #Crass and the “anarcho-punk” scene, #Omega #Tribe have to a degree regenerated themselves but still attract a lot of interest based on their 1980s past. In that 80s scene, #punk was largely responsible for connecting a lot of young #people with the peace movement and giving it more energy. The CND sign was side by side with the circled A on most punk’s jackets and many a record sleeve. We didn’t just want #anarchy, we wanted #peace too…and equality! In terms of keeping that message alive, title track New Peace Movement is an exemplar.

“This is the beginning of a new peace movement
Right here, right #now

Peace built on respect and mutual trust
Should be good enough for us
The dawning of the day has come
No need to worry we’ll get this done

The colour of my skin
Is just the colour of my skin
I recognise that we must learn
I reject pseudo-science, it’s #one #humanity

People have been gay since time began
This love is a pure and natural thing
Help each other find comfort and love
And have a good fucking time, because you’re worth it!

There are so many flags to wave
None of them are worth dying for
But I will stand for a just cause
For peace, humanity and our earth”

Lyrically this stands alongside the classic Angry Songs EP and No Love Lost LP. This album is not all socio-political stuff, though. Many of the songs are more about personal relationships, trauma and angst, and the music reflects this.

It doesn’t feel right to label this release as punk – it is musically much more diverse than that label. Not that something has to be punk for you to like it (First rule of punk, don’t let people tell you what you’re allowed to like. Second rule of punk, there are no rules). I’d suggest 4 of the 12 tracks fit the “punk” label. The title track. The angry enunciated kick back against racism in Ain’t Gonna Let ‘Em (after a deceptive Britpoppy start). Then there is the anti-religious message of Shit (“Don’t Lay Your Shit On Me, Don’t Try and force me to believe Cos I will not see you in heaven”) which is a straight up 77 punk song in the tradition of Chelsea or Menace. Lies is in a similar vein, leaning a little more towards Buzzcocks to my ears.