

Z-Library: New Problems

My private URL for Z-Library no longer works. These were an innovation Z-Library started a year or two ago. You sent an email message to them, and they sent you back custom URLs just for you.

However, I found http://zlib24th6ptyb4ibzn3tj2cndqafs6rhm4ed4gruxztaaco35lka.b32.i2p/ This works just fine, and will be harder to block, but I2P doesn't make connections as easily as the Clearnet, and not even as easily as Onionland. Also, a lot of you don't run I2P.

For now, https://singlelogin.re/ is also working.

#zlibrary #z-library #books #copyright #site-blocking #open-culture #library #libraries #free-access #ebooks #downloads #ebook-downloads #book-downloads


DDoSers are using a potent new method to deliver attacks of unthinkable size

Basically, "middleboxes" used for censorship are being used for DDoSing.


These servers—known as middleboxes—are deployed by nation-states such as China to censor restricted content and by large organizations to block sites pushing porn, gambling, and pirated downloads. The servers fail to follow transmission control protocol specifications that require a three-way handshake—comprising an SYN packet sent by the client, an SYN+ACK response from the server, followed by a confirmation ACK packet from the client—before a connection is established.

#internet #ddos #middlebox #censorship #site-blocking #tcp #networks #sites #websites