

The GPL Summarized

by me from a recent comment of mine.

OK. If you insist on copyright, I’ll use my legal privileges granted by copyright law to prevent the use of almost all of those privileges by me or anyone else. I’ll only insist that my work must be attributed to me, and that my work, even if mixed in with the work of others, must always be distributed under exactly the same terms that I distributed it.

Two of the privileges included in "almost all" are the exclusive privilege of creating and distributing verbatim copies of my work, and the exclusive privilege of creating and distributing derivative works derived from my work. Of course, "my work," if that work is software compiled from source code, refers primarily to the source code, but also to the compiled object code.

#copyright #gpl #free-software #open-culture #proprietary-software #freedom #liberty #unfree-software


Z-Library: New Problems

My private URL for Z-Library no longer works. These were an innovation Z-Library started a year or two ago. You sent an email message to them, and they sent you back custom URLs just for you.

However, I found http://zlib24th6ptyb4ibzn3tj2cndqafs6rhm4ed4gruxztaaco35lka.b32.i2p/ This works just fine, and will be harder to block, but I2P doesn't make connections as easily as the Clearnet, and not even as easily as Onionland. Also, a lot of you don't run I2P.

For now, https://singlelogin.re/ is also working.

#zlibrary #z-library #books #copyright #site-blocking #open-culture #library #libraries #free-access #ebooks #downloads #ebook-downloads #book-downloads


France is the open culture open source country at the moment. Thank you!

Germany used to be like that. But it failed because of section 293.B § 7.12, which says that no one is allowed to lean out of the window.

Especially things like https://framasoft.org and https://yunohost.org are wonderfully radical underground stuff. But also absolutely professional and relevant. (You should definitely donate something to them!).

But also in the university environment (and I really expected more in Germany) it is an important component. My respect!

#framasoft #france #open-culture #open-source #yunohost

Originally posted at: https://word.undead-network.de/2022/08/19/france-is-the-open-culture-open-source-country-at-the-moment-thank-you/