

Lovers Nub
Having is a contention, to my perceptions, to symbol the in the moon, one love, two having one moon, sharing the reciprocal symbolic of the flesh, sensual the time in place of one moon. Love was late too the recording of cinema, making the actors await in costume, played the evening previous for remittance, they chaired the morning in applause, just as the crowd arrived, you saved my intentions. Security held your ticket until they remembered you. I was held to the hour, they made me a coffee, to enjoy, the coffee tasted of disappointment, the seconded encore was dessert, had me in costume. Traveller time was intercepting the meal you wrote out loud, they couldn’t find you, but i listened, two moons they had more then their share, my love. Insist at a loss, the velvet drawn commuters own the rounding moon, the moon i have in rearrange, the costume you heard was lately, deflected to the morning you stood, where we should be helping, to the second we lost the time for drifting to the moon. Adam Blewett©

#sketching #writing #sketches #art #sensual