♲ BroadforkForVictory - 2024-01-29 16:57:31 GMT
I’ve added a worm box to the plot.It’s been interesting to see the depth of good soil before the clay layer starts too. Being no dig I only get to see the top soil depth when I do a project like this. This area has probably been undisturbed for nearly a decade. I wish I’d measured the top soil depth before I started down the no dig route.
I’ll add a lid and then worms and feed them some food scraps regularly. The worms should be safe from predation and be able to escape into the soil away from any extremes of heat and cold.
I’ll add a layer of sand or grit at the bottom to improve the water infiltration as the worm box it is now sitting directly on the clay layer.
The worms may just leave for somewhere better but I’m hoping they’ll stay and provide lots of worm poo for the plot.
#Allotment #Gardening #NoDig #SoilHealth #Soil #Vermicast #WormCompost #Worms
♲ BroadforkForVictory - 2024-01-29 17:10:19 GMT
I amalgamated the communal compost into the one pile and added some soil and some old jute bag material that had decomposed in another compost pile. That should add some more microbial life to the pile.#Allotment #Compost #SoilHealth #Gardening #NoDig #Compostodon
We are thrilled to announce the release of new soil educational posters in #French
📚! ➡ ➡ ➡ https://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/global-soil-doctors-programme/educational-material/educational-posters/en/